The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 903: Tu Mojian


A flying boat is flying at the moment.

"Grandpa, why do we change this route this time? It seems that we have to take a lot of detours on this route, and it takes a lot of hours."

A girl who was about sixteen or seventeen years old in green clothes asked an old man next to her.

"Hahaha, Xiaowen, that’s what you don’t know, this route is the latest route I discovered. Although the previous route seems to be less time-consuming and less risky. But we have to encounter many powerful forces on the way. Mottled. Our caravan has a hard time running, and there is not much money left. But this route, although the route is relatively remote, but it can perfectly bypass the areas of these forces. In this way, although we are It took a lot of time and took some risks, but if we succeed, we can get a few percent more profit."

An old man who looked seventy or eighty years old smiled.

"Is it?"

The girl next to her heard the words, her eyes brightened. She naturally knows that their small chamber of commerce is in this world where the strong are respected, and their small chambers of commerce have to go to other small worlds to do business, and they all need to pay a lot of protection fees. The protection fee is also nice, this protection fee is equivalent to tolls. Otherwise, even if you were actually robbed by a band of robbers in their territory, even if you paid the so-called protection fee, others would not take care of it.

Although some small chambers of commerce are complaining, but there is no way. They are just small chambers of commerce and do not have the capital to cooperate with these forces. It can only be a reluctant survivor who reluctantly accepts the exploitation of these forces.

"Grandpa, it seems that I haven't encountered protection fees. If we can arrive on time, then we will be able to collect more."

The girl in green said with a smile.


The old man nodded.

Even so, the old man didn't relax at all in his heart. He naturally knows that the risks are actually great when taking an unfamiliar route.

Although the routes taken in the past have to be exploited a lot, those routes are mature and have been taken by countless predecessors. There are fewer risks.

But for some unfamiliar routes, all kinds of dangers will be encountered. Such as space storm. In some unfamiliar places, a space storm may appear at some point, swallowing your flying boat. At that time, there were no tears. Of course, the biggest danger is Star Trek.

There is an infinitely vast space in the star field. Even if there is a star chart, it is easy to get lost. Can only rely on the old helmsman to sail on his own experience. But once lost, there was no rescue. What awaits them is death. This is by no means alarmist, but an ironclad fact.

There are countless caravans disappearing every year.

Therefore, this time, the old man who took the risk is also under tremendous pressure.

"Grandpa, look, what's that up front?"

The green-clothed girl pointed to a black spot in front of her and said in surprise.


When the old man saw the black spot, his expression suddenly changed. He didn't expect that he would meet the flying boat here. It will be miserable if you encounter the demons.

Now the demons are fighting with the human races everywhere, and when they encounter the human race, the first thing the demons do is destruction, and they won't even tell you the truth. During this period of war between the demons and the human race. The demons did not know how many human forces had been killed. The human merchant group that died in the opponent's hands was no more than 100,000 but 80,000. Countless.

"Grandpa, let's run away."

The green-clothed girl held her grandfather's arm tightly a little nervously.

"No, doing this will irritate the other party."

The old man shook his head seriously.

As the head of the business group for so many years, the old man naturally knows what he should do. If it is true, as his granddaughter said, if you run away. If they are really unreasonable enemies, they will directly attack them. Although their business group has defensive weapons, they will definitely not be opponents of these forces.

"It doesn't seem to be a demon."

The old man watched the flying boat approaching gradually, and after seeing the signs on the flying boat, he suddenly sighed in relief. He is still very familiar with the symbols of the Demon Race. It doesn't look like a sign of the demons.

In this way, at least there is not much danger. Life can be saved at least.

"The flying boat ahead stopped."

A low voice sounded.

The look of the old man and the green girl was a little worried. The hearts of the two of them are still a bit distressed, after all, they will encounter other forces here.

Moreover, the aura exuded by the opponent is very powerful, and the old man also has the cultivation base of the early days of the Divine Tribulation Realm. Naturally, it can be felt that the opponent's strength far exceeds his own. And the old man, but the most powerful warrior in this business group. Naturally, there is no power to resist each other.

This flying boat was led by the heavy building sent by Liu Ce.

At this moment, before the heavy building suspends the flying boat, his body carries a vast aura.

"My lord, this is a little meaning, and I have never respected it."

The old man acquaintedly took out a black crystal card and handed it to Chonglou.

There are a million top-grade spars in this crystal card. Even the old man is very painful. This one million spar already occupied the general profit of his business group this time.

Chonglou's mouth twitched. Secretly asked: "Do I really look like a robber?"

"Take it back?"

Reversed the expressionless road on the floor.


The old man's heart was shocked. The look is a bit ugly. Secretly thought: It seems that the other party is too little.

"My lord, is this all right?"

The old man took out three more crystal cards. Weeping face. The hand holding Jingka trembled a little. Because this is almost the possession of his whole body. Taking an unfamiliar route this time is doomed to lose everything. The old man's heart at the moment is already extremely regretful. Why should I try this new route this time? Although the previous route was exploited, he could barely sip soup and survive. It's like this time it's laborious and not pleased, but it's nothing.

"take it back."

Three lines on the forehead of the heavy building.

"My lord, this is the only thing in our business group."

The old man smiled bitterly.

"I don't want your money. I just need you to go back with us."

Chonglou said lightly.

"Is it even more ruthless when you encounter it, do you even have to swallow bones?"

Hearing this, the old man not only didn't feel fortunate, but was even more desperate.

At this moment, when Chonglou heard the old man's voice, he was probably vomiting blood.

Skeleton Star

At this moment, Liu Ce was standing on a high mountain, looking into the distance.

At this moment, he was thinking about the next path the big man would take. Although he has a direction in his mind, he still needs to perfect some details and he needs to be cautious. It is no longer in the Huawu Continent. After entering the Star Territory, the enemies that Dahan encounters will be stronger.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the artifact fragments have been successfully fused. The Sacred Demon Sword has been placed in the host's system space, please check the host."

The system prompt sounds.

Liu Ce was overjoyed, and at the same time, he was also looking forward to how powerful the Tumo Sword would be this time. After all, this Slaughter Demon Sword is composed of ten artifact fragments.

Liu Ce immediately entered the system space to check.

This is a silver-white long sword about three feet long, with countless mysterious lines on the sword. Although Liu Ce hasn't used this sword yet, he fell in love with it when he saw it.

Liu Ce immediately checked the attributes of this sword.

Weapon: Tumo Sword

Level: Inferior artifact

Growth value: 30%

Ability: A 300% bonus effect can be exerted on the demons.

Explanation: This is an extremely special artifact, the host please use it wisely.

With so many bonuses to the Demon Race, it really deserves to be the Demon Slayer Sword. Liu Ce secretly thought.

Well, I was worrying about how to deal with the Demon Race, but I didn't expect it to come to Tu Demon Sword. Liu Ce was very satisfied. In the future, people from the above demons can teach each other how to behave with this Slaughter Demon Sword alone.

"System, what does this growth value mean?"

This is the first time Liu Ce has seen this growth value.

"This growth value represents the room for improvement of the artifact."

The system explained.

"Oh, that is to say, this Slaughter Demon Sword can still evolve?"

Liu Ce asked the system.

"It can be understood that way."

The system said to Liu Ce.

"okay then."

Liu Ce was very satisfied. Now this kind of bonus to the demons has 300 lethality, I don't know what it will be like after evolution. Liu Ce was looking forward to it.

Liu Ce held the Tumo Sword in his hand, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. Can't help but let out a long roar, a sword swung out.

The sharp sword light shot out.


In an instant, the valley in front of Liu Ce was split in half by his Slaughter Demon Sword. The hillsides across the valley exploded inch by inch. Countless stones fell from the valley.

A huge, new valley appeared in front of Liu Ce. This small valley is at least about a few hundred meters long and tens of meters wide.

Although Liu Ce had been mentally prepared for a long time, he did not expect that this might be so great.

"good, very good."

Liu Ce looked at the Demon Tu sword in his hand, and he couldn't put it down.

Liu Ce tried a few more swords before returning to the cottage.

Just when Liu Ce just returned to the cottage.

"Your Majesty, the man has brought it back."

The heavy building walked in from outside.

"Oh, bring someone right away."

Liu Ce confronted the heavy corridor.


Then Zhonglou waved his hand. A few big soldiers brought a group of people up.

"Little old man Lu Feng, I have seen the son."

The old man looked nervous.

A 16 or 17-year-old girl nearby also looked at Liu Ce a little nervously.


Liu Ce discovered that the old man also had the cultivation base of the Divine Tribulation Realm, so he was so courageous.

Of course, Liu Ce didn't know that although the Divine Tribulation Realm was not a low-level warrior in the Star Territory, it was nothing. General small forces can have several warriors in the Divine Tribulation Realm. And the little old man had already seen a lot of knowledge in these years, and naturally knew that his cultivation base was in the star field, it was really not a big deal.

"Well, introduce your identity."

Liu Ce looked at the old man and said.

"Little Lao'er is the Taiwu Star, the head of the Lujiang Chamber of Commerce."

The little old man said to Liu Ce.

"Well, don't be nervous, this son is not an unreasonable person, this time let you come, as long as you cooperate. This son will not hurt you."

Liu Cedao.

"Okay, okay, thank you son."

The little old man quickly said.

"Well, are you familiar with this star field?"

Liu Ce asked the little old man.

"It's fairly familiar. After all, I am a little old man, I will ship goods in this star field every three days. I don't dare to say that I am very familiar with this star field, but generally there are not many things. It's a little old man and I don't understand."

Speaking of this, the little old man looked a little proud.

"Huh? Really?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Ce suddenly became interested.

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