The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 907: God of War

After Xi Yuan said everything he knew, he lowered his head and dared not speak. The atmosphere is extremely depressing.

"Very well, Dahan... The Western Yuan will immediately send troops to the Dahan."

You Wenbin said blankly.


Although Qi Hao, the deputy head of the Tiansheng Temple, had just fallen, he also lost a lot of elders. But facing the powerful temple elders in front of him, Xi Yuan did not have any courage to oppose. Moreover, he also hopes that the merits can be lost. Although he is the Lord of the Temple of Heaven, a temple elder is still enough to decide his future. This is especially true for his sub-temple master who has no foundation in the temple.


Dahan Huawu Mainland

Liu Ce was standing under the training tower at this moment. The time of three days is about to come. He came to greet him personally. Of course, originally he didn't need to come in person. But at this moment Liu Ce is also very curious about what kind of monster he will create after three hundred years of training the tower.

Suddenly, Liu Ce watched a golden light gleaming in the distance.

"Star Teleportation Symbol?"

This is the messenger of the Lord Luo Fei.

The Star Transmitter is very precious. Because of the cherishment of the refining materials, Liu Ce did not refine many. Before Luo Fei left, Liu Ce also gave her a few, so that Luo Fei had a chance to pass on the news for him.

Because he owed a lot of favors to Liu Ce, Luo Fei did not refuse. But if there is no important news, Luo Fei will not use this Star Territory Messenger. After all, the talisman that can transmit within the star field is too precious. Even some big forces don't have much.

Liu Ce quickly accepted the messenger and finished reading.


Liu Ce couldn't help frowning.


Liu Ce frowned.

Liu Ce immediately thought of Qi Hao, the deputy head of the Tiansheng Temple, and the young man in white who had been beheaded by him. He had known for a long time that this young man in white had a profound background. Unexpectedly, the other party actually came from the temple.

Liu Ce knew the structure of the temple from the Lord Luofei.

The temple is the most basic institution, and above it is the heaven temple. The Temple of Heaven controls a star field. Going up is the temple. The Temple of Heaven is even a powerful force in the Star Territory. But in the eyes of the temple, it was extremely small. Because in the temple, the sub-temple of the Heavenly Temple like the Yunlong Region, there are no ten thousand but eight thousand. It's not a big deal.

But this time. An elder who came down from the temple was even a big deal. Therefore, Luo Fei knew very well that the other party was targeting the big man, so naturally he hurriedly used the talisman to report the news for Liu Ce.

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes after reading.

"The ones who come down from the temple are unkind."

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.

Fortunately, the gods and demons in Liu Ce's hands are about to retreat from the cultivation tower. At this moment, even if he was a strong man from the temple, Liu Ce thought he might not be able to fight. What's more, he still has a hole card in his hand. Not bad.

"By the way, on the Skull Star side, you can't let the guards block the opponent."

Liu Ce muttered.

At this moment, Fei Peng and Zhonglou were also taken back to Huawu Continent by him and entered the cultivation tower to practice. There is no strong guard at the Skeleton Star outpost at this moment. If you want to deal with the opponent, it is only to hit the stone with the egg. This is not desirable.

As for the use of space satellite weapons. Liu Ce was not prepared to use it either. Although space satellite weapons are powerful, they can only destroy some weaker star space crafts. For those with slightly stronger defenses, they will not have much effect. Therefore, Liu Ce was not prepared to use it. On the contrary, it would expose the existence of space satellites.

Therefore, Liu Ce immediately ordered that the outpost of the Skeleton Star Territory ahead should not be blocked and let the people of the temple pass.

Of course, because of the existence of satellites. Liu Ce bought some communication equipment, and the communication with Skull Star in Huawu Continent was not a big problem.

Soon, the guards on the Skeleton Star received Liu Ce's order not to block these flying boats in the Temple of Heaven. Therefore, these flying boats from the Temple of Heaven entered the Huawu Continent very smoothly.


Dozens of flying boats burst out of the void.


The guard of the big man was very nervous. Some garrisoned gods and demons were immediately suspended in the void, fully guarded.

"Huh, let's meet old friends!"

Liu Ce smiled faintly.

Looking at the big Han martial artist waiting in a serious array.

In the void, the figure flickered.

An old man with white beard and hair appeared. It is You Wenbin, the elder of the temple. Behind him is the Master of Tiansheng Temple Xiyuan. There are dozens of warriors in the Temple of Heaven.

This lineup is very strong.

"You are the Emperor of Han Dynasty?"

Xi Yuan, the lord of the Temple of Heaven, looked at Liu Ce in front of him.

"It's me."

Liu Ce said blankly.

"You killed Qi Hao, the deputy master of our Heavenly Temple?"

A.D. looked at Liu Ce.


Liu Ce did not deny either. Because he did kill it.

"So courageous, you dare to kill the people of our Heavenly Temple, you know, this is a provocation to the Heavenly Temple and the Temple. You have become a heresy, and you will be spurned by the entire human race.

Xi Yuan looked at Liu Cedao solemnly.

"I'm just fighting back in self-defense. Whoever provokes me and the big man is the enemy of me and the big man. I will kill him, regardless of who he is and what background is behind him?"

Liu Ce said lightly.

"Bold, you know. Who are you talking to?"

The West Yuan looked furious.

A.D. was indeed **** off by Liu Ce. As the master of the Temple of Heaven, no one has dared to provoke him in front of him like this. This is true even for the nine powerful forces in the Yunlong Domain. But at this moment, the emperor of a small world in this tiny world provoked him so much.

You Wenbin said: "You killed my grandson?"

Liu Ce suddenly felt a powerful murderous intent locked on his body, and even Liu Ce felt a great deal of pressure.

"The late God King Realm?"

Liu Ce frowned.

Although I knew that the strength of the people who came from the temple this time was definitely not weak, I didn't expect that they would be so powerful.

"Is it me?"

"Because he should kill."

Although the opponent was from the late stage of the Divine Master Realm, Liu Ce naturally did not fool him. After all, he still has the hole cards given by the big guy, and he really can't wait for the gods and demons in the cultivation tower to play. He used this hole card. Although in Liu Ce's view, using this time seems a bit too wasteful.

"Xi Yuan, give you a chance to break your merits and kill him."

You Wenbin said blankly.

Although You Wenbin knew that as soon as he made a move, Emperor Han was able to get hold of it. But he didn't want to kill the opponent so easily, he had to torture the opponent well. Let the other party die at once, in You Wenbin's view, it is too cheap for the other party. He wants the other person to die in despair in front of him.

It can be said that You Wenbin has extreme hatred for Liu Ce, the man who killed his grandson. Can't wait to smash each other's corpse immediately.

"Yes, elder."

The Lord of the Temple of Heaven is overjoyed. After all, he had been worried that You Wenbin, the elder of the temple, would condemn him, but now that the other party is willing to give him a chance, he naturally has to grasp it.

"Emperor Han, die!"

With a cry of "Choke!", Xi Yuan took the long sword out of its sheath.

Xi Yuan is still a very cautious person, and will not underestimate him because of Liu Ce's youth. Otherwise, after Qi Hao, the deputy master of the Heaven Temple, was killed, he would have led the Heaven Temple's army to beat the big man. But he failed to do so, proving that he is still a cautious person.

But at this moment, with the support of Elder You Wenbin of the temple behind him, naturally there is no need to worry anymore.

"Emperor Han, die."

Xi Yuan Yijian slashed towards Liu Ce's place.

"His Majesty……"

Yu Xiaoxue, Zhao Ling'er and others around Liu Ce looked at him nervously.

"Stay back."

Liu Ce didn't retreat but moved forward.

In an instant, Liu Ce's Slaughter Demon Sword came out of its sheath.

"The Promise Rage is on!"

Eightfold power increase. At this moment, Liu Ce's body was surging with divine power like a vast ocean. It directly caused Liu Ce's breath to break through to the Divine Master Realm, and it was still rising.

Liu Ce, who is both physical and martial artist. Even in the current Transcendent Realm, there is still the power to leapfrog the challenge.

"Sword Twenty-Three!"

Liu Ce swept out with a sword.

This is a sword of destruction that breaks the boundaries of space and time.

Even the warrior in the early days of the Divine King Realm in the Western Yuan Dynasty felt a slight threat.


It was shot with one palm.

"Heavenly Palm!"

The terrifying white light condensed in Xi Yuan's hands. This palm exudes an incomparably holy breath, as if it can destroy the world and tear everything in front of you.

"Boom!" A sound.

The two forces collided fiercely in the void.

Liu Ce's sword was instantly shattered by a powerful force. The terrifying air wave directly knocked him out.


Liu Ce's blood boiled. As if to explode.

Fortunately, Liu Ce has both physical and martial arts. Although the opponent's strength is strong, for Liu Ce, it can still be held back.

"Take it?"

Xi Yuan looked at Liu Ce in front of him, with a look of incredible expression. After all, Liu Ce was only the cultivation base at the beginning of the transformation of the gods. This point can be seen in the Western Yuan, and he must not be faked. But at this moment, the other party used his cultivation base to lower his two great realms, and insisted that he did not die. This is a miracle from the perspective of the Western Yuan.

"Huh, you must have a big secret."

The A.D. had previously only used 40% of its power. But now, he has used more than 80% of his power. A terrifying palm covered Liu Ce's entire body.

"It's too imaginary to travel!"

This time, Liu Ce was not prepared to head-on, and used his body skills to the limit.

Several attacks by the A.D. did not hurt Liu Ce any bit. ,

"What a mysterious body?"

Xi Yuan's eyes condensed, and he felt that Liu Ce's martial skill was absolutely invincible. It may even be a Shenfa above the heavenly rank. If you can get this body method, it will be of great benefit to you.

But although Xi Yuan wanted to win Liu Ce, under Liu Ce's mysterious body, he was temporarily helpless.


You Wenbin became a little impatient. He was to see how the other party tortured and killed the Emperor of Han, but not to see the other party being tricked by humans.

"The elders give the subordinates another chance."

When the Western Yuan heard this, his complexion changed, he felt dissatisfied with Wen Bin on the trip, and said hurriedly.

"Get down, useless things."

You Wenbin said coldly.


The AD had no choice but to withdraw.

"Boy, I'm a little bit capable, no wonder you dare to be so bold and reckless to kill my grandson. But if you touch someone you shouldn't touch, don't blame this elder for being ruthless."

You Wenbin's murderous aura locked Liu Ce's cold path.

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