The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 909: Purple House

Of course, Liu Ce didn't care about this now, but his eyes fell on You Wenbin, who was a little wilted in front of him.

"take away."

Liu Cedao.


Tu Xingsun took You Wenbin and returned to the palace.

A dwarf was walking with his half-tall man. This scene indeed looks quite funny.

Within the palace

Liu Ce looked at You Wenbin, who was thrown on the ground by his grandson, and asked faintly: "Report|Your identity."

You Wenbin stared at Liu Ce fiercely, and said coldly: "Emperor Han, do you know who I am?"


Liu Ce looked at You Wenbin with a smile.

"I am the ninth elder of the outer hall of the temple, you dare to move me, not only you, you and the people around you will die, the temple will never let you go."

You Wenbin looked at Liu Ce and shouted.

Liu Ce squinted his eyes and looked at You Wenbin in front of him, with a cold expression: "Are you threatening me?"

"Di Han, I am not threatening you, but telling a fact."

You Wenbin looked at Liu Ce in front of him.

"Pull out and kill."

Liu Ce gave an order to the native grandson behind him.


You Wenbin was shocked. It seemed that Liu Ce would dare to kill himself, but he didn't seem to be joking when he looked at him.

"Di Han, do you want to die, kill me, have you considered the consequences?"

You Wenbin looked at Liu Ce's hysterical roar.

But Liu Ce sneered when he heard this: "I dare to kill your grandson, do you think I haven't considered the consequences?"

As he said, Liu Ce waved his hand.

You Wenbin suddenly felt terrified. If I said that I was really trying to get revenge before, but now I feel endless regret. If he can be given another chance to choose, he will definitely not take revenge. After all, he had just broken into the late stage of the Divine King Realm, and he still had a lot of years. Endless life. A grandson in a trivial way will die if he dies. If needed, he can also give birth to many sons. But now he has to face death.

"Di Han, if you let me go, I will definitely not seek revenge from you."

"Emperor Han, I can be your servant..."

In the end, You Wenbin even began to bow to his knees. But Liu Ce did not change his mind.

Until You Wenbin was taken out of the hall by Tuxing Sun.

"How is the scene?"

Liu Ce asked when he looked at Fei Peng, Zhonglou and others who walked in from outside.

"Your Majesty, the scene has been dealt with, and the people in the Temple of Heaven have been dealt with, except for the Lord Xi Yuan of the Temple of Heaven."

Fei Peng looked at Liu Ce.

"The Lord of the Heavenly Temple?"

Liu Ce nodded slightly.

"How is he now?"

Liu Ce asked.

Liu Ce remembered that before that, the Lord of the Temple of Heaven was strongly attacked by himself and suffered serious injuries.

"He is injured now. The injury is serious."

Fei Peng said.

"Well, he can't die yet, take this pill to him."

Liu Ce took out a white pill and handed it to Feipeng.

"According to the purpose."

Fei Peng nodded, took the pill and turned away.

At this moment, Liu Ce is also thinking about what he should do next. Although he beheaded the elders of the temple, it didn't mean that he really didn't care about the temple, but he knew very well that even if he let You Wenbin go, the opponent would not really give up. It's better to kill it.

Liu Ce's current strength can already be unscrupulous in the Yunlong Domain. The most powerful of the Yunlong Domain, but it was also the cultivation base of the Divine Master Realm in the early stage. And now Liu Ce now has half a step in the Divine Emperor Realm, and there are still three. There is no need to be afraid.

But if it was a temple, Liu Ce was still a little afraid. According to his guess, there are definitely warriors in the temple that exceed the realm of the gods, and even more powerful warriors.

If you want to hide from the sky and slow down the time for the temple to pay attention to this star field, it is very important. But Liu Ce didn't dare to believe in the Western Yuan easily, so there was still room for manipulation.

That night Liu Ce summoned Xiao Sheng, Cao Bao, Ximen Chuuxue, Shuibi, Feipeng, Chonglou and others.

This time, Xiao Sheng, Cao Bao, and Tu Xingsun all reached the half-step Divine Emperor Realm, and they were the strongest of the Han Divine Demon at this moment. And Fei Peng and Zhonglou also reached the cultivation base of the middle stage of God King Realm.

The promotion of Young Master Void is also good, reaching the pinnacle of the Divine King Realm.

Of course, Yuwentuo, Ximen Chuuxue and others have also made considerable progress in their cultivation. All the gods and demons in the cultivation tower have gained a lot this time. The strength of the big man has been further improved again.

Liu Ce was letting the other gods and demons stay. Only Tuxing Sun, Cao Bao, and Xiao Sheng remained.

"When can you break through to the Divine Emperor Realm?"

Liu Ce looked at the three.

"Your Majesty, this..."

The three of them were embarrassed.

"Why, you are already half-step in the Divine Emperor Realm now, is it difficult to break into the Divine Emperor Realm?"

Liu Ce looked at the three.

"Your Majesty, although we are in the half-step Divine Emperor Realm, we are almost a thousand miles away from the real Divine Emperor Realm. The Divine Emperor Realm needs to open up the Purple Mansion to have a chance of promotion."

Xiao Sheng said seriously to Liu Ce.

"Purple House?"

Liu Ce also knew Zifu, but he still seemed to understand what Zifu was.

"Do you know what the Purple Mansion is?"

Liu Ce couldn't help but asked a little curiously.

"Your Majesty, we also seem to understand, but we only know that the Purple Mansion contains the power of rules."

Cao Baodao.

"Well, go down."

Liu Ce waved his hand.

Although Liu Ce knew that they wanted to advance to the Purple Mansion, he didn't expect it to be so big. Seeing what they mean, the increase in this cultivation tower has greatly diminished.

"It seems that I am a bit lofty, but half a step in the Divine Emperor Realm is enough for me to dominate this star field."

Liu Ce muttered.

Next day

Liu Ce came to the prison

The A.D. is locked here. After taking the healing pill given by Liu Ce, Xi Yuan, who was seriously injured and dying, has recovered at this moment. Sitting cross-legged on the ground.

"It's you……"

Xi Yuan was seeing the Han Emperor coming. There was a deep hatred in the eyes.

"You hate me very much?"

Liu Ce looked at A.D.

"I can't wait to kill you."

A.D. looked at Liu Ce.

"But I am reluctant to kill you."

Liu Ce looked at Xi Yuan with a smile.

"What do you mean by this?"

Xi Yuan looked at Liu Ce frowned slightly.

"Literally, do I want you to submit to me?"

Liu Ce looked at A.D.

"Subordinate to you?"

Xi Yuan looked at Liu Ce for a few breaths, and suddenly burst into laughter. He laughed extremely disdainfully, as if he had heard the most funny thing in the world.

"Why is it funny?"

Liu Ce looked cold.

"Emperor Han, you have to die of this heart, the main hall master knows what you are worried about. You are worried about the temple's revenge. Do you think that if you subdue my main hall main, the main hall main will help you? You are too naive, I am I'm afraid of death, but I will never endure humiliation."

Xi Yuan looked at Liu Ce disdainfully.

"Really, that's okay. I don't need you to agree."

Liu Ce smiled faintly.

Liu Ce hit Tian Nu Dan with his idea.

Of course, this time he bought the best Tiannu Dan. It cost him 500 million yuan for the national fortune. Of course, this is bought in the discount zone, if you change to the main selling zone, I am afraid it will be more than this price. The price may be terrible.

Someone may ask why Liu Ce didn't use this Tian Nu Dan on the old man You Wenbin. Of course Liu Ce had this idea.

But soon he gave up. The first reason is that although it is the best Tiannu Pill, even if it is the best Tiannu Pill, Liu Ce's success rate in the enslavement of the Divine King Realm is only 30%. This is the early stage of the Divine King Realm. But in the late Divine King Realm, this success rate dropped to less than 10%. Even if Liu Ce used the lucky charm, the success rate would not be too high.

Another reason is that the temple is some distance away from the Yunlong Region after all. Even if he enslaves the other party, the other party will not help him much. If you want to dominate the entire Yunlong Region in a short time, the position of the Lord of the Temple of Heaven will play a great role in yourself.

Therefore, Liu Ce finally chose the enslavement of the Western Yuan.

The success rate is 30%. In Liu Ce's view, this success rate is still a bit small. Liu Ce still couldn't trust his luck. Moreover, Liu Ce still felt that the bet was a bit big when he was betting on the national fortune of 500 million.

Fortunately, Liu Ce also has an intermediate lucky charm. This lucky charm should increase your success rate a lot.

"Fei Peng, let him take that pill."

Liu Ce said to Feipeng beside him.

"According to the purpose."

Fei Peng nodded and took Tian Nu Dan.

"What kind of pill is this, I don't take it."

Although Xi Yuan didn't know what kind of medicine Liu Ce took out, he also knew that there was absolutely no good thing. After combining what Liu Ce had said before, Xi Yuan's heart at this moment was inexplicably scared.

"Don't eat?"

Liu Ce smiled disdainfully, looked at the Xi Yuan in front of him, and said faintly: "That's not your responsibility."

Although Xi Yuan's injury has recovered a lot now, his whole body is now imprisoned. Of course, even if his body was not imprisoned, he would not be Fei Peng's opponent.

Soon, Xi Yuan was forced to take Tiannu Dan.

Liu Ce stared at Xi Yuan without blinking.

"System, I want to use a middle-level lucky charm."

Liu Cedao.

When opening the god-level treasure chest, Liu Ce received a lucky charm of World War I and a bad luck charm. The bad luck charm has just been used up, and now the lucky charm has finally come in handy.

The Fei Peng next to him also looked at Xi Yuan curiously. He didn't know what the pill his Majesty asked the other party to take. But it will definitely work.

Soon, the medicine of the pill had an effect in Xi Yuan's body.

Obviously, the medicinal effect of this pill is extremely terrifying, and the whole body of Xi Yuan emits red brilliance.


Xi Yuan hugged his head and rolled all over the floor. Obviously, he was in extreme pain at the moment.

"It's so uncomfortable, I'm so uncomfortable, let me go, let me go..."

A.D. painful, the muscles on his face were twisted.

Fei Peng next to him was a little shocked, and he didn't know what kind of pain it was that made a warrior in the early stage of the Divine King Realm so unhappy.

But Liu Ce was expressionless, just looking at Xi Yuan with cold eyes.

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