The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 913: Snow Mountain Peak

This problem is also very puzzled by Liu Ce. The beast **** is so powerful, why not get that snow lotus by himself?

"I don't know, the Beast God hasn't mentioned this problem."

A trace of doubt flashed through Tan Xue's eyes.

In fact, Tan Xue and the people in Xueshan Village have thought about this question more than once, but there is no answer.

"Unless it is around the snow lotus flower, there are things that it needs to avoid restricting it."

Liu Ce thought.

"Well, I thought about it the same way."

Tan Xue nodded to Liu Ce.

"Then how does this beast **** contact you?"

Liu Ce asked.

"It will only contact me and the village chief. As for how to contact, you have seen it before."

Tan Xue looked at Liu Ce helplessly.

"Well, Miss Tan Xue, I can help you."

Liu Ce looked at Tan Xue.

"My son, what is your purpose?"

Tan Xue looked at Liu Ce with a trace of inquiry in her eyes.

Although Tan Xue rarely leaves Wuli Snow Mountain, this does not mean that she is really stupid. She knows that there is no free lunch in this world.

"My purpose is to come to the Snow Mountain to find a treasure. This treasure may have something to do with the beast god."

Liu Ce didn't hide anything.

"Really, treasures, our bereaved people have existed in the Wuli Snow Mountain for so long, but have never heard of any treasures here?"

Tan Xue frowned when she looked at Liu Cexiu.

"This is the matter of this young man. How did you deal with the Beast God, Snow Lotus?"

Liu Ce looked at Tan Xue and asked.

Tan Xue faintly said to Liu Ce: "This snow lotus must be found for the beast **** in ten years, because only the snow lotus on the top of the Wuli Snow Mountain is useful. Although there are not many snow lotuses in the Wuli Snow Mountain, it is definitely not limited to the snow mountain. This one is the best."

"Oh, did you give other snow lotus to the beast god?"

Liu Ce asked again.

Tan Xue said bitterly: "Yes, a hundred years ago, our Snow Mountain Village once gave a snow lotus that was not the best to the beast god. Because that time, all the warriors who went to pick snow lotus in the Snow Mountain Village encountered the snow mountain storm. , None of them came back. So we had to retreat and pick from other places, hoping to be fooled, but in the end we were discovered by the beast god. That time, the beast **** was angry."

Tan Xue was talking about this, her pretty face was full of fear, because she had heard the narration of grandpa. The beast **** descended on Xueshan Village that day, furious. The entire Xueshan Village was destroyed. Thousands of people were killed by the animal gods. The blood flowed into a river, howling all over the field.

Liu Ce listened to Tan Xue's narration. Although she called the other party a beast god, he could see that Tan Xue had a deep hatred in her eyes. After all, countless of her relatives died because of this animal god. Calling him a beast **** is obviously the reason for worrying about the beast god.

At this moment, Liu Ce knew about the relationship between Xueshan Village and the Beast God. I have deep sympathy for the bereaved family of this Xueshan Village. This bereaved family is really troubled. Although the ancestors betrayed the human race, but after all, it was for survival. The other party has not done anything detrimental to the human race. It is indeed a bit overwhelmed by so many difficulties. Liu Ce has already decided to help the other party reappear in the world after leaving the Wuli Snow Mountain.

Of course, for Liu Ce, this matter is not an issue at all.

"Do you know what this beast **** looks like?"

Liu Ce looked at Tan Xue and asked.

While Tan Xue was talking about Xueshan Village and the Beast God, she had been quietly looking at Liu Ce's expression. Naturally, she would not completely believe in the other party just because Liu Ce said. I have been considering the purpose of Liu Ce coming to Snow Mountain Village. Just a little puzzled, the young man didn't mention anything about the treasure, but he was extremely interested in the beast god.

Although confused, Tan Xue answered quickly.

"We in Xueshan Village have not seen a beast **** in the past 100 years, but the villagers who survived the disaster a hundred years ago still remember the appearance of the beast god."

Tan Xue said with a serious expression.

"Oh, what does this beast **** look like? Is it a giant snake?"

Liu Ce couldn't help asking.

"Hey, son, how did you find out?"

Tan Xue looked at Liu Ce in surprise.

"I accidentally heard what people in your village said."

Liu Cedao.

Naturally, Liu Ce couldn't tell the other party that he had seen it in a dream. If he is right, he will not believe it, just thinking whether he has ulterior motives.

"That's it."

Tan Xue was relieved after hearing this.

"Then this time, when do you need to hand in the task?"

Liu Ce asked.

"In these ten days, you saw earlier that the Beast God has communicated with me and gave me the final deadline. If we can't complete the snow lotus task within ten days, there will be a huge disaster in our Snow Mountain Village?"

Tan Xue smiled bitterly.

"Have your Snow Mountain Village considered moving out of Wuli Snow Mountain?"

Liu Ce asked.

"How could there not be? But once we act like this, the beast gods will stop us, the consequences are extremely terrible. Our ancestors also paid a huge price for this."

Tan Xue shook her head.

"Miss Tan Xue, you don't need to worry. This time, this young man will complete the task for you in Snow Mountain Village."

Liu Ce smiled.


Tan Xue looked at Liu Ce in shock.

"Miss Tan Xue, you don't need to be so surprised, what this son said is true."

Liu Ce looked at Tan Xuedao.

"Master, do you know how dangerous it is to pick snow lotus? The danger is definitely not what you can imagine. Especially the terrible snow storm, even some powerful warriors can't resist it."

Tan Xue looked at Liu Ce seriously.

"Miss Tan Xue, don't worry, this young man has considered this, and he would not dare to do porcelain work without diamonds."

Liu Ce is very confident.

"Miss Tan Xue only needs to tell this son, after you pick the snow lotus, how do you give it to the beast god?"

Liu Ce asked.

After Tan Xue stared at Liu Ce deeply, she was truly sure that the other party seemed to really want to do this. Then he said to him: "After the picking is completed, you only need to place the snow lotus on the top of the southwestern top of the Wuli Snow Mountain. The Beast God will naturally go and pick it up."

"Well, my son got it."

Liu Ce nodded thoughtfully.

After leaving Princess Tan Xue, Liu Ce was still very satisfied with this trip. After all, he had completely figured out the situation in this trip. The beast **** was indeed the giant snake he saw in the first night's dream.

This is a reminder of dreams. After finding the giant snake, he is not far from the treasure of the gods. But what Liu Ce still needs to figure out is why this giant snake must get this snow lotus. In fact, this snow lotus is just one of the precious medicinal materials. Although it was considered expensive, it would not make this strange beast so coveted. It seemed that the snow lotus had the power it feared.

It seems that he is going to meet the giant snake. Liu Ce's current strength is bursting, and he is no longer afraid of the giant snake that he had coveted in his dreams.

Under the summit of Wuli Snow Mountain

Tan Xue and Liu Ce stood side by side.

"Liu Gongzi, this is a matter of our Xueshan Village after all, it has nothing to do with you, you don't need to take risks."

Tan Xue looked at Liu Ce's serious expression.

Liu Ce was slightly surprised that this little girl was kind-hearted. She cultivated so hard, she was afraid that she didn't want to pick this snow lotus herself.

"Don't worry, this young man is still very confident of his own strength. Miss wait for good news from me."

Liu Ce said to Tan Xue.

"Well, if the son has not returned for half an hour, Tan Xue will also go up."

Tan Xue stared at Liu Ce deeply and said in a serious manner.


Liu Ce nodded.

After speaking, Liu Ce unfolded his body technique and flew up to the top of the Wuli Snow Mountain. There are not too many obstacles along the way.

It's just that Liu Ce was approaching the peak. Suddenly discovered that a terrible storm quickly condensed all around.

"This is the so-called snow storm?"

Liu Ce frowned slightly and became a little curious.

The void formed a huge vortex because of a certain special force. The power of the vortex is very strong. Possess this extremely terrifying tearing power.

Hundreds of meters away, a huge boulder was sucked in. Then he was involved in the whirlpool and was shattered in an instant.

It seems that this snow mountain storm also felt Liu Ce's aura. The endless suction force was crushing towards Liu Ce's place.


Liu Ce remained motionless. It just covers the whole body with the Immortal Golden Body Art.

Although this force was powerful, when it approached Liu Ce, it was completely blocked by the power of the Immortal Golden Body Art.

In Xueshan Village, the villagers felt that the devastating snow mountain storm had arrived in front of Liu Ce, and that was all about it.

Liu Ce didn't stay anymore and came to the top of the Wuli Snow Mountain. At this moment, there are three snow lotus growing here.

Liu Ce picked one.


Just after Liu Ce picked the first snow lotus.

The snow-capped storms around seemed to feel something, becoming more and more powerful.


Liu Ce was slightly curious. This storm would actually become stronger because of the removal of snow lotus. No wonder it was so difficult for the villagers in Xueshan Village to pick this snow lotus. In addition to a certain amount of strength, it also requires good luck, otherwise this snow mountain storm will be enough to ruin all efforts.

But Liu Ce didn't care. Continue to pick the remaining two snow lotus plants.


The terrifying snow mountain storm has become more intense. The vortex was spinning frantically. The surrounding white snow was swept into the void. Turned into an endless cold current. It felt like a terrifying behemoth was taking shape.

Tan Xue, who was under the top of the snow mountain, was also a little dumbfounded when she saw this scene. Secretly thought: Oops, I forgot to tell Gongzi Liu that he only needs to pick one snow lotus. Did Liu Gongzi pick three snow lotus at once?

Tan Xue had never seen such a terrible storm. His complexion was pale and his expression extremely anxious.

Because Liu Ce rescued the crazy Tan Xue last night, Tan Xue's affection for Liu Ce was still very strong, and at the moment Liu Ce went to pick the snow lotus for Xueshan Village, which made Tan Xue still treat him very much. grateful. But she definitely didn't want Liu Ce to be in danger.

"No, I'm going to save Young Master Liu."

Tan Xue gritted her teeth with a firm expression.

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