The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 919: The danger of Snow Mountain Village

"Difficult, more than difficult. The possibility is unlikely. According to the old man's knowledge, only the temple master can do this in Huawu Continent. After all, the temple master is above all forces."

Lei An, the old village chief, said.

The old village chief obviously hasn't left Xueshan Village for a while, and the information on the outside world is seriously lagging behind. So I don't know that the pattern of the outside world is already earthshaking. And Tan Xue hasn't been out for nearly two years. Therefore, I didn't know that a holy emperor had risen in the entire Huawu Continent.

"Then Young Master Liu is deceiving me?"

Tan Xuexiu frowned slightly.

"No, it's not necessarily. Maybe Liu Gongzi has no way of knowing what he can do. Although he doesn't spend a lot of time in contact with Liu Gongzi, Guan Liu Gongzi is definitely not the kind of talkative person. Maybe he has any way to do it, so, We can use Liu Gongzi's power to gain a foothold in the outside world."

The old village chief said.

"Seth, what do you think?"

The old village chief Lei An looked at the current village chief Seth and asked.

"Old village chief, you have high morals, you can decide on such an important matter."

Seth respectfully said to the old village chief Lei On.

"Hey, when you are old, you are the current village chief. You still have to decide on all this."

Lei An, the old village chief, said.

"Old village chief, Seth has the same opinion as you. There are fewer and fewer people in our bereaved family over the past century. When we were at the peak, there were tens of thousands of people. But now there are not even five thousand people. If this continues, we The people of the bereaved family will be completely perished, which is absolutely impossible."

Seth Road.

The old village chief looked at Lei An with satisfaction and said, "Lei An, it's good for you to have such a vision."

"The old village chief is absurdly praised."

Seth was a little embarrassed.

"Of course, if we want to see the survivors of our Xueshan Village move out of Wuli Snow Mountain, it is definitely not possible to rely on us alone. We must get the consent of all the villagers."

Lei An, the old village chief, said.

"They will definitely agree, and they have long hoped to leave the Wuli Snow Mountain. Here, our bereaved have had enough."

Seth Road.

"The necessary process is still needed."

The old village chief said.

Three days later

After the decision of all the bereaved families of Xueshan Village, all the villagers finally supported the decision to move out of Wuli Snow Mountain. There is no objection.

Seeing this scene, both the old village chief and the current village chief breathed a sigh of relief. This decision also strengthened their determination.

"Tan Xue, now you can contact Young Master Liu."

The old village chief said to Tan Xue.


Tan Xuezhen seriously took out the talisman Liu Ce gave her. This was the only way she could contact Liu Ce.


Liu Ce, who was far away in the Han Dynasty, had just received news from Yuhuatian at this moment. All the information of the Giant Tiger Gang is in front of him.

Of course, this giant tiger gang is not the giant tiger gang in the Huawu mainland, but the giant tiger gang outside the region.

One of the nine powers outside the territory besides the Temple of Heaven.

This piece of fat, no doubt the big man can't let go. Must be swallowed.

Although it had just swallowed the big sand gang, it was undoubtedly not enough to satisfy the big man.

Liu Ce looked at the information of the Giant Tiger Gang in front of him

The entire giant tiger gang twelve giant cities

Well, a well-deserved giant city, every giant city has at least 30 million people. This is not even comparable to Han. In other words, every giant city is more prosperous than Han.

And every huge city is surrounded by countless small cities.

"If we can win the Giant Tiger Gang, I will have more national fortunes."

Liu Ce looked forward a little.


Liu Ce found a talisman flying from a distance, it was the one he gave to Tan Xue.

After all, every talisman contained Liu Ce's breath, otherwise it would be impossible to find him so accurately. Therefore, Liu Ce quickly recognized the origin of this talisman.

"It seems that Tan Xue has made a decision?"

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes and muttered.

Liu Ce immediately opened the messenger and read the content inside the messenger.


After Liu Ce finished reading, he immediately asked Wang Chun to find Chonglou and Feipeng. Let them take a flying boat to Wuli Snow Mountain to lead the bereaved family out of the mountain.

Because there were many people in the bereaved family, Liu Ce and the others drove a few more flying boats.

It's just that the survivors of Xueshan Village, thousands of miles away, didn't wait for Liu Ce, but were the ones who waited for the Taiwu dynasty first.

After the seventh prince Guert of the Taiwu Dynasty was abolished by Liu Ce. Gult was sent back to Wu'an City by his escorts, and immediately found his mother and concubine crying.

The mother and concubine were naturally devastated when she saw her beloved son so miserable. I found Emperor Wu overnight.

Emperor Wu was really furious. After all, the Seventh Prince is also his lover. Although he did not make the seventh prince the prince, it does not mean that the seventh prince is not favored. It can be said that if it is not restricted by the eldest son being the prince. Emperor Wu might make the seventh prince the prince. But now his seventh prince was actually abolished, and he was still in the Taiwu dynasty. Emperor Wu was completely angry. Therefore, at this moment, Emperor Wu is ready to personally lead the army to go to the Wuli Snow Mountain to wipe out the survivors.

"It's not good, old village chief, we are surrounded by the army of the Taiwu dynasty up and down the Wuli Snow Mountain. Lots of soldiers, lots of people..."

Ali was ordered to monitor the human race outside. When he saw that the Wuli Snow Mountain was surrounded, he quickly returned to the Snow Mountain Village and reported everything he saw to the old patriarch.


The look of the old patriarch Lei An and the current patriarch Seth suddenly changed dramatically.

The two looked at each other, and their eyes looked at each other with horror. Although they knew that people from the Taiwu dynasty would come to the door sooner or later, after all, a seventh prince was abolished, and no one could bear it. But I didn't expect that the people from the Taiwu Dynasty would come so quickly.

The villagers in Xueshan Village were silent. Originally, they were still looking forward to leaving the Wuli Snow Mountain to live a new life, but now all this is shattered.

"It's okay, I will bear all the responsibilities later."

Tan Xue stood up and said sternly.

"Sister Tan Xue, how can this be? It has nothing to do with you. It's a big deal, who is afraid of whom."

A young man said.

"That is, they are obviously the ones who bullied the door, so why should we be held accountable? The people of our bereaved family are not easy to bully."

Another young man said.

Soon, countless young people from Xueshan Village came forward, and they were all supporting Tan Xue. After all, countless young and middle-aged people in Xueshan Village regard Tan Xue as a goddess, how can they be willing to see their goddess being bullied at this moment.

"Thank you, thank you everyone."

Tan Xue's eyes filled with tears.

At this moment, Tan Xue is also in the midst of life and death in Xueshan Village, seeing everyone's love for herself.

"No, the army of the Taiwu Dynasty has gone up the mountain."

A villager in Xueshan Village who was in charge of monitoring changed his face.

"We have been fighting with them. We have had enough of these people in Xueshan Village. Our Xueshan Village has been uncontested and endured for tens of thousands of years. Why are they outsiders bullying us?"

"That's why bullying us."

"It's a big deal. Eighteen years later, he is another hero."

Another young man from Xueshan Village.

Tan Xue heard these passionate and passionate words. I am very pleased. But her heart made a decision. Even if he sacrificed everything he had, he had to save Xueshan Village.

Half an hour later

The army of the Taiwu dynasty has reached the outskirts of Xueshan Village, and the people on both sides are at war. The atmosphere is extremely tense.

It's just that from the scene, although this snow mountain village is all soldiers this time. Almost all the people in Xueshan Village were dispatched. But on the scene, it also occupies an absolute disadvantage.

This time, the Taiwu dynasty sent 50,000 troops, and it was the elite of the Taiwu dynasty. Almost every soldier was armed to the teeth. What he holds in his hand is also a sophisticated weapon. And there are more powerful people on the side of the Taiwu Dynasty. It was just a few middle-aged warriors beside Wu Huang who exuded a vast aura. Obviously, they are all cultivation bases above the Nine Tribulations Realm.

The people in Xueshan Village are a little desperate. No matter how confident they are, they know that the enemy in front of them is definitely not something the people of Xueshan Village can contend.

But the people in Xueshan Village had a trace of determination in their eyes. This is the end of the matter, and they will not beg for mercy with the enemy. I would rather stand to die than kneel to live.

"Listen to the people in Xueshan Village, as long as you lay down your weapons, maybe the emperor can still give you a way out, otherwise you will be killed without mercy and the whole Xueshan Village will not be left."

The Emperor Wu of the Taiwu Dynasty said coldly.

"Emperor Wu, our bereaved clan has been in the world for tens of thousands of years. Are you really going to kill them all?"

The old village head Lei An asked.


Emperor Wu said with a cold expression: "Let your survivors continue to survive. It was originally kindness to your survivors. Otherwise, do you really think that the Taiwu dynasty knows nothing about your existence? Never thought that your survivors don’t know how to be grateful. But it hurts my son. It's a rebellious thing."

"Why the Seventh Prince is like this? How can you blame others for everything."

The old village chief said helplessly.

"Hmph, sophistry, no matter what, my son was hurt in the hands of your people in Xueshan Village. I advise you to hand over the person who hurt my son. At that time, maybe the emperor is kind and can be treated lightly."

Wu Huangdao.

"Father, Haier hopes that Tan Xue can be a child's slave and maidservant and be a cow and a horse for the rest of her life. Only in this way can we dispel the hatred in my heart."

Guert said.

Guert deliberately said his words loudly, so everyone in Xueshan Village heard them. This also caused a sudden change in the expressions of the people in the Snow Mountain Village.

"Have you heard, Xueshan Village, you must agree to my son's request in order to alleviate the sins you have committed."

My emperor said blankly.

"I can promise you, but you must promise me to let us go Snow Mountain Village."

Tan Xue stood up.

The white dress, long black hair fluttering in the wind, against the backdrop of the snow-capped mountains, like a goddess of ice and snow.

"No, Sister Tan Xue."

"We don't agree."

Seeing that Tan Xue was about to sacrifice herself to rescue Xueshan Village, the young and middle-aged people in Xueshan Village refused to agree and were filled with righteous indignation.

"Hmph, you are not qualified to make terms with the emperor."

Wu Huang said indifferently.

"The emperor gives you time for a stick of incense. If you don't put down your weapons in a stick of incense, the entire Xueshan Village will flow into a river."

Wu Huang said coldly.

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