The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 921: Fei Peng vs Zhuoli

A white light came from the void.

"What is this, quickly open the defensive cover."

Zhuoli, the commander of the Yanwu Army Corps, was shocked.

Although Zhuo Li didn't know what this white light was, he also knew that it was definitely not a good thing.

Fortunately, Zhuo Li gave the order in time. All the flying boats opened the defensive cover in time.


The white light blasted fiercely on a flying boat. The defensive cover of this flying boat shrank visible to the naked eye. But soon, another white light hit. Blasted on the previous flying boat.

The flying boat immediately disintegrated.

"What, how is it possible?"

Zhuo Li's eyes were splitting.

Obviously, none of the soldiers on the flying boat will survive.

That white light contained extremely terrifying power, even the warrior of Zhuo Li, the **** king realm, felt a slight threat. Not to mention, these are just soldiers in the early stage of the Heart Tribulation Realm.

In an instant, a thousand soldiers disappeared.

But soon, another white light shot down from the void.

"Back, fast back."

Zhuo Li knew that if this continues at this moment, everyone will die except for him and a few divine master realm warriors.

But at this moment, these flying boats have broken into the defensive area of ​​the space satellite. The light of death flickered endlessly.


Another flying boat was blown up.

As the commander of the Yanwu Legion, Zhuo Li was naturally not an incompetent person. He quickly thought of a way.

"All those above the Divine Realm, follow me."

Zhuo Li took the lead to fly out of the flying boat, floating above the void. He is defensive.

Although this white light was a threat to Zhuo Li, if the protective gas shield was used, the threat would be minimal.

At this time, Liu Ce was sitting on the Skeleton Star.

After discovering the opponent's defense, Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.

"The head coach of the Yanwu Army is also a talent."

However, for these dozens of warships, the other side also lost sight of one another. Under the bombing of space satellites under the command of Liu Ce's mind, three more warships were killed.

However, Zhuo Li succeeded in commanding the Yanwu Army Corps to start retreating.

"Your Majesty, you can close the net."

Wu Qi on the side laughed.

"Well, let Yue Fei's army and the crows do it."

Liu Cedao.

The Yanwu Legion is now retreating hastily in the direction it came. At this moment, the Yanwu Army is no longer vigorous when it comes.

Before he succeeded, he was beaten back without even seeing the enemy's Mao.

Zhuo Li was almost vomiting blood. Because this is the shame they have never encountered since the establishment of the Yanwu Army.

"Marshal, what should we do now?"

An officer asked Zhuo Li.

"Return to the main city for a while to rest."

Zhuo Li thought for a moment.

Until now, Zhuo Li still didn't know what exactly was the means to eat his several flying boats at once. That terrible attack left Zhuo Li with lingering fears. Although the attack on him would not pose a big threat to him if he was prepared, but if he was unprepared, he would suffer.

"Boss, the enemy was found ahead."

An officer shouted to Zhuo Li.

"Do you know who it is?"

Zhuo Li asked.

"Look at the sign on the flying boat, it seems that it belongs to the big man."

The officer way of the Yanwu Legion.

"Big guy?"

Zhuo Li continued to ask.

"How many?"


Officer Road.

"Even a flying boat dared to intercept us, it was almost dead."

Zhuo Li's eyes showed cold light.

In Zhuo Li's view, this flying boat has a thousand people at most. A thousand people dared to make a move, which simply looked down upon his Yanwu Army.

"Rush up, this grudge must be reported."

In Zhuo Li's view, this shame must be washed away with blood.

Just wait for the Yanwu Army to rush up. Thousands of soldiers flew out of the flying boat and began to attack the Yanwu Army Corps.

"Crush the enemy."

The soldiers of the Yanwu Army also began to line up outside the flying boat, launching a counterattack against the opponent.

However, a fight. Zhuo Li surprisingly discovered that although the enemy had only a thousand people, the combat power far exceeded his own Yanwu Legion.

"This is a half-step Thunder Tribulation Realm?"

Zhuo Li was a little shocked.

"Damn, why is the enemy so strong?"

Zhuo Li gritted his teeth.

Although it was only a half-step Thunder Tribulation Realm, strictly speaking, it was still a warrior in the Heart Tribulation Realm. However, the combat effectiveness is much more than that of the Yanwu Army.

Fortunately, the Yanwu Army is not without its own advantages. For example, the Yanwu Legion far surpassed the enemy in number. Really fighting, this enemy can't even think of taking too much advantage.

The Ghosts and Gods Army was only caught off guard when they killed the enemy in the early stage, but after the Yanwu Army gained a foothold and adapted to the rhythm of the Ghosts and Gods Army. The two sides began to stalemate.

The Yanwu Army also took advantage of its numbers to start fighting with the Ghosts and Gods Army.

The crow commander obviously also discovered this.

"Position to kill."

The Ghosts and Gods Legion began to resort to the most traditional killing array of the Han Legion. After Liu Ce's several improvements, this killing array became more and more powerful. The Han army only needs to resort to the killing formation. Can play a combat power far surpassing one's own. Extremely powerful.

A terrifying murderous aura erupted from the killing array. Turned into a billowing torrent, it began to crush the warriors of the Yanwu Legion. The soldiers of the Yanwu Army were beheaded one by one.

The situation is tilted in the favorable direction of the Ghosts and Gods Army.

Zhuo Li frowned when he saw this scene.


Zhuo Li's long sword was out of its sheath, and the terrifying murderous aura locked the crow.

Zhuo Li recognized that the opponent was the commander of the legion, and as long as the opponent was killed, the opponent's legion would not attack and collapse.

As a warrior of the Divine King Realm, Zhuo Li once made a move, and the void suddenly shook, rolling up an endless stream of madness. This also caused the movement of the Ghosts and Gods Legion to stagnate slightly.

The crow leader is only a warrior in the mysterious tribulation realm. At this moment, he feels this murderous aura, and it is Alexander.

"Give me up and kill them."

Behind Zhuo Li, there were dozens of warriors in the Divine Realm suspended. This is also his final hole card.

"Hmph, it's not only your giant tiger gang that has masters."

Fei Peng and Chonglou, the emptiness son. Shuibi and others flew out.

"What, it's all in the Divine King Realm?"

Zhuo Li's complexion changed suddenly.

Although the opponent only had four people, apart from Shuibi's Divine Master Realm, Fei Peng, Chonglou, and Master Void gave him a vast and powerful aura. Needless to say, it is also the realm of God King.

"Your opponent is me."

Fei Peng flew across his forehead to recognize it and slew towards Zhuo Li.

Zhuo Li was shocked, he was only in the early stage of the Divine King Realm, but the opponent was in the middle of the Divine King Realm. How can I be the opponent's opponent.

But as the commander-in-chief of the Giant Tiger Gang, Zhuo Li also has his own cards.

"Blood evil power."

Zhuo Li used the secret method, and the aura on his body suddenly became stronger again. The breath directly changed from the early stage of the Divine King Realm to the mid-term peak of the Divine King Realm.

"Huh? Using secret methods? Is it useful?"

The Demon Sword in Fei Peng's hand slashed down with a single sword.

The horrible sword light is like the essence, as if it can shred everything.

"Hundred war sword technique."

Zhuoli made an all-out effort.

The blood-colored blade light cut the sky and the earth, filling Zhuoli's surroundings.

The commander of the Yanwu Army was robbed by Fei Peng. Chonglou was slightly depressed, and he could only lock his opponent on the body of these divine master realm warriors in the Yanwu Legion.

"Slash in the universe!"

The wrist knife in the heavy building swept out.

The terrifying blade light formed a terrible sword field in the void, and shrouded the warriors of the Divine Master Realm of the Yanwu Legion.

"Damn, such a powerful sword energy."

"Block it."

Those warriors of the Yanwu Legion in the Divine Master Realm felt that the power in their bodies was heavily suppressed, and some of them were not working smoothly.

"Damn it. What's the matter?"

The divine master realm warriors of the giant tiger gang suddenly felt depressed.


Accompanied by the crushing of the heavy building, he rolled down. The warriors of the giant tiger gang were beheaded and blasted into blood mist.

The power of Chonglou's whole body unfolded. Looking at the giant tiger gang warriors who hugged their heads and squirmed, they slashed down. In his sword domain, these warriors of the giant tiger gang have nowhere to hide.

Although they used their protective gas shield to the limit. However, under the smashing of the blades of the heavy building, each of the body shields were like paper, and they didn't have much effect at all. Was broken in an instant.

In the distance

On dozens of flying boats

These are the army under the leadership of Yue Fei

"Yue Shuai, why should they be able to attack, we can't move?"

An officer was a little bit indignant towards Yue Fei.

"You guys really don't be convinced. Although the strength of our legion has been greatly improved because of the cultivation tower. But no matter how strong it is, it is only in the Mortal Martial Realm. The gap with the Nine Tribulations Realm is too big. We can get a cleaning battlefield. The chance is good. If we take the lead, the casualties of the brothers will be great."

Yue Fei said solemnly.

Although Yue Fei is a military genius, he still has a deep understanding of the combat power of his soldiers. Know the gap between his soldiers and the enemy.


The officer thought about it carefully, and it really was the truth.

"Our task is not easy. We must form fishing nets around, and we must not let go of one. Even if we can't stop the enemy, we have to buy time for our brothers."

Yue Fei said.


A group of soldiers from the Yue Fei regiment said in unison.

At this point, the fighters continued.

Although Zhuo Li used secret methods to raise his cultivation base to the middle stage of the Divine King Realm in a short period of time. However, the power that was raised by the secret method could not last, and the combat power was naturally slightly weaker than the true mid-term of the Divine King Realm. Therefore, at the very beginning, Zhuo Li was hit by the scabs.

"damn it."

The more Zhuo Li hit his heart, the more panicked he became. At this time, he had already begun to retreat. Knowing that if this continues, he will definitely not be an opponent. If he doesn't leave again, maybe even his life will be accounted for here.

"Want to go?"

Fei Peng smiled wantonly. He had already seen Zhuo Li's plan to escape. But how can he make the other party do what he wants, this is a big fish.

Therefore, at this moment Fei Peng riveted his full strength to launch an attack on Zhuo Li.

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