The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 942: God Emperor shot

Even if Gao Feng didn't study the formation method anymore, seeing this scene at this moment, he suddenly knew that the opponent would soon break the formation method. Therefore, my eyes were splitting, and I was a little shocked.

Gao Feng didn't expect that there was an expert behind him. It turned out to be able to point this person to destroy the formation, this person is too powerful. It made him feel great pressure.

Gao Feng has no idea whether the blood-burning array will work.


Chonglou once again beheaded down. This knife is extremely terrifying. The power of this knife is even greater than before. The terrifying light of the sword, with the power to cut the sky and the earth, seemed to be able to tear the sky apart.

"Boom!" A sound.

Once again, a slash hit the defensive formation.


The defensive array was torn every inch.

It's like a spider web.

Don't wait for the peak to be shocked.

Chonglou once again slashed down in the void. This knife slashed directly on the defensive array.

The defensive array burst every inch.

"No, the defensive formation is shattered."

Gao Feng frowned.

Fortunately, the peak is well prepared. Therefore, hundreds of warriors in the Divine Master Realm all killed towards the heavy building.

"This is the formation?"

On the flying boat behind the heavy building, Liu Ce frowned slightly, as if he could see something.

Liu Ce didn't let Fei Peng take a shot.

Because the heavy building should be dealt with alone.

However, Liu Ce also saw that this formation was very mysterious. It seems that the qi and blood of a hundred people can be stimulated through the formation.

The heavy building surrounded by the center of the formation can clearly feel that the power of this blood-burning formation is gradually increasing.

The aura of the formation rushed from the Divine Master Realm to the Divine King Realm, and then it was still improving. Eventually promoted to the half-step Divine Emperor Realm.


Liu Ce frowned slightly. This speed increased very quickly, and finally reached the half-step Divine Emperor Realm.

"Well, this formation is really interesting."

Liu Ce murmured.

The Chonglou is the cultivation base of the peak of the God King Realm. At this moment, facing this half-step suppression of the Divine Emperor Realm, he also felt a lot of pressure.

Of course, there are also Gao Feng and others under the same pressure. These martial artists of the Divine Master Realm have brought the blood burning formation to the extreme. That is to say, this time, although they have reached the battle power of a half-step Divine Emperor Realm, they only have half a cup of tea time.

How long is half a cup of tea, converted to earth time, that is, seven minutes. Although these people have half a step of the battle power of the Divine King Realm, they are still under a little pressure to kill a peak of the Divine King Realm within seven minutes. After all, they are not really half-step Divine Emperor Realm. The combat power must still be some distance away from the true half-step Divine Emperor Realm. Of course, there are only some gaps. But it is already infinitely close to the real half-step Divine Emperor Realm.

Although Gao Feng was under pressure, he still believed that these people were enough to kill the Chonglou. After all, the half-step Divine Emperor Realm and the Divine King Realm peak seem to be only a small difference. But the difference in combat power between them is still very large.

However, Gao Feng did not expect that although the cultivation base of the heavy building was only the peak of the **** king, the opponent's combat power was not comparable to that of the warriors of the ordinary peak **** king realm.

A series of powerful attacks crushed down on the body of the heavy building, or fist, or sword light and sword light. Every time I hit the heavy building, I was shaken back a few steps.

Blood boiled over his body. His body was ragged and a little embarrassed.

Chonglou faced such a great pressure, but did not immediately collapse. Changed to other **** king realm peak martial artist, under such an attack, he would have fallen long ago.

But the heavy building does not. Still held on. The wrist knife in his hand slashed out. Block the endless attack. But the heavy building also suffered some injuries.

Ordinary warriors, under this attack, have long since become a puddle of mud, but the heavy building is not. Still persisted.

"How is it possible, isn't he the pinnacle of the **** king?"

Gao Feng looked incredible.

From Gao Feng's point of view, how half a cup of tea is enough to crush the opponent. It is also a matter of high probability to completely defeat or even kill the opponent.

But how can the other party persist until now.

Gao Feng's heart tightened. This blood-burning formation only has half a cup of tea time. If the opponent can't be defeated within half a cup of tea, these hundred warriors in the Divine Master Realm will completely lose their combat effectiveness. Then sacrificed in vain.

One hundred martial artists of the Divine Master Realm, even the Qiankun Sect is one of the nine powers of the Yunlong Region. If all this is gone, even if it is a great blow to the Qiankun Sect. But if such a big sacrifice still has no effect, it will be a bigger blow to the peak.

"Your Majesty, let Scaboo help him."

Fei Peng saw that the heavy building was in danger at the moment, and couldn't help but confront Liu Cedao on the side.

"Hehe, do you think Chonglou would want you to help him? And you are too small for Chonglou. On the contrary, I think this will be a good opportunity for Chonglou."

Liu Ce smiled slightly.


Scaboo nodded seriously. It is true that my heart is more than my heart. If I am a heavy building, I don't want anyone to join in.

The current heavy building seems to be in danger, but in fact, these people will be the whetstone of the heavy building. If the heavy building withstands the pressure this time. The tempering of the state of mind will be of great benefit.

After thinking about all this, Fei Peng had a trace of envy for Zhonglou, and he couldn't wait for him to be fighting at this moment. He can also accept this temper.

Fei Peng and Chung Lou's obsession with martial arts are the same, as long as they can be tempered, they can bear it no matter how dangerous they are.

Especially this kind of grind between life and death, which is unacceptable in the cultivation tower.

"A full blow, we have no time."

Gao Feng ordered from the side.

The one hundred warriors of the Divine Realm were shocked upon hearing this.

"Blood-burning Heaven Demon Slash."


A red brilliance erupted from the bodies of a hundred warriors in the Divine Realm, and the aura became even stronger.

Of course, the combat power erupted by this burning blood formation is still half-step Divine Emperor Realm, but the power is undoubtedly much stronger than before.


A blade light that is like a substance is condensed in the void.

This blade is tens of meters long, forming a powerful blade area in an instant. It covers a radius of tens of meters. Because this blade light was extremely terrifying, it seemed to make the surrounding void shudder.

"hold onto."

Fei Peng and others did not join the battlefield, and all the gods and demons stared at the body of the heavy building.

Although the crowd still believed in the strength of the Chonglou, at this moment, seeing this terrible knife, they couldn't stand a cold sweat for the Chonglou in their hearts.

Liu Ce's gaze also looked at the Chonglou unblinkingly.


Zhonglou also felt the invisible suppressing power around him enveloped himself. A sense of extreme danger enveloped him.

But Chonglou was also a warlike person. In the face of such a danger, not only was he not afraid, but he was excited. At this moment, it seems that the blood in the whole body is surging crazily.

"Let the storm come stronger."

Chonglou roared hysterically.

The power of the heavy building madly circulates the whole body.

"Mokong Slash."

This is what Zhonglou realized in the top cultivation tower.

The endless demonic energy condensed crazily. A powerful, black armor appeared on the body of the heavy building. This is formed by magical energy. This is also the ultimate fighting form of Chonglou.

Chonglou's wrist knife cleaved out a sword energy that seemed to be substantial. As if it could tear everything apart.

"Boom!" A sound.

The two forces collided fiercely in the void.


Fei Peng's heart tightened.

The gods and demons are also a little worried.


A violent force burst out.

In the surrounding void, terrifying demonic energy poured into Chonglou's body.

"Why is there so much devilish energy?"

"I broke through."

Chonglou laughed out loud. The bohemian sound came into Fei Peng's ears.

"Boy Feipeng. I am now in the half-step Divine Sovereign Realm. One step earlier than you, right?"

"Fuck, hell."

Fei Peng was slightly depressed.

When the two of them were in the fairy sword world, they liked to fight. Fight for thousands of years. This tradition has also continued into this world. However, they cherish each other, although they are fighting, they have long regarded each other as friends. As long as you get a little achievement, you like to scream in front of the opponent. This has become a kind of fun for them.

"Why, why didn't he die?"

Gao Fengji wanted to vomit blood.

This is hundreds of martial artists in the Divine Master Realm. Not only did it fail to kill the enemy, but it became the enemy's grindstone, allowing the enemy's cultivation base to break through. From Gao Feng's point of view, this is simply tragic.

After a puff of smoke

Chonglou stood up again.

It's just that the clothes on the upper body of the heavy building are all torn, but because the magic armor is still there, it doesn't look so embarrassed.

However, the divine master realm warriors who had besieged the heavy building at this moment were all swaying around, either bleeding from the seven orifices, or all wasted.

This is the price of using the Burning Blood Array.

Chonglou didn't bother to care about these people. After all, these people also used the cost of their lives to help him break through, and he didn't rush to exterminate them.

"Surrender, I can give you a chance to let the past go."

Liu Ce looked at Gao Feng without expression.

"Don't think about it, even if I die in battle, my peak will not surrender."

A trace of determination flashed in Gao Feng's eyes.

Liu Ce was also slightly surprised, and it seemed that he didn't expect that this Qiankun Sect still had so many diehard loyalties.


A harsh voice sounded in the void.

"What a powerful force?"

Liu Ce frowned.

"Your Majesty, this is a martial artist in the Divine Emperor Realm, be careful."

A group of gods and demons stood in front of Liu Ce.

"Who, who is hiding his head and showing his tail, hasn't shown up yet?"

Liu Ce shouted.

"Since the Emperor of Han has requested it, this seat will be polite."

A figure rushed towards Liu Ce from a distance very quickly.

Liu Ce's face was solemn, and he already felt a terrifying murderous intent locked on his body. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 942 God Emperor Shot), next time you open the bookshelf see! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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