Liu Ce's expression became serious, because he had just entered the star field, so he didn't know much about the star field organization.

"Little emperor. Find me this person and assassinate me, do you want to run?"

Liu Ce said to Xiaohuangdao.

A white light flew out, and the emperor quickly disappeared in place.

"Big Brother, if this person from the Shadow kills the opponent, he will face the Shadow completely."

Fluttershy said to Liu Ce.

"It's okay. I have always repaid gratitude and revenge. Since I dare to attack me, we must consider the consequences."

Liu Ce said solemnly.

"Then I will go find him too. We dark night still have a certain understanding of Shadow. If only the various pets want to find him, it won't be so easy."

Xiaodie Road.

"Okay, but you have to be careful, if it's dangerous, don't fall in love with it."

Liu Ce hesitated and said to Xiaodie.

Liu Ce naturally knew that Dark Night and Shadow were deadly enemies. If you don't agree to Fluttershy, you will feel sad.

Xiaodie nodded to Liu Ce and flew away.


Suddenly, an early warning came from Liu Ce's space satellite.

A flying boat is going to the star field.

Liu Ce's space satellite has an identification friend or foe system. Those who enter the Dahan Star Territory or go out of the Dahan Star Territory need to report to Dahan, otherwise they will be regarded as an enemy by Dahan's space satellites.

This time, because the killer walked too quickly, he forgot to turn on the invisibility function. Otherwise, the space satellite would not catch him. After all, when entering the Huawu Continent, the Shadow’s Flying Boat successfully entered the Huawu Continent with its stealth function.

Liu Ce decisively ordered the space satellite to launch satellite weapons.

The Shadow Killer actually didn't really forget to turn on the invisibility function, but he didn't care too much. After all, at the speed of his flying boat, he only needs to start flying outside the star field. The big man couldn't stop it even if he found it. Even when the other party found out, his flying boat had already left Dahan's area.

"Big man, don't think that you can sit back and relax after avoiding it once. The background of our shadows is not what you can imagine. Moreover, there are people in the dark night by your side, and you will eventually become our shadow's mortal enemy, facing endless pursuits. ."

The Shadow Killer had already spread the news through the messenger. In contrast, the manager of the Yunlongyu office has already received the news.

Although the bronze medal killer failed in his mission to assassinate Emperor Han, he discovered the remnants of Dark Night. This can be regarded as making up for the work. But for the bronze medal killer, his failure in this mission was a great shame. After all, Shadow has rarely failed in its mission.

Go back to Shadow, the bronze medal killer, will face the ridicule of his peers. Therefore, he still has a lot of resentment towards Emperor Han.

"Huh, is this?"

The Shadow Killer suddenly felt a sense of danger.

As a killer, he has a strong sense of danger. Although I don't know why, as a habit as a killer for many years, he subconsciously flew out of the flying boat with all his strength.

"Boom!" A sound.

The flying boat was blown to pieces under a white light.

Although the Shadow Killer flew out of the flying boat, because the distance was too close, he was still flew out by a powerful shock wave.

Although the Shadow Killer is a warrior of the Divine Lord Realm, he was also injured under this powerful shock wave because of his injuries before. It is equal to injury and injury.

"Damn it, what is this?"

The Shadow Killer was a little horrified, because he suddenly discovered that the attack came from the starry sky. And the speed is so fast, there is no sign before.

The Shadow Killer knew he couldn't stay here any longer. Because the gods and demons of the big man will come at the fastest speed.

The shadow killer flew away.

Sure enough, the Shadow Killer left for less than ten breaths. Nezha, Fei Peng, Chonglou and others arrived.

Liu Ce had already seen the results from space satellites and knew that the shadow killer had not been killed. This made him secretly cry out that it was a pity. At the same time, there is also vigilance in my heart. Because he knew very well that he didn't kill the opponent this time. The next time the opponent is prepared, it will be even more difficult to kill.

Liu Ce's space satellite could not lock the other side. The other party seems to have used some kind of camouflage secret method, even the space satellite cannot lock the other party.

Fortunately, Xiaohuang and Xiaodie are already looking for each other. It should be possible to get results in a short time.

It was just that Xiaohuang and Xiaodie did not come back for three consecutive days. Obviously, the target was not found. But it should have found a trace, otherwise Xiaohuang and Xiaodie would have returned long ago.

"Wang Chun, go and call Yuhuatian to come."

Liu Cedao.

"According to the purpose."

Wang Chun turned and left.

Half an hour later, Yuhuatian came to the Palace of Qinzheng. Liu Ce has been here for a long time with his hands behind his back.

"His Majesty."

Yuhuatian saluted Liu Ce.

"Get up. Let you come this time because you need to check the shadow information. The more detailed the better."

Liu Cedao.

Liu Ce felt that he would definitely become the opposite of Shadow in the future. The so-called knowing oneself, knowing the enemy is victorious. He naturally also needs to know the strength of this shadow.

"According to the purpose."

Yuhuatian left.

"Wang Chun, let Dongchang and Jin Yiwei all dispatch to find the shadow killer."

Liu Cedao.

"According to the purpose."

Wang Chun nodded.

Yunlong Domain Shadow Office

At this moment, the only manager received a call from the bronze medal killer.

"Huh, it failed? And also encountered the remnants of the dark night?"

The manager frowned slightly.

This news is very important. Remnants of the dark night? The steward understood this immediately and was refreshed. If this is the case, it will also be of great benefit to them. This is also obvious. This can be regarded as meritorious service. Although this time the mission failed. But for the shadows, killing the remnants of the dark night is more important to them.

"No, I must report to the branch immediately."

The manager's eyes flashed.

In the next few days, Dongchang and Jinyiwei were all dispatched, but this shadow killer seemed to be extremely good at disguising. Within a short period of time, there was no news. It was Xiaodie who sent someone back a message that she had locked the other's breath, and given her a little more time, she must be able to catch the assassin.

However, soon, news came from the people below.

Several villages were slaughtered near Handu. None of the villagers was spared.

"damn it."

Liu Ce couldn't get more angry.

Dahan has been in peace for a long time, and no force has dared to commit crimes in Dahan's territory. There are people who dare to be in Dahan Tucun now, this is simply a birthday star eating arsenic and looking for death.

From the news coming back from below, Liu Ceyan judged that this shadow killer was inseparable. The East Factory sent back news that there was still a trace of evil energy in the village. It should be that the other party used some kind of secret technique to heal the wounds, and the price was that the villagers in the whole village were drained of blood.

More than three thousand villagers died just like that.

Liu Ce was furious.

Liu Ce knew that he had to find the other party as soon as possible, otherwise the next village would suffer.

Liu Ce sent out the people from Dongchang and Jinyiwei. Although he also knows the ability of the other party. It is difficult for Dongchang and Jinyiwei to find each other, but doing so will at least play a deterrent effect. At least the other party doesn't dare to be blatant, and will converge.

Sure enough, in a mountain range outside Handu.

A man in his thirties. The look at the moment was a bit aggrieved. During this period of time, he hid from the east, although he refined a village, he recovered slightly from his injuries. But the big man's secret guard is pervasive. He has no chance to have a complete healing process at all. So his current injury is still very serious.

Suddenly, the Shadow Killer felt as if he was being targeted. Although he didn't know where this feeling came from. But I still trust my hunch. Because of this kind of almost talented perception, he has saved him many times in his long career as a killer.

Just when the Shadow Killer was about to escape.


Horrible coercion erupted from the heavens and the earth. Shrouded around the shadow killer. In front of the Shadow Killer who was going to escape, it seemed that a huge barrier appeared, knocking him back.

I don't know when, more than a dozen warriors appeared around. Every warrior has a vast aura in his body. Standing in the middle are Liu Ce and Xiaodie.

"Xiaohuang, Xiaodie, you are doing very well."

Liu Ce said to Xiaohuang and Xiaodie.

Xiaohuang squatted out on Liu Ce's shoulder very excitedly, and seemed to praise Liu Ce very well.

"Tuxing grandson, take the other party for me."

Liu Ce travels to the native land.

"According to the purpose."

Tuxing Sun was too lazy to do it, and knew that His Majesty wanted to live. Therefore, he threw his own immortal rope directly.

The immortal rope bound flew towards the shadow killer like a snake. Like a living thing.

"You want to catch me even by relying on a mere magic weapon?"

The Shadow Killer is preparing to spend some life costs and cast his escape technique to escape. Although he didn't know the cultivation level of the masters around Liu Ce, as a shadow killer, the best thing was not suicide, but life-saving. As long as you can save your life in an unfavorable situation. There is a chance to make a comeback. As long as he successfully used the secret technique to escape, he was confident that even the average **** king might not be able to catch him.

"Blood Shadow Escape."

A ray of blood enveloped the shadow killer's body.

"Emperor Han, we will see you again soon."

The Shadow Killer was extremely angry, even if he wanted to leave, he didn't forget to say something cruel.

But the next breath, this shadow killer was dumbfounded. He felt that all the airspace around him was enveloped by the power of this bundle of fairy ropes.

Soon, the golden light tying the immortal rope wrapped him. Abruptly dragged the Shadow Killer back from the void.

The body of the Shadow Killer was completely **** by the immortal rope.

"Asshole, what is this magic weapon? I don't believe it?"

The Shadow Killer was a little horrified. I didn't expect that I would be dragged back abruptly by a magic weapon. And the more he struggled, the more secure the weird rope was.

"You are right, we will see you again soon indeed."

Liu Ce said blankly as he looked at the Shadow Killer.


The Shadow Killer looked at Liu Ce's playful gaze, almost vomiting blood, his face turned into pig liver color. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: strongest violent emperor mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 948 Outraged), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf ! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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