The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 950: Shi Ya cry for help

After swallowing the Tiger Pill, Liu Ce felt a force that seemed to burn. The shackles of the original Demon God Technique began to loosen.


"The third level of the Taishang Demon God Art?"

Liu Ce is overjoyed.

But Liu Ce felt that the efficacy of the Tiger Pill was very domineering. Maybe I can give myself more surprises. After all, this was the first one he swallowed.

Therefore, Liu Ce swallowed the second Tiger Pill again.

When Liu Ce swallowed the second Tiger Pill. Suddenly felt a flow of heat all over the body. The energy in his body rushed towards the limbs and skeletons in his body like a stormy sea, and began to hit those shackles.

Well, the effect is really good. This second Tiger Pill directly loosened Liu Ce's original shackles again. Although the efficacy of the drug was exhausted at the last minute. But this is already very good.

Liu Ce took a Tiger Pill again.

Suddenly, that terrifying energy appeared again. Began to continue to hit the shackles.


An endless burst of energy.

Liu Ce made another breakthrough.

The mid-third layer of the Taishang Demon God Art.


Two days later, the five fierce tiger pills allowed Liu Ce to directly break through to the late third stage of the Taishang Demon Art.

In the room

Liu Ce made no further breakthroughs. After all, it is necessary to consolidate the realm, and it is not that the more breakthroughs the better. Unless it is a system upgrade card. That is the power that can make a perfect breakthrough. Otherwise, relying solely on Liu Ce to make breakthroughs on his own, he still needs to be cautious in all aspects.

Occupation: Emperor Han

Techniques: Xuanwu Body Forging Jue (the ninth layer peak) Emperor Dao Shenglong Jue, Taishang Demon God Jue (third layer late)

Cultivation: Early Stage of Transforming God Realm

Martial Skills: Hundred Sword Jue (Transformation Realm) Dou Zhuan Xingyi (Transformation Realm) Xiao Li Feidao (Transaction Realm) Galaxy Breaking Fist (Transaction Realm) Fengshen Leg (Transmutation Realm) Stealing Heaven, Changing the Sun and Seizing Sword Style (Transaction Realm) Sword Twenty-two (Consummation) Immortal Golden Body Jue (Dacheng)...Sword Twenty-Three (Consummation)

Secret Method: Promise Fury (Dacheng)


Summon Gods and Demons: Guan Yu, Yuhuatian, Lu Bu, Mangui, Sima Buping, Duan Tianya, Dugu Qiuqiu, Gan Mingzhu, Absolute Wushen, Sete, Worshiping the Lord of the Moon, Yuwentuo, Wuming...

Martial arts points: 1258

Treasure Box: None

National Transport: 60045423200

Available National Shipping: 9027632000

"System, I want to improve my cultivation."

Liu Ce said silently in his heart.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, he has been promoted to three levels in a row, and he is currently cultivated to the pinnacle of the level of the gods."

The system prompt sounds.


Liu Ce suddenly felt a rush of heat pouring into his heart, the unstoppable impact on his limbs. In the end, it was summed up in a sea of ​​air.

Liu Ce's spirit is constantly growing.

It can be said that he has reached the realm of the **** of transformation. The energy in the body has already transitioned from true essence to divine essence. And the transformation of the gods is also in the process of transforming the true essence into the gods.

More than 80% of Liu Ce's body transformed into a golden god.

Although Shen Yuan and Zhen Yuan are only one word difference, the difference in strength and quality is not enough to describe.

Liu Ce opened his eyes, his whole body exuded a more and more vast aura. After breaking through three small realms in a row, he felt his strength swelled a lot.

Liu Ce went out

"See Your Majesty."

Wang Chun, who was waiting by the side, hurriedly saluted Liu Ce.

"Well, how long have I practiced?"

Liu Ce asked.

"Your Majesty, you have been practicing for three days and three nights."

Wang Chun quickly said to Liu Ce.

"Three days and three nights?"

Liu Ce's jaw slightly.

Three days and three nights are really nothing. He is promoted by the system. Changing to other martial artists, it is normal to practice in retreat for several years or even decades. Even if it is a retreat for hundreds of years at a time, it is not a strange thing at all. If you let others know that Liu Ce has broken through three small realms in just a few days, you will definitely be shocked. When it comes to the Transcendent God Realm, even if it is in the Star Territory, it is not considered a weak person anymore. When it comes to this realm, often a small realm will cost the martial artist countless energy to break through.

In a small state, there is no way to break through for ten years or even decades. After all, when it comes to the realm of the gods, the warriors have a long lifespan. It took decades to break through a small state, which is not too strange at all.

"Your Majesty, Miss Shi Ya asked to see you earlier."

Wang Chundao.

"Shi Ya?"

Liu Ce was slightly surprised. Why is Shi Ya here? Didn't Shi Ya go to the Temple of Heaven with Lord Luo Fei?

"When did this happen?"

Liu Ce asked.

"One day ago."

Wang Chun said quickly.

"Wang Chun, Miss Shi Ya is looking for me, there must be something important, why didn't you notify me in time?"

Liu Ce looked at Wang Chun and asked.

When Wang Chun heard this, he knew that His Majesty was angry, and he knelt down in fear and said to Liu Ce: "Your Majesty, the slave and maidservant see you are cultivating, so I dare not disturb you."

"Okay, hurry up and invite Saint Shiya."

Liu Ce suppressed his anger and said to Wang Chun.

In fact, Liu Ce knew that Wang Chun was not to blame for this matter. After all, Wang Chun also knew that cultivation is the most taboo to disturb.

After a cup of tea

Shi Ya came to the Palace of Qinzheng. At this moment, Liu Ce was waiting for the other party in the Palace of Qinzheng.

"Shi Ya, long time no see."

Liu Ce looked at Shi Ya with a slight smile.

"Di Han, please, save my master."

Shi Ya pleaded to Liu Ce.

"What's wrong with your master?"

Liu Ce frowned. This Luo Fei did not go to the Temple of Heaven with Shi Ya. Although he knew that although Luo Fei and Shi Ya were the masters and saints of the most detached temple in Huawu Continent, their status would be greatly reduced if they went to the Heavenly Temple. But he did not expect that one day Shi Ya would come to ask for help.

"In order to save me, my master offended the son of Elder Gu Xiu, the elder of the Temple, and was punished by the elder. Tomorrow, he will be sentenced to death."

Shi Ya cried bitterly.

"I know this is very difficult, but I really don't know who to ask at this moment."

Shi Ya lowered her head and looked in pain.

Luo Fei is Shi Yayi's teacher and mother, and she will never watch her master be killed.

Capital punishment is death. Liu Ce is very clear.

"Shi Ya, what's going on, make it clear, I'll take care of this matter."

Liu Ce solemnly said to Shi Ya.

"Is such that."

Shi Ya told the ins and outs of the matter in a slightly choked voice.

In fact, things are not complicated and even common.

It turned out that Shi Ya arrived at the Temple of Heaven. The status plummeted. Luo Fei, as the master of the Temple of Heaven in the Huawu Continent Temple, a former prince, fortunately, became the sacrificial priest of the temple. Shi Ya became the servant of the Temple of Heaven. Si Cong is the lowest member of the Tiansheng Temple, and has no status other than the official personnel of the Tiansheng Temple.

Even so, there is no big problem. Shi Ya and Luo Fei are not people who like to cause trouble in the Temple of Heaven. Although the Tiansheng Temple and the others did not have the freedom and status of the Huawu Continent Temple, their cultivation resources were far stronger than when they were in the Huawu Continent.

They only need to silently cultivate, and their strength can be gradually improved. In the future, there will be opportunities to go one step further in the Temple of Heaven. But many things are not as simple as they think.

In Huawu Continent, the two masters and apprentices are the supreme masters, and very few people dare to provoke them. They can practice with peace of mind. But when they arrived at the Temple of Heaven, their status plummeted, and they almost became the bottom of the Temple of Heaven, and they suffered more shackles. I can't do whatever I want.

Especially Shi Ya, although her cultivation level is not high in the Temple of Heaven, but because she is young and beautiful, she has a clear and refined temperament. Still caused a lot of trouble.

After all, there are still many second generations in the Tiansheng Temple. Although the elders of these Tiansheng Temple do not have any positions in the Tiansheng Temple, they are still enough to do whatever they want by relying on the status of their parents and grandfathers in the Tiansheng Temple.

One of the grandsons of the elder of the inner temple of the Tiansheng Temple fell in love with Shi Ya and wanted Shi Ya to be his concubine.

When Liu Ce heard this, he couldn't help but ask: "Can the elders of the Temple of Heaven still get married?"

It is normal for Liu Ce to have this question. In his opinion, the Temple of Heaven is somewhat similar to the power of faith, and the faith is the goddess of light. This kind of religious sect contains clergy. In Liu Ce's view, this kind of clergy is like the monks and nuns on the earth where he was in his previous life, and they shouldn't be able to get married.

"Yes, the Tiansheng Temple does not stipulate that the clergy in the Tiansheng Temple are not allowed to marry and reproduce offspring. It is just that the Tiansheng Temple recognizes only one."

Shi Ya said to Liu Ce.

"It seems that I misunderstood."

Liu Cedao.

"What happened then?"

Liu Ce looked at Shi Ya and continued to ask.

Shi Ya said helplessly: "But then, I still refused. Although Shi Ya is not a big man, I don't want to practice myself casually and be with someone I don't like."

"Then the other party started to target you? The power of the elders in the hall of the heavenly temple is not small, can't you offend it?"

Liu Ce had already guessed the next result.


Shi Ya smiled bitterly and said: "This son's brother is very powerful in the Tiansheng Temple and even in the Tiansheng City. When I rejected him, he held a grudge. Once, he caught me and let go of one in the Tiansheng City. The people who are suspected of the Demon Race are used as a handle to threaten me. In fact, those people are not Demon Race at all, they just look like Demon Race.”

"I also know that the brother-in-law is using the power of the family to find fault to wrong me."

Shi Ya said bitterly.

"and then?"

Liu Ce frowned.

"But that brother brother used this as an excuse to let the people from the Law Enforcement Hall of the Temple of Heaven arrest me into the dungeon, trying to use this to coerce me and make me his concubine."

"What little concubine is actually his plaything, I naturally don't follow. In the end, the master found a chance to let me go. She asked me to come to you, saying that now only you can keep me. But I am running away. The day before I came out of the Holy City, I heard the master let me go because of private. That day the elder of the inner hall of the temple was furious and threw the master to death, preparing to choose a day for capital punishment. Liu Gongzi, please, be sure to Save my master."

Shi Ya looked at Liu Cedao in pain. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 950 Shi Ya for help), next time you open the bookshelf see! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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