The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 971: Encircle

At this moment, Yangcheng's Iron Shield Legion and Fang Xingliang's Lightning Legion also formed a siege to the main force of the demons. The demons at this moment can be regarded as catching turtles in the urn.

At this moment, the Demon Marshal Sutu, who was far from the edge of the Yunlong Domain, also received the news.

"What, the Deshen Army was blocked by the Human Race Army?"

Su Tu was a little surprised.

"Yes, so is the news from earlier?"

An officer of the demons said.

"Is it the news from Seuss?"

Su Tu asked.

"No, there is no news from General Seuss."

The demon's officer said.

"That's good. Since there is no news from Seuss, it proves that he hasn't encountered much obstacles."

Su Tudao.

"So handsome, what do you mean?"

The demon officer looked at Suss in front of him because he was a little unclear.

Su Tu squinted his eyes and said faintly: "This proves that there is not much danger on Suth's side. Don't worry, just follow the original plan."

In Sutu’s original plan, blossoming on all sides and a breakthrough in the center. The human army is exhausted, and they don't know the reality of their demon army, and they don't know the main force of the demon army. Under such circumstances, as long as the human beings were rescued everywhere, and the headquarters was empty, they would invade the Han capital of the big man. If the Han Emperor could be captured alive, then the battle of Yunlongyu would be half-victorious.

Although I encountered the army of the human race, in Sutu's view, this should be just a coincidence. As long as the armies of these human races are destroyed, the mission can still be completed according to the original plan.

Su Tu's original plan is indeed good. If it is replaced by other forces, the opponent's plan is 80% likely to succeed. But it is a pity that the target of the other party's plan is a big man, so it is very difficult to succeed. Dahan owns surveillance satellites.

With the help of surveillance satellites. Liu Ce knew the truth and fiction of the Demon Race, and he found the main force of the Demon Race at once.

Han Du

At this moment, Liu Ce used a huge projection to project the dynamic picture of the enemy and our situation on the wall. Clear.

It can be said that every move of the Mozu is under the control of the surveillance satellite. Even Liu Ce has the opportunity to use four anti-matter weapons. This is Liu Ce's greatest heritage now.

Wu Qi, Bai Qi, Yue Fei, Han Xin, Li Jing, and others looked at the dynamic picture on the wall with a bit of astonishment. They didn't know what it was.

"Your Majesty, is this?"

Han Xin looked at the star field map on the wall with some bewilderment, as well as the red and blue dots on the star field map. Although the star map and their supplementary knowledge after this period of time, they can already understand it. But now they still don't understand what is shown on the star map.

"The red dots on this represent the army of the current demons, and the blue dots represent the deployment of our giant cities and the army."

Liu Ce said lightly.


Han Xin, Li Jing, Yue Fei and others were all a little shocked, this is also amazing. Especially they can see that the red dots on this are not stationary, but active. So... it means that the dynamic picture is actually real-time.

Soon, Han Xin thought of something. Pointing to a small red dot on the edge of the Yunlong Region, he said, "Your Majesty, this red dot on the edge of the Yunlong Region is obviously where the demon marshal is."

Liu Ce nodded slightly, in fact, he felt the same way before. But now when I hear Han Xin say, I know that the other party has something to say.

"Han Xin, there is no need to hide it, what do you think?"

Liu Ce looked at Han Xin and asked.

"Your Majesty, it's very simple, we can fight for aid."

With a confident smile on Han Xin's face, he said to Liu Ce: "Your Majesty, please see, if it is said that the main force of the demons is coming to attack us now, what will the other party do when they know that this army is about to be wiped out by us? ?"

Liu Ce nodded slightly and said sternly: "It's me, it's absolutely impossible to sit and watch the main force under his command doom like this. Therefore, I will personally lead the army to rescue. Of course, it depends on this main force in the demon marshal. The importance in my mind."

"The top priority is to surround this main force."

Liu Ce muttered.

Back at the Imperial Study Room, Liu Ce shouted to his side: "Xiaodie."

"Big brother."

Fluttershy walked out of the shadows.

"Well, Fluttershy, there is a task for you to do."

Liu Ce looked at Xiaodie solemnly.

"Big brother, please say."

Xiaodie looked at Liu Ce with a solemn expression.

"You go to the Demon Race Camp to investigate, the position of the Demon Race head coach, after confirming, put this thing on the Demon Race head coach flying boat."

Liu Ce said to Xiaodie.

"Yes, big brother, I will go now."

Xiaodie was about to leave, but Liu Ce was yelled at.

"Wait a minute."

Liu Ce shouted to Xiaodie.

"System, I want to exchange for a small flying boat."

Liu Cedao.

Soon, the system was classified in the system mall for Liu Ce. In this category are some more classic small flying boats.

This time Liu Ce set up a small flying boat, a flying boat that can only accommodate one person.

Soon, Liu Ce's target locked on one of the flying boats. This flying boat is very small and can accommodate two people in it. And the speed is very fast, far surpassing other flying boats. The most important thing is that this flying boat has an invisible function. General methods are invalid for flying boats. The most important thing is that the defensive performance of this flying boat is also good. Follow the system introduction. Its defensive cover is enough to withstand a full blow from a warrior of the Emperor Realm.

Of course, if the opponent comes a second time, the defensive cover will collapse. However, at that time, if the pilot of the flying boat could not rely on the flying boat to escape, then the owner of the flying boat could only be blamed for trash.

"That's it."

Liu Ce quickly made a decision.

Just looking at the selling price, Liu Ce was not calm. Because Liu Ce saw that this price actually required one billion yuan of national luck. This is just a miniature flying boat. Unfortunately, this flying boat is not available in the discount area of ​​the system mall. Otherwise, Liu Ce will buy it in the discount area of ​​the system.

After a little hesitation, Liu Ce finally decided to buy this flying boat. After all, this is also for Xiaodie's safety. Now Liu Ce also feels extremely pity for this poor girl, and even treats her as his sister in his heart. Naturally, she is also very concerned about her safety.

"System, I want to buy this flying boat."

Liu Ce ordered the system.

Soon, Liu Ce spent one billion national transportation to buy this somewhat mini flying boat.

Liu Ce then took the flying boat out of the system space.

Fluttershy is not surprised either. It is not very strange that some powerful warriors have space magic weapons. The only strange thing is that the space in the space magic weapons of the big brother is a little larger.

"This flying boat is for you. You can get to the destination faster by riding it, and it can be invisible, which is very important for you to complete the task."

Liu Ce said to Xiaodie.


Fluttershy was attracted by this mini flying boat.

The pink paint surface has some very cartoon patterns painted on it. Moreover, the craftsmanship of this flying boat is extremely fine, the lines are smooth, and the brilliance is extremely. Therefore, Fluttershy fell in love with him in one fell swoop. No girl does not like beautiful things, and Xiaodie is no exception.

"Acknowledge the Lord with your blood."

Liu Ce said to Xiaodie.

This flying boat is the product of the combination of technology and refinery. It is also possible to recognize the Lord with a drop of blood.


Fluttershy hesitated, because she knew that if she had such a drop of blood to recognize the lord, this flying boat would belong to her, and no one else would be able to use it.

"Yes, this flying boat will be yours from now on."

Liu Ce said to Xiaodie.


Fluttershy looked at Liu Ce in a bit of astonishment.

"Big brother, this is a bit too expensive."

Xiaodie looked at Liu Ce hesitantly.

"No, it will be very important for you to perform tasks in the future. This flying boat is specially used to perform tasks for you. You don't have to refuse."

Liu Cedao.


Since Liu Ce has said so, Xiaodie is naturally not good at rejecting it, not to mention that she really likes this mini-aircraft very much.

"Go, the task is second, the first thing is to keep yourself."

Liu Ce said solemnly to Xiaodie.

"Yes, big brother."

Xiaodie smiled at Liu Ce.

Stayed with Liu Ce for a long time. Fluttershy also learned how to laugh, and it was no longer the original cold look.

Moreover, Xiaodie was originally a big beauty, in Liu Ce's eyes, she is actually very beautiful when she smiles.

"Go and get acquainted with this flying boat."

Liu Ce said to Xiaodie: "Familiarize yourself with various functions, it can improve your survivability."

This flying boat also has many small functions that Fluttershy needs to discover by himself. Although Liu Ce didn't want Xiaodie to take risks, she was indeed the best candidate for this mission. Moreover, as the royal family of the Dark Night clan, if Xiaodie wants to restore the glory of the Dark Night clan, she must strengthen herself and let herself grow up.

Watching Xiaodie leave in a flying boat.

The battle between the human race and the demons has begun to escalate.

This time, the demons launched an offensive in the four directions of the human race. Three directions: Chujiang City, Feiyun City, and Huayu City.

The other way is the way the Demon Race destroys the God Army.

Suss, the commander of the Destroyer Army, was fighting Wang You Ling Snake Corps to a fierce battle.

"It seems that we must also help the Spirit Snake Army."

Su Wu, who had been watching the battle, watched the Spirit Snake Legion suffered heavy losses and was suppressed to the limit by the Destroyer Army. Knowing that the spirit snake army at this moment is also the end of the force. Therefore, Su Wu led the Phantom Army to join the battle.

And in the surroundings of the God Destroyer Army, the Tiger Legion, the Gale Legion, the Sirius Legion, and the Thunderstorm Legion also began to encircle the God Destroyer Army.

"Su Shuai, not only our rear wing, our left and right wing, but also found the enemy."

An officer came to Suth's side.


Su Si's expression suddenly changed when he heard the words.

"how many people?"

Suth asked solemnly.

At this moment, Suss no longer had the calmness he had before, and knew the seriousness of the matter. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 971 Enclosed), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf ! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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