The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 993: Divine Emperor Realm shot

Xiuge felt the terrifying power of that sword piercing the air, and his hair was immediately horrified.

"The black demon is one!"

Shuge is gathering the strength of the army.

In the Han army, Xiuge can draw on the power of the army. This made it a gradual improvement in the early days of the God King. At this moment, with the help of the power of the Black Demon Legion, his strength is infinitely close to the half-step God Emperor Realm.


Nine swords broke through the air. Killed hundreds of enemies in front of him.

The defense in front of Shuge was punched out of a channel. A terrifying sword slew towards Xiugu's body.

"Mysterious Demon Sacred Fist!"

Shuge roared angrily.

Endless devilish energy gathered from all directions towards the place of Shaoge. Looking at the sword that was smashing towards his own position in front of him, he blasted past.

The terrifying power caused the whole earth to shake violently.


One punch and one sword collided fiercely in the void.

The two forces collided in the void. The endless waves of air swept in all directions centered on the two. The earth is cracking inch by inch.


Shuge snorted, and he staggered back nine steps like a drunkard. The ground beneath his feet seemed to be unable to withstand this terrible force and exploded every inch.

Even though Xiuge took this sword, his body was also boiling with blood. Of course, he still needs to be thankful that this sword, because of the resistance of the black demon army in front, only has less than 50% of its power left. Otherwise, he would not be so.

Fortunately, with this buffer, the surrounding black demon army gradually sealed the gap.

"Ni|Ma, it's a bit difficult."

The empty son is a little regretful.

Nezha's expression is also extremely solemn. Because Nezha can feel that the strength of this army formation is gathering. The forces they face are getting stronger and stronger. There is not much time left for them.

At this moment, something went wrong inside the Black Demon Army. The officers of the Dark Demon Army were slain.

As a Dark Demon Army officer fell, a dark shadow quickly escaped and swept towards another Dark Demon Army officer.

Those who were slain were all middle and high-level members of the Black Demon Army, and the weakest were all commander-level.

As the backbone, these Black Demon Army officers were slain, which had a great impact on the Black Demon Army. At least let the black demon army's condensing speed greatly weaken.

After all, these Dark Demon Army officers are an indispensable part of the Dark Demon Army.

Naturally, it was Fluttershy who shot this.

"What's the matter? There are enemies."

In the Black Demon Army's army, this is already the rear. But at this moment, the middle and high-level leaders of the Black Demon Army fell one by one, which caused some chaos within the Black Demon Army.

"Don't move, find the killer."

A leader of the Black Demon Army shouted angrily.

Just as the leader of the Black Demon Army yelled out these words, a sword light flashed in front of him.

This sword came too abruptly and broke out from the most incredible angle.

Although the leader of the Black Demon Army was strong, there was no room for dodge in the face of this sword.

"Puff!" a cry.

With this sword across.

The head of the commander of the Black Demon Army suddenly flew away from the body. The blood spurted out.

"There, kill him."

The soldiers of the Black Demon Army saw a black light flash by. Immediately madly killed towards the black light.

The terrifying attack crushed in that direction.

But that person's speed is too fast. Too soon when they found out, the black light had already disappeared without a trace.

This person is Fluttershy. After receiving Liu Ce's order, Xiaodie sneaked into the army of the Demon Black Demon Army and began to assassinate the demon officers on a large scale.

Fluttershy, as the princess of the dark night, awakens the blood of the dark night's royal family, and is best at stealth assassination. Of course, this time the environment is even worse. This is in the army of the Black Demon Army, which can be described as enemies on all sides. Even if Xiaodie had awakened the Dark Ye bloodline, there was a lot of pressure at this moment. For every blow, you must first consider your way out in advance.

One after another, the demon officers fell. Become the dead soul of Fluttershy's sword.

This poses a great threat to the cohesion of the Black Demon Army.

The strength of the army, which had been slowly climbing, was actually stagnant at this moment.

At this moment, the battle between Feipeng, Zhonglou and the four half-step Divine Emperor Realm warriors of the demon race has reached a fever pitch. Although the two do not have the disadvantage of one enemy and two, the pressure is also increasing.

Suddenly, another half-step divine emperor realm of the four demons appeared.

"not good."

Fei Peng and Chonglou are already at the limit to hold two of them alone. It is very difficult to block the other four at once.

"Thinking about the past, it depends on whether we want it or not."

Cao Bao and Xiao Sheng appeared.

"Huh, get out of the way."

These four are the other four sent by the guard team next to the demon commander. Because he had already seen that the commander of the Black Demon Army, Shuge was already in the most dangerous situation. Therefore, it can only send out the few masters left around.

Not the commander of the demons, he was unwilling to send most of the masters in the first place. These masters existed to protect the commander of the demons. If you send too much, the enemy will find control and assassinate the demon boss. In case the commander of the demons is assassinated. That will cause great harm to the victory or defeat of this war. This kind of example abounds, so in every war, there will be a lot of masters secretly protecting by the commander of the demon clan. The commander of the Demon Race sent another four half-steps to be blocked again in the Divine Emperor Realm, which suddenly made the commander of the Demon Race a little ugly.

The Demon Commander knew very well that if Shuge was killed, the blow to the Black Demon Army would be fatal.

The only way now is to let the Divine Emperor Realm, who has been by his side to protect himself, take action.

"Charlie, the only way now is for you to shoot."

Demon Commander House looked at Charlie and asked.

"But, my task is only to protect you."

Charlie said blankly.

"However, if Shuge dies, the Dark Demon Legion will collapse. This will indirectly affect our future battles. Do you want to see the defeat of our Demon Race?"

House didn't hesitate to put a big hat on Charlie.

There is no way, as a warrior of the Emperor Realm, although Charlie was sent to protect House, he was not under his command. After all, as a warrior in the Emperor Realm, Charlie's status is detached.

"Okay. Sure, but I only shoot one stick of incense. Within one stick, if there is no result, I will give up. After all, my mission is to protect your safety, and I can totally refuse additional missions."

Charlie said coldly.

"it is good."

House nodded blankly.

On the Star Reaching Pavilion a few hundred meters away from the giant city

Liu Ce smiled faintly: "It seems that the enemy is about to jump the wall in a hurry."

"Divine Emperor Realm?"

Liu Ce said to the Tuxing Sun next to him: "Tuxing Sun, the master of the Demon Race in the Divine Emperor Realm, I will leave it to you."

"According to the purpose."

Tu Xing-sun flew away with the iron rod in his hand.

"Divine Emperor Realm?"

Yang Jing and Shen Hongli looked at each other. They really didn't expect that this little nigger, who looked like a dwarf, was actually a warrior in the Emperor Realm. Fortunately, I didn't neglect the other party before, otherwise it would be troublesome.

At this moment, Yang Jing and Shen Honglian were extremely shocked. At this moment they knew that the strength of the big man was far beyond their imagination. It turns out that this big man is also a warrior in the Divine Emperor Realm.

Need to know, in the blue sky domain, it is not a warrior without the **** emperor realm. In the blue sky domain, the first of several top forces is the Divine Emperor Realm.

At this moment, Yang Jing and Shen Honglian felt that Liu Ce was full of enigmatic aura at this moment, which made them even more fascinated. As if you would sink into it unconsciously.

Charlie shot, and the power of horror erupted from him.

The breath of the Divine Emperor Realm made the entire battlefield slightly stagnant.

Although the divine emperor realm and the half-step divine emperor realm are only two words apart. But the gap between these two words is a world of difference.

Fei Peng, Chonglou, Master Void, Cao Bao, Xiao Sheng and others all felt a little suffocated.

After all, this is the Divine Emperor Realm.


Charlie slapped him.

The target of this palm is Fei Peng, rebuilding the two people.

In an instant, both Fei Peng and Zhonglou felt as if they were being suppressed by some powerful force, and in an instant they seemed to be swallowed by this terrifying vortex.

"My life is over."

Fei Peng and Zhonglou immediately felt that their bodies were suppressed by an inexplicable and powerful force. Then a palm print covering the sky and sun shrouded in the sky above them.

This palm is too powerful.

Although Feipeng and Zhonglou had no previous experience in fighting with warriors of the Divine Emperor Realm, the strength of the Divine Emperor Realm was far inferior to the Divine Emperor Realm warrior of the Demon Race in front of them. This is the real warrior in the early stage of the Emperor Realm.

"Drive me!"

A figure came from behind the two with extreme speed, and horrible power swept across.

"Boom!" A sound.

A terrifying explosion sounded. An endless wave of air swept out all around. It seems that everything can be crushed.


Charlie was also a little surprised to find that his palm was broken. A closer look found that there was a dwarf less than one meter three in front of him, who was not a native grandson.

Although Tu Xingsun just broke through the Divine Emperor Realm and was the first Divine Emperor Realm martial artist in the Han Dynasty, his talents are so extraordinary that he can't just use his breakthrough to the Divine Emperor Realm to locate his strength.

"Tai Xing Sun."

Fei Peng and Chonglou came to life from a desperate situation, and they were overjoyed when they watched the Tuxing grandson standing in front of them. Knowing that His Majesty took the shot.

"You stop these guys and leave this to Tuxing Sun."

Tuxing Sun Dalailie said.

"it is good!"

Fei Peng and Chonglou naturally knew that they could not help much by staying.

"Flying Devil's Palm!"

Charlie exploded with a powerful aura, looked at Tu Xing-sun in front of him, and slapped him with a palm.

Suddenly the entire void trembles.

Tuxing Sun gave a loud shout, and without using the iron rod, he fisted to meet him.

"Earth Sacred Wave Fist!"

Suddenly, a yellow wave of air, like a stormy sea, swept toward Charlie with the punch of Tu Xing-sun. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 993 God Emperor Realm Shot), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! (

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