The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 1034: Cause of cold symptoms

Gu Ningshuang listened and looked at Ye Luo Yunhuang's expression seriously, Ye Luo Yunhuang's eyes were so clear as water.

Gu Ningshuang knew that what Ye Luo Yunhuang said was true.

Gu Ningshuang's expression moved, and a ray of light flashed in her beautiful eyes. After she regained her senses, she began to meditate carefully.

Meditation just heard the conversation, which is the scene she saw, in the castle, the conversation between Yun Huang and the blue bead.

That is to say, Ye Luo Yunhuang didn't remember that part of the memory, and that part of the memory in the castle was to save her.

And the cold symptoms of his body, it seems that it is also because of her?

I remember Ye Luo Hongrui also said that his father had been ill before and had been sleeping.

That day, Ye Luo Yunhuang's body suddenly became cold, Ye Luo Hongrui said that his father was like this before.

Ye Luo Hongrui knew this.

Also called Dr. Xue, and Dr. Xue said the same.

Everyone thought that it might be the reason for Ye Luo Yunhuang's system, but Gu Ningshuang would know now that he became like this because of her.

Gu Ningshuang's heart throbbed, distressed, and distressed.

She just felt sorry for Ye Luo Yunhuang.

Because of excessive distress, she felt a suffocation in her heart.

She looked at Ye Luo Yunhuang, her eyes were red, and tears were swirling in her eyes.

Gu Ningshuang didn't want to cry, didn't want to cry, and didn't want Ye Luo Yunhuang to worry.

But at this moment, the emotions that surged up were not under her control at all.

Ye Luo Yunhuang was surprised when he saw Gu Ningshuang like this. It wasn't all good before, why did he sleep like this?

Ye Luo Yunhuang couldn't see Gu Ningshuang crying. Seeing her like this, he felt a little helpless.

Ye Luo Yunhuang reached out and gently wiped away the tears for Gu Ningshuang.

Ye Luo Yunhuang's movements were very light and gentle, as if treating Gu Ningshuang as a treasure.

"Shuang'er, darling..."

Ye Luo Yunhuang spoke softly hoarsely, and there was a hint of pity in his voice.

Gu Ningshuang took a deep breath and held back her tears, she didn't want Ye Luo Yunhuang to worry.

Gu Ningshuang controlled her emotions and asked, "Yunhuang, you... What's the matter with your body's cold symptoms? It's just that your body suddenly became cold, as if it were frozen."

Gu Ningshuang still remembered that that time, it was Doctor Xue who brought fire toad to treat Ye Luo Yunhuang's cold, and dispelled the cold.

Doctor Xue also said that Ye Luo Yunhuang was like that before.

It was after she was eighteen years old, after Ye Luo Yunhuang met her, and later, he fell asleep.

She didn't know it at that time, but Gu Ningshuang probably knew that it was related to her.

Ye Luo Yunhuang was there to save her.

Ye Luo Yunhuang heard Gu Ningshuang's words, a dim light flashed in his eyes, and there seemed to be a flash of light and shadow in his mind.

But specifically, Ye Luo Yunhuang felt in a trance and didn't think of it.

He stroked Gu Ningshuang's hair soothingly, "Don't think about it, it has something to do with your physique, so it won't be life-threatening."

"Yunhuang, do you believe it? I just saw a scene, I remember some memories in the foggy forest when I was eighteen years old, you only have cold symptoms to save me, think about it, you used to be Do you have a cold? Did you have a cold three years ago?"

Ye Luo Yunhuang's eyes sank when he heard these words.

Even if what Gu Ningshuang said was reasonable and true, Ye Luo Yunhuang did not intend to explore these.

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