The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 1349: concubine grandson

Seeing that Taisun was not there, the officials began to whisper.

"I seem to hear the phone ringing just now, it should be Taisun's phone."

"I just saw that His Highness Taisun's face softened. It must be someone important to send a message to Taisun."

"Yes, the temperament of His Highness has changed just now. It was cold at first, but it suddenly softened, as if a glacier was melting."

"It looks like it's a message from someone important to His Highness to His Highness."

"Now that the situation in Nanhua country has stabilized, many people want to give their daughters and granddaughters to His Highness, but His Majesty said that His Highness has a fiancée, which means that he has a grandson."

"Who is it? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"You haven't stayed in Luohua City before, I don't know, it's the Miss Gu family, the old man of the Gu family rescued His Majesty back then, so the Miss Gu family is the real concubine, and I heard that His Highness also regarded Miss Gu as a treasure. "

"And what's going on? Miss Gu, that's also a family of military power!"


The crowd discussed involuntarily.

Luo Lingchuan didn't know what the crowd was discussing, and even if he did, he wouldn't care. What he cared about was Gu Ningxin.

He turned on his phone, and what he saw was a few photos posted by Gu Ningxin, which she took on the street, and photos of her eating. Like a little girl, she smiled very happily.

Luo Lingchuan looked at Gu Ningxin's photo, his expression moved, he could feel that Gu Ningxin should be very happy.

He had never seen Gu Ningxin with such a bright smile.

Is this what she really looks like when she's happy?

She smiled sweetly, Luo Lingchuan seemed to be infected with Gu Ningxin's good mood, the corners of his mouth couldn't help moving, and the cold breath on his whole body softened.

It is no longer quiet and secluded, but has a soft and warm feeling.

Perhaps, now Gu Ningxin can make Luo Lingchuan become soft around his fingers.

Luo Lingchuan quickly sent a message to Gu Ningxin, "The photos are beautiful, have fun."

Gu Ningxin was eating, and when she heard the phone ringing, her mood became agitated. It was sweet, she knew that Luo Lingchuan had sent her a message.

These days, the two of them chatted on the phone like this, and she would tell him what she went to play.

He will also tell her about some political affairs in Nanhua Kingdom.

Chatting like this is really a very novel and novel feeling for Gu Ningxin.

Moreover, she also discovered that she wanted Luo Lingchuan.

When I was in Nanhua Kingdom on weekdays, I saw Luo Lingchuan and didn't think much about it.

After returning home, she found that she missed him very much.

"Just saying that the photos are beautiful, am I not beautiful myself?"

Seeing this reply, Luo Lingchuan couldn't help laughing, with a doting soft light in his eyes, he shook his head helplessly, and replied, "Xin'er is the most beautiful in my heart."

Seeing this news, Gu Ningxin became happy, and the corners of her mouth couldn't stop rising.

Gu Ningshuang was eating, looking at Gu Ningxin smiling so happily, looking at her phone holding her phone, she probably understood that she was sending a message to Luo Lingchuan.

Seeing her sister so happy, Gu Ningshuang also smiled.

But suddenly, Gu Ningshuang seemed to think of something, and her expression became dazed.

It seems that she once sent a message to a person like this, when she was sixteen or seventeen years old.

At that time, when she went out to eat, she was used to sending messages to Lu Xiuhuai.

At that time, chatting and eating, she would be in a good mood, and she would eat more.

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