The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 136: The light, the wind, the moon, and the moon are as warm as jade

Many times Lu Xiuhuai thought that he had forgotten about Gu Ningshuang's existence, maybe it could be forgotten.

But today, she appeared proudly, as if she had completely changed.

In a trance, he seemed to remember the old Gu Ningshuang. At that time, the Gu family was still very brilliant. At that time, the marriage between the Lu family and the Gu family was still there. He knew that Gu Ningshuang was his fiancee, so he went to school. From time to time, he would also take good care of her.

At that time, she was actually beautiful and dazzling, and her relationship with Qiuyan was also very good.

Thinking of his sister Qiuyan, Lu Xiuhuai's heart stinged, and his expression changed instantly.

A cold light flashed in his eyes.

Lu Xiuhuai's body was also a little tense, just when Lu Xiuhuai was a little distracted, Zi Wan'er next to him said softly: "Xiuhuai, is that Ningshuang? I can hardly recognize her, as if she has changed. Like a person."

When Zi Wan'er spoke, her voice was soft and soft, making her lovable.

Lu Xiuhuai reached out and held Zi Wan'er's hand gently, and said, "Well, it's her, let's get out of the car too!"


When Lu Xiuhuai and Zi Wan'er appeared, it also caused quite a stir. Lu Xiuhuai was widely recognized as a man like Yuehua.

Such a man is a bachelor himself, but now he has to be surprised when a gentle and beautiful woman suddenly appears beside him.

Besides, this woman is very beautiful, and of course there are people who recognize Zi Wan'er, who also take a breath.

"Isn't this the lady of the Zi family in Tianjing City?"

"Zi Wan'er? That woman who was the head of the four universities four years ago? The first beauty or the first talented girl, the most prestigious woman in the Northern Emperor Academy, and the young lady of the Zi Shi family..."

Everyone sighed, only to think that Zi Wan'er's appearance was enviable and envious, but there was nothing they could do.

Such a woman has both beauty and wisdom, and her family background is prominent. No one dares to arrange anything about her. Besides, I heard that Zi Wan'er is kind-hearted and pure. Everyone can't help but use many beautiful words to describe her.

Zi Wan'er seemed to be accustomed to listening to everyone's admiration, she gently pulled Lu Xiuhuai's arm and walked in.

What is surprising is why Miss Zi from Tianjing City is with Lu Jia Lu Shao from Donghua City?


After Lu Xiuhuai and Zi Wan'er approached Donghua Academy, Han Sihen and Shen Xirou also arrived.

Shen Xirou held Han Sihen's arm, and she was a little distracted, "Sihen, wasn't Zi Wan'er with Gu Hanyao, the young master at the beginning? How did you get with Lu Xiuhuai?"

Back then, Gu Ningshuang told her about Gu Hanyao and Zi Wan'er.

Unexpectedly, Gu Hanyao died, the Gu family went bankrupt, and Zi Wan'er turned to be with Lu Xiuhuai.

I don't know what Gu Ningshuang's expression will be when he sees these two people.

Shen Xirou thought, a shadowy light flashed in her eyes, she was very excited, she was about to see Gu Ningshuang being slapped in the face, it should be very refreshing.

Han Sihen's eyes narrowed dangerously. He didn't think about things as simply as Shen Xirou. When he looked at a person, he always looked at the value behind the family behind her.

Zi Wan'er does not represent her alone, but the attitude of the Zi family.

The Zi family in Tianjing City is very powerful, and it is not simple.

If Zi Wan'er is with Lu Xiuhuai, it means that the Lu family has the support of the Zi family in Tianjing City. In this case, will Lu Xiuhuai come back to compete for the seat of the mayor of Donghua City?

Han Sihen's eyes flickered, analyzing the pros and cons.

He lowered his head and said lightly: "The occasion after entering is very important. Remember, you can't talk nonsense like this."

Shen Xirou could naturally hear the warning in Han Sihen's words, and she naturally understood.

She can not say it, but she can see it, she believes that Gu Ningshuang's expression must be very wonderful.

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