The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 1361: hide in the dark

When Ye Luo Yunhuang was cold, there was a powerful aura all over his body, and he had a convincing power.

In Gu Ningshuang's opinion, her Ye Luo Yunhuang is also very powerful.

At this time, she thought that many times before, it was Ye Luo Yunhuang who saved her.

As long as he appeared, she knew it was safe.

Gu Ningshuang also knew Ye Luo Yunhuang's ability.

Gu Ningshuang nodded, "Well, then you have to come back early!"

When facing Gu Ningshuang, Ye Luo Yunhuang's breath softened, and his eyes were filled with a warm and doting light.

He touched Gu Ningshuang's hair and was about to get up.

Gu Ningshuang didn't know what was wrong, and couldn't help but entangled Ye Luo Yunhuang.

She hugged him and pressed her lips together.

Ye Luo Yunhuang's mind was naturally moved, and he lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Gu Ningshuang smiled.

Ye Luo Yunhuang said softly, "Be good at home!"

Gu Ningshuang nodded vigorously, "Don't worry about me, don't put yourself in danger."

"rest assured."

After Ye Luo Yunhuang walked out of the door, Gu Ningshuang felt a little empty in her heart. She walked to the window, looked downstairs, and saw Ye Luo Yunhuang driving out of the mansion.

Gu Ningshuang stood by the window and kept watching.

She didn't know how others felt, but she just felt that she was in a strange mood. She was not that clingy, but in the face of Ye Luo Yunhuang, she was very clingy.

She couldn't help clinging to him.

But Gu Ningshuang knew that her family's Mr. Ye Luo was very patient with her and always coaxed her to pet her.

I never thought she was clingy or willful.

Gu Ningshuang watched the car disappear from sight, and stood reluctantly.

She lay back on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

Gu Ningshuang was used to sleeping in Ye Luo Yunhuang's arms at night, so when Luo Yunhuang went out at night, Gu Ningshuang couldn't sleep, and he was not sleepy.

If there was nothing sleepy, Gu Ningshuang lay on the bed and started to take out her mobile phone.

Gu Ningshuang was naturally watching news from Donghua City.

The news in Donghua City is all about her Gu family, and the headlines are some reports from the Gu family group companies.

There are also many comments below, saying that the Gu family is very strong and is the head of the wealthy family in Donghua City.

Most of them are words of praise for the Gu family.

Others are injustice for the Gu family, and naturally they are talking about some things about the Lu family and the Han family.

Looking back at these now, Gu Ningshuang feels that the clouds are light and the wind is light when he thinks of the past.

Those past are over, even if she thinks about it, her expression is indifferent.

However, there are still Lu Qiuyan and Han Sihen that have not been resolved, these two people are a kind of danger.

To be precise, it is not Han Sihen, but Ji Sihen.

But they are used to calling him Han Sihen.

Thinking of Han Sihen's way of doing things, a cold light flashed in Gu Ningshuang's eyes.

This man is now hiding in the dark and is a danger.

But neither the person she sent nor the person Ye Luo Yunhuang sent out found the existence of Han Sihen.

This person is hidden in the dark, if he wants to do anything, it is really dangerous, and this person still has the blood of the Xia Dynasty's bloodline.

If he wants to cause turmoil in the Eastern Xia Kingdom, it is also possible.

But people have weaknesses, and Han Sihen's current weakness, in Gu Ningshuang's eyes, is that of Lu Qiuyan.

That's why Gu Ningshuang explained Bai Ju, don't let Lu Qiuyan die.

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