The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 1370: Silly girl!

Bai Ju's eyes were slightly red at this time, and she was really moved.

She knew that this was no ordinary trust. He was the president of a country, and the affairs in the presidential palace were also related to his safety and the stability of Dongxia Kingdom.

But he showed her the information like this, and she was touched and moved.

Dongchun Hua'an met Bai Ju's red eyes. Hearing her words, he smiled and said Qing Run, "Silly girl, why don't you trust you, who do you trust, eh?"

When Dongchun Huaan spoke in a soft voice, his voice was soft and soft, like the sound of a distant guqin, bringing a rousing tone to people's heartstrings.

Bai Ju listened to such a voice and raised her head to meet Dong Chun Hua An's eyes, her heart skipping a beat uncontrollably.

Seemingly realizing something, Bai Ju hurriedly lowered her head, at this moment she didn't dare to look into Dong Chun Hua An's eyes.

She didn't feel like it was hers at all.

She is obviously the most free and easy character, why is she so unlike herself when facing Dongchun Huaan?

Bai Ju looked down at the information and said, "I'll take a look first."

"it is good!"


Bai Ju is a very strong shadow guard of the Gu family, so she is naturally capable. She can quickly enter the state of serious work when she looks down at the information, and her memory is also very strong.

Bai Ju looked at it and found that the affairs in the Presidential Palace were so complicated.

The main residence in the presidential palace, the separate residences, and the east and west courtyards are far away from the main residence in the presidential palace, and there are people around the main residence in the presidential palace strictly controlled.

In some places, there are people who are branches of the Dongchun family.

Seeing this, Bai Ju realized that Dongchun Huaan also had relatives, but those were just offshoots. To put it bluntly, they were some distant relatives.

Looking at these, Bai Ju realized that Dongchun Huaan also had distant relatives.

But during her time at the Presidential Palace, she had never seen these people.

Everyone in the courtyard performs their own duties, each person's position is different, and the things in charge are different.

Looking at the information, what shocked Bai Ju was that the building behind the main house was where President Dongchun Huaan's mother lived, but Dongchun Huaan's mother didn't seem to be in the building now.

"The old lady she..."

As if he knew what Bai Ju was going to ask, Dongchun Huaan said, "My mother is now arranged by me in the secret place of the military, and no one knows. In that case, my mother is safe."

For Dongchun Huaan, his sister disappeared back then, and he had only his mother as a relative. He must not let his mother have any more problems. Now the Presidential Palace is not the safest place, so Dongchun Huaan arranged his mother in the safest place. A safe place, so that since he does other things, he will have no worries.

Bai Ju can understand Dong Chun Hua An's mood.

Bai Ju found that the more she knew about Dongchun Huaan, the more she felt sorry for Dongchun Huaan!

And seeing Dongchun Huaan talking about his mother's expression with a look of disappointment in his eyes, Bai Ju knew that Dongchun Huaan missed his mother, but in order to protect his mother, he couldn't see her often.

Bai Ju is determined to clean up the Presidential Palace and make the Presidential Palace safer.

Bai Ju pointed to the people in the other courtyards and said, "Where are these relatives?"

Dongchun Huaan explained: "Those are distant relatives who were taken in by my father at the time. Now, as the president, it is not convenient for me to drive them out."

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