The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 1581: protective clothing

Yes, Lu Qiuyan was already arranged by Ye Luo Yunhuang in another place. She disguised as Lu Qiuyan and planned to kill Han Sihen by surprise.

I just didn't expect that Han Sihen was prepared, and he didn't know what kind of protection he was wearing. Even this dagger, the sharpest dagger, still couldn't penetrate Han Sihen's heart, but it also injured Han Sihen. .

Originally, Gu Ningshuang had already told Ye Luo Yunhuang that Han Sihen's heart was on the right.

Therefore, Luo Shisan's goal is to assassinate Han Sihen, directly aiming at the right side of Han Sihen's heart, and he can kill Han Sihen directly.

Luo Shisan is Ye Luo Yunhuang's subordinate who is best at disguising, so she looks very similar to Lu Qiuyan.

Luo Shisan also deliberately pretended not to be out of the presidential palace, so that Han Sihen could knock her out and carry her out.

Because Han Sihen took so much effort to enter the presidential palace, how could he take Lu Qiuyan away.

Even if Lu Qiuyan didn't cooperate, Han Sihen would find a way to take Lu Qiuyan away.

Since he knew that Lu Qiuyan was in danger in the presidential palace, he would not ignore it.

What Han Sihen feared most was Lu Qiuyan's death.

It can be said that Ye Luo Yunhuang has calculated all the reactions of Han Sihen.

Every step of Han Sihen's reaction, what to do, can't hide Ye Luo Yunhuang.

Ye Luo Yunhuang knew from the beginning.

That's why Luo Shisan's assassination was arranged.

As long as Han Sihen walked out with Luo Shisan disguised as Lu Qiuyan, it would be more convenient for Luo Shisan to assassinate Han Sihen. I believe Han Sihen was also undefended against Lu Qiuyan.

And Ye Luo Yunhuang gave Luo Shisan a dagger with aura.

But when Luo Shisan actually assassinated, he realized that Han Sihen didn't know what he was wearing, and he actually blocked the dagger's killer move.

Although Han Sihen was injured, it was not fatal!

So Luo Shisan started the second plan at this time!

That is, she continues to pretend to be Lu Qiuyan, as long as there are no major flaws, even if Han Sihen has doubts, she will not do anything to her!

Because of the importance Han Sihen placed on Lu Qiuyan, even if Lu Qiuyan wanted to kill him, he would not do anything to Lu Qiuyan. He could only guess that Lu Qiuyan was unwilling to leave the presidential palace.

Of course, Luo Shisan would never admit that he was not Lu Qiuyan at this time.

Because Han Sihen suspected her in such a short time, but there was no evidence, so he didn't dare to kill her. If it was Lu Qiuyan, how could he kill her!

In fact, Han Sihen was really unprepared for Lu Qiuyan, and he didn't suspect that Lu Qiuyan was not Lu Qiuyan at first.

At first he was only concerned with excitement.

The reason why he wears a protective vest is because last time, when Han Sihen was in Xishu Kingdom, he was stabbed by Gu Ningshuang and almost died.

So this time, Han Sihen took adequate protective measures and put on a protective vest!

This is not an ordinary protective clothing, but a spiritual protective clothing.

Normally, neither bullets nor daggers and cold weapons would be able to hurt Han Sihen.

But the dagger in Luo Shisan's hand also had aura, it was a cloud-cutting dagger!

So Han Sihen was still injured.

Han Sihen's injuries were not completely healed before. At this time, Luo Shisan's ultimate move made Han Sihen's face even paler, and his figure staggered.

At this moment, Han Sihen's face showed a gloomy look, and black energy appeared all over his body.

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