The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 1671: Take it easy

Gu Ningshuang thought of her family, and her eyes brought a soft light, and her whole body brought warmth.

Such a good family, Gu Ningshuang naturally wants to protect and protect.

In the future, she will become stronger and protect everyone in her family.

Now the younger sister and grandmother live in the Gu family mansion, Gu Ningshuang knows that the family is still there when she thinks of them.

Also on the phone before, grandma and sister are fine.

I just don't know how my brother is doing now.

It's been a long time since my brother passed the news home.

In fact, until now, Gu Ningshuang does not know where his brother is.

But she, her sister and her grandmother were convinced that her brother was still alive and well.

Gu Ningshuang's eyes flashed, and she put the letter on the table next to her, and asked Ding Meifen to be brought in.

When she saw this person on the ground, Gu Ningshuang's mouth twitched. She really didn't expect that the person like this was Ding Meifen.

Gu Ningshuang woke up Ding Meifen directly with a needle.

As soon as she woke up, Ding Meifen screamed loudly.

When she saw Gu Ningshuang in front of her, Ding Meifen's face turned pale, and she trembled.

Needless to say, she also understood that she was really handed over to Gu Ningshuang by the family.

Thinking of the methods that Ding Meilan said about Gu Ningshuang, Ding Meifen was also afraid.

The reason why Ding Meifen was stubborn before was because she was still in the Ding family at that time, and she was not afraid.

But seeing Gu Ningshuang at this time, she instinctively shrank.

She knew that she had offended Gu Ningshuang before, and she also knew that she also tried to make Tong Xiangwen deal with Gu Ningshuang.

She did what she had to do, but at this time she was handed over to Gu Ningshuang, Ding Meifen was afraid of death.

Ding Meifen is naturally afraid of death, she doesn't want to die yet.

Ding Meifen looked at Gu Ningshuang with alert eyes, but she didn't dare to say anything.

Gu Ningshuang watched all the reactions of Ding Meifen with interest.

Looking at the expression on Ding Meifen's face and her eyes, Gu Ningshuang could judge her emotions.

But Gu Ningshuang was not in a hurry, she just sat there drinking tea slowly and didn't speak.

The more Gu Ningshuang was like this, the more scared Ding Meifen was.

Because Ding Meifen didn't know what means Gu Ningshuang would use to deal with her.

Ding Meifen's forehead was sweating.

In the end, Ding Meifen couldn't help it. She said to Gu Ningshuang, "You... what are you trying to do? You want to kill me?"

As soon as she spoke, Ding Meifen's momentum weakened. Obviously, she said this sentence, indicating that she was afraid of death.

Gu Ningshuang slowly put down the tea, and then shook the letter on the table, "Ding Meifen, you can take a look, everyone in your family allows me to kill you!"

Ding Meifen couldn't believe it, she hurriedly took the letter and read it.

After reading it, Ding Meifen's face turned pale in an instant, and then she sat down on the ground, "Father won't do this, he won't watch me die, father won't do this..."

Gu Ningshuang sneered, "The Ding family's family interests are there, and you have no use value. Who cares if you live or die, don't forget, now there is a Miss Ding in the Ding family, you Ding Meifen Life or death doesn't matter!"

Saying that, Gu Ningshuang's tone of voice is full of sarcasm.

Ding Meifen digested the news, shivered, looked at Gu Ningshuang and said, "You can't kill me, you can't kill me..."

Gu Ningshuang's mouth curled slightly, "Ao, I can't kill you, tell me the reason why I can't kill you!"

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