The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 1684: some taste

Bai Ju thought of this, and when she looked at Dongchun Huaan, a streamer flashed in her eyes, and it disappeared in a flash, not letting Dongchun Huaan see clearly.

However, Bai Ju calmly rolled her tongue in her mouth.

She seemed to still be able to feel the smell of medicine, the light smell of medicine was the same as the smell of medicine she felt when she fell asleep.

Bai Ju realized something, her eyes widened suddenly, did Dongchun Huaan really kiss her?

When Bai Ju looked at Dongchun Huaan again, she couldn't help falling to his lips.

Bai Ju looked at Dongchun Hua'an's lips, and her eyes burst into flames involuntarily, as if two clusters of flames appeared.

Because Bai Ju looked at Dong Chun Hua An's lips, he felt that his lips were so perfect, like cherry blossoms, with a touch of red, enchanting and moving.

Just looking at Dong Chun Hua'an's lips, she thought of the feeling of that kiss when she fell asleep, she actually faced Dong Chun Hua'an, and her mouth became dry.

With a dry mouth, she felt a little hot all over her body.

Dongchun Huaan looked at Bai Ju, only to feel that there was something wrong with Bai Ju at this time.

Before he could take a closer look, Bai Ju suddenly lifted the quilt to sit up.

Bai Ju didn't want Dongchun Hua'an to see her strangeness, she was not lustful, female, she didn't know what happened to her.

She thought that she actually needed to calm down first.

"Want to sit up?"

When Dongchun Huaan spoke to Bai Ju, his voice was gentle and soft.

Bai Ju nodded, "It feels like I've been lying down for a long time, so sit up first!"

Dongchun Huaan helped Bai Ju to sit up, and then put the pillow behind Bai Ju, "Slow down, your wound has not completely healed!"

Bai Ju covered the wound with her hand, "I can't feel the pain anymore, it should be better soon."

"It looks like Gu Ningshuang's medicine works!"

Bai Ju nodded, "Miss is very powerful!"

In Bai Ju's heart, Gu Ningshuang is blindly worshipped.

In her heart, the eldest lady is her master and her benefactor.

Dongchun Huaan looked at the look on Bai Ju's face, and found that when Gu Ningshuang was really mentioned, Bai Ju's eyes were extraordinarily bright.

Dongchun Huaan actually felt a little appetizing.

But on second thought, it was Gu Ningshuang who sent Bai Ju to the Presidential Palace, so Dongchun Huaan didn't think so much, and was grateful to Gu Ningshuang.

"Are you hungry, what do you want to eat?"

Bai Ju shook her head, "I'm not hungry yet, just sit for a while."

When she woke up, she didn't want to eat yet.

But Dongchun Huaan got up and went outside.

Bai Ju looked at Dong Chun Hua An's back, and felt a little sour in her heart.

Did he just say a few words to her like that?

Knowing that she has nothing to eat, don't you leave her alone?

Bai Ju's eyes were filled with disappointment, and her whole body was also a little depressed, and she lowered her head, feeling a little helpless.

She didn't know what to do when she woke up.

At this moment, she heard footsteps, and it was Dongchun Huaan who came over with a bowl of porridge.

It is millet porridge, very thin.

Dongchun Huaan explained: "You just woke up, drink some millet porridge first to replenish your strength."

Dongchun Huaan feeds white chrysanthemums with a spoon.

Bai Ju is really not used to it, she has never been served like this before.

She hurriedly brought the bowl, "I drink it myself, drink it myself!"

Because of being too anxious, Bai Ju almost choked.

Dongchun Huaan looked at her like this, with a smile in his eyes, because he would be in a good mood when he saw her lively and energetic appearance.

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