The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 180: Come on, don't move!

Gu Ningshuang looked at Ye Luo Yunhuang's expression and seemed to understand something.

She felt that even when Mr. Ye Luo smiled faintly, he was charming and unparalleled in the world. When she looked at it, she couldn't take her eyes away.

Maybe it was because of the intimacy last night, so when Gu Ningshuang looked at Ye Luo Yunhuang at this time, he would feel a sense of attachment from the bottom of his heart, and he couldn't help but want to get closer to him.

Gu Ningshuang's eyes are very beautiful, beautiful and moving, with a smart light.

When she looked at a person intently, her eyes seemed to speak.

Ye Luo Yunhuang smiled lightly at the eyes of Ancient Ningshuang, then stretched out his hand and took her into his arms naturally.

Gu Ningshuang was stunned, she was held in her arms by Ye Luo Yunhuang, she was not used to it, and Hong Rui was still by her side, is that okay?

She struggled to get down.

Ye Luo Yunhuang hugged her tightly, lowered her head and said in her ear, "Be good, don't move!"

When Ye Luo Yunhuang spoke, his voice had a hoarse tone, and his low-alcohol voice was particularly touching.

Last night, he used such a voice to coax her in her ear and let her cry out like that. She was bewitched and couldn't take it anymore, so he begged for mercy...

Thinking of those, Gu Ningshuang's face turned red.

His voice was born with the effect of swaying people's hearts, which made people listen involuntarily, so she sat obediently on Ye Luo Yunhuang's lap and didn't dare to move.

Ye Luo Yunhuang gently touched Gu Ningshuang's hair, and said Qingrun: "Shuang'er, I'm not a good person, I don't want to let go of the Han family, but the relationship network behind the Han family is intricate... Family, don't be too hasty, let Han Siman go, with Han Siman's character, the Han family's chickens and dogs will definitely be troubled by her."

He didn't want to let go of anyone who had hurt Shuang'er. There were still many things in the previous assassination, so he wouldn't just let it go.

Anyone who is familiar with Ye Luo Yunhuang knows that no one can move the person that Young Master Ye Luo is protecting.

Not to mention that the previous assassination was done by Mrs. Han, and Young Master Ye Luo would not let them go.

Gu Ningshuang listened to Ye Luo Yunhuang's words, and suddenly seemed to understand something, "Yunhuang, I know, with Han Siman's selfish character, this time Han Sihen did not rescue her in time, she will definitely resentful...

Even her brother, she felt it was a matter of course to save her, so this time back, Han Siman and Han Sihen would definitely have a conflict...

If Mrs. Han intervenes, she will definitely go to Han Sihen, then Han Siman will be even more dissatisfied, she will not do anything to the Han family, then I am too sorry for her..."

Gu Ningshuang explained his analysis according to Ye Luo Yunhuang's prompt.

After finishing speaking, Gu Ningshuang blinked to look at Ye Luo Yunhuang, with light in his eyes.

Ye Luo Yunhuang looked at her with a smile and lightly stroked her cheek, "Well, Shuang'er is very smart!"

Ye Luo Yunhuang made such an action as if it were the most natural.

Gu Ningshuang was a little unnatural and not used to it, but she had a strange feeling, as if such a thing was the most natural, as if Ye Luo Yunhuang had done such a thing to her.

When she thought so, her heart trembled.

Gu Ningshuang found that Ye Luo Yunhuang began to naturally become intimate with her since she became a husband and wife last night, and every move touched people's heartstrings, and she couldn't resist.

Her heart throbbed violently, and she found that it seemed that overnight, her feelings for Ye Luo Yunhuang deepened.

Gu Ningshuang suppressed her heartbeat and took the initiative to change the subject: "Well, in this case, don't we have to do anything to the Han family for the time being?"

"No, just wait and see for the time being, and Shuang'er can relax at home these few days."

When Ye Luo Yunhuang said this, a dim light flashed across his eyes, his expression was calm and calm, as if everything was under his control.

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