The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 2152: sweaty palms

Qiao Shiyin looked out through the plane window. Although she couldn't see anything from the clouds, Qiao Shiyin would still be nervous.

Although she sat quietly, her whole body was tense, and she looked like she was sitting upright.

Gu Hanyao will naturally pay more attention to Qiao Shiyin.

He is very careful and patient with Qiao Shiyin, and will pay attention to Qiao Shiyin's expression.

Seeing Qiao Shiyin's tense look, Gu Hanyao couldn't help but laugh.

He thinks Qiao Shiyin like this is really cute.

Gu Hanyao reached out to hold Qiao Shiyin's hand and found that Qiao Shiyin's palm was sweating.

Gu Hanyao was stunned for a moment, then surprised, "Why are you sweating?"

Having said this, Gu Hanyao stretched out his hand to open Qiao Shiyin's hand, and took out the tissue next to Qiao Shiyin to wipe the sweat off her hand.

Qiao Shiyin was startled, "Ah, my palms are sweating!"

Qiao Shiyin didn't even notice that her palms were sweating, her mind was empty, she couldn't help thinking about Donghua City in Dongxia Kingdom, and how the Gu family was like.

Although Gu Hanyao drew a lot of pictures for her before, and she probably understood it, she still couldn't help thinking about it in her mind.

Of course, when she thought of seeing Gu Hanyao's relatives, she was really nervous.

Gu Hanyao sighed inwardly, "Silly girl, I don't even know that my palms are sweating."

"I...I might be nervous."

"Didn't you say you weren't nervous last night?"

"But when I got on the plane, I couldn't help being nervous."

Qiao Shiyin couldn't help it, and she couldn't control her nervousness.

"Also, I've never been so nervous before, my heart is beating so fast, huhu."

Qiao Shiyin slapped her face with one hand, took a deep breath, and tried to stabilize her emotions and calm her mind.

Seeing Qiao Shiyin like this, Gu Hanyao couldn't help laughing out loud.

He reached out and scratched Qiao Shiyin's nose with a loving look.

Gu Hanyao also knew that she was nervous, so he held her hand like this, conveying strength to her, so that she would not be so nervous.

"It's grandma this time, right with my sister?"

"And I have a brother-in-law and a nephew."

"Your sister has children?"

Qiao Shiyin was curious, her eyes widened, she really hadn't heard Gu Hanyao say it before.

Gu Hanyao looked at Qiao Shiyin's expression and remembered that he really didn't tell her.

Seeing that she was interested, Gu Hanyao thought about talking to Qiao Shiyin, maybe it could divert her attention and make her less nervous.

"Well, it's very cute. I heard grandma mention it in the letter before. She said that she is very sensible. She doesn't look like a four-year-old at all. I haven't seen it before, and I want to see it."

"By the way, do you have a present ready?"

Qiao Shiyin likes children. When she lived in the palace before, when many ministers and wives entered the palace, they sometimes brought children with them. Everyone liked Qiao Shiyin very much.

So Qiao Shiyin also has some experience.

She feels that children's eyes are pure, you are good, and they can see it.

"Don't worry, there are preparations, everyone's gifts are prepared."

Hearing this sentence, Qiao Shiyin breathed a sigh of relief.

She slowly began to listen to Gu Hanyao for more news.

She also drew a picture in her mind.

She feels that the Gu family is a very united family, and everyone seems to be very loving.

This kind of atmosphere is rarely seen in some big families in Northern Chu Kingdom.

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