The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 2314: walking posture

After a pause, Jiang Ranran said, "Although Young Master Yeluo is moody, everyone still admires him and falls in love with him."

When Jiang Ranran spoke, her eyes were like those of a fan girl.

"What is life-threatening?"

Jiang Ranran explained: "In the past, some people used various means to approach Young Master Ye Luo, but they were destroyed by Young Master Ye Luo, so now everyone uses regular channels to let Young Master Ye Luo take the initiative to watch. to them."

Hearing these words, Gu Ningshuang nodded, so it was.

This is indeed like Ye Luo Yunhuang's style of doing things.

When he was in the Eastern Xia Kingdom, he was also so low-key and mysterious.

Of course, some people wanted to approach him, but Ye Luo Yunhuang exuded a cold and chilling aura all over his body, and that aura alone could shock everyone.

Only when facing her and Hong Rui will he become gentle.

When Ye Luo Yunhuang became gentle, there was a light like water in his eyes, like water pampering.

Thinking of this, Gu Ningshuang missed Ye Luo Yunhuang more and more.

She missed her so much that her heart ached.

For a moment, Gu Ningshuang felt unable to breathe.

Gu Ningshuang looked at the food on the plate and seemed to have no appetite.

Gu Ningshuang said to Jiang Ranran, "I'll go out for a walk."

Gu Ningshuang came out for a walk, but she was actually thinking about it. When she was walking on the street, her thoughts and attention were not on the scenery of the street. She was thinking about Ye Luo Yunhuang and the Ye Luo family. matter.

Thinking of this, she felt that her head was a little messy and her mind was not enough.

In fact, strictly speaking, she really doesn't know anything about the Yeluo family, and maybe she doesn't know as much as Jiang Ranran.

This is Diluo City. There are many people shopping at night. There are also commercial and bustling streets, and there are a lot of people.

Gu Ningshuang walked like this, taking a look at the customs of the street.

She seems to be able to feel that some people have aura in them.

Gu Ningshuang turned around, and suddenly felt an unusual aura, somewhat familiar, but also unusual.

And at this time, the light of the mysterious ice beads on Gu Ningshuang's wrist also faintly lit up.

The paper talisman in the Xuan Bingzhu appeared.

The paper character pointed in one direction and went forward.

Gu Ningshuang looked at the direction of the paper talisman, her mind moved, she naturally followed the direction of the paper talisman quickly.

Following the direction of the paper talisman, Gu Ningshuang found that the paper talisman fell on a person.

The man appears to be fully armed, with a hat and mask.

But Gu Ningshuang still saw a sense of familiarity.

Especially the way this person walks is so familiar.

Suddenly, Gu Ningshuang's mind flashed, she knew who this person was.

This person is Lu Qiuyan!

Even if this person is fully armed, people can't see her appearance, but her walking posture has not changed.

In the past, Gu Ningshuang and Lu Qiuyan were both best friends, so she knew Lu Qiuyan's appearance and walking habits.

Realizing that this person was Lu Qiuyan, Gu Ningshuang's expression changed.

Why is Lu Qiuyan here?

She was rescued, and she also arrived in Luozhou mainland?

Based on the clues, Gu Ningshuang guessed that Lu Qiuyan was rescued because of the young master of the Jian family.

Because the Jane family was destroyed, the young master of the Jane family is still alive.

Gu Ningshuang's expression was condensed, and then she hid her breath and silently followed.

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