The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 2422: This is Gu Ning Cream!

Gu Ningshuang's whole body is full of awe-inspiring aura, and the whole person is full of domineering when he speaks a simple sentence.

Moreover, she is very strong, and there is a strong spiritual energy surging around her body.

Just standing like this has the aura of a superior, making people involuntarily look up and obey.

At this time, Lu Qiuyan was like an ant, crawling on the ground, and could only look up at Gu Ningshuang.

She looked up at Gu Ningshuang, looking at such a noble and domineering Gu Ningshuang, she couldn't believe it was Gu Ningshuang.

No, no, this is not Gu Ning Cream.

Even if he knew, Lu Qiuyan didn't want to admit it, nor dared to admit it.

Once, Gu Ningshuang was her best friend, she deliberately framed Gu Ningshuang, let Gu Ningshuang be scolded by so many people, let Gu Ningshuang be suppressed, let Gu Ningshuang fall into the mud, but she did not expect that Gu Ningshuang Frost stubbornly got up and stood taller.

"No, you're not, you're not..."

"Lu Qiuyan, you still like to deceive yourself so much. Back then, you did so many things to harm others and yourself, but now you just don't want to admit it."

"No, Gu Ningshuang, how can you be in Luozhou mainland, how can you have aura, how can you..."

How could she be so strong.

Today's Gu Ningshuang can only make Lu Qiuyan look up.

The vine flower came to his senses at this time, it jumped off Gu Ningshuang's head and turned into vines, **** Lu Qiuyan, tied it with force, and even whipped Lu Qiuyan with the vine.

"Hmph, let this ruthless woman kill your master and kill you!"

Just when Gu Ningshuang used the illusion to reveal all Lu Qiuyan's memories, all the vine flowers were seen.

Of course it was angry. I didn't expect that the owner had suffered so much before, all because of this woman, and it wanted to shoot this woman directly to death.

But the master didn't speak, and it couldn't do anything.

"Ah... if you dare to treat me like this, the Lord will not let you go."

Gu Ningshuang raised her eyebrows, stretched out her hand and touched her chin, "Lu Qiuyan, you really look up to yourself, a person with no use value, your lord will take care of your life and death, hehe, don't worry, after you die , I will temporarily replace you and appear beside the Lord."

Looking at Gu Ningshuang's treacherous eyes, Lu Qiuyan shivered for some reason, "You...what do you want to do?"

Lu Qiuyan didn't understand how Gu Ningshuang became so strong and how she became so terrifying.

She couldn't believe it, is this Gu Ningshuang the same Gu Ningshuang she once knew?

She remembered Gu Ningshuang, who she knew when she was a girl, was very simple.

But now she has a dangerous aura all over her body, and she is still very strong, and one look can make people scared.

It's like a completely different person.

And here is Luozhou Continent, Gu Ningshuang can become so strong in such a place! Incredible!

Don't forget, she came here from an ordinary continent.

Did she get some treasure?

"I don't do anything, I just want you to die."

Hearing this sentence, Lu Qiuyan's whole body trembled with fear, "No, I can't die, I can't die, you can't kill me!"

Seeing how scared Lu Qiuyan was, Gu Ningshuang thought she would be very happy.

But at this time, she really felt a little boring, because Lu Qiuyan was too weak, she was lazy and started directly, it was very unchallenging.

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