The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 2866: ups and downs

After Hua Ning'er said these words, Ye Hongrui didn't speak again for a long time. She was a little nervous, she held the phone tightly, and carefully placed her ear on the phone to listen.

"Mr. Ye, did I say something wrong?" Hua Ning'er raised her heart when she said this.

Ye Hongrui could feel Hua Ning'er's nervousness on the other end of the phone.

Ye Hongrui opened his mouth and said, "Fool, Ning'er, you have to remember that whatever you say is not wrong. In the future, in front of me, you can say whatever you want."

Hua Ning'er listened, her heart became sweet, "Yeah."

She felt that Mr. Ye was very good.

"Ning'er, what time do you rest at night?"

Hua Ning'er never thought much about Ye Hongrui's question.

She answered honestly and directly: "Our dormitory usually rests after eleven o'clock in the evening."

Yes, it is normal to take a break at eleven o'clock. Now in this dormitory, everyone is having a good time. After going back in the evening, everyone will probably talk more together, watch videos, chat for a while and then sleep. At that time, it was ten It's past two o'clock.

"It's after eleven o'clock at night!" Ye Hongrui's voice was somber, as if he had other deep meanings.

Hua Ning'er didn't understand, she didn't understand why Ye Hongrui asked this.

At this time, Ye Hongrui calculated the time. If he took the expressway from the Imperial Capital, he would use the fastest speed to go to City A. It would take two or three hours, and it would be after nine o'clock.

Ye Hongrui thought for a while and then directly activated the special plane, which could reach A Cheng within an hour.

"I just happened to go to your school for a while. If it's all right, would Ning'er be willing to accompany me for a meal?"

Hua Ning'er's heart skipped a beat when she heard this, as if her heart was about to jump out at once.

Let's have dinner together, is it time for the evening?

Hua Ning'er has a feeling that she is going to do something bad, her heart is beating, go out to eat?

She obviously trusts Ye Hongrui, but she also has a feeling of fear.

So late at night, she never left the dormitory.

After Ye Hongrui finished speaking, he seemed to realize something, and said with a smile, "I heard that the food in the newly opened fifth canteen in your school is very good. It will be open until eleven o'clock in the middle of the night. I have always wanted to try it, but unfortunately there is no food. Meal card, I wonder if Ning’er can borrow my meal card to use it?”

"When... of course!" Hua Ning'er blushed a little, she was wrong, she was on campus, so she didn't have to worry about anything.

The mood just now was really like riding a roller coaster, ups and downs, very exciting.

"Okay, then Ning'er, see you in an hour."

"Okay, okay."

After hanging up the phone, Hua Ning'er was still in a fog, feeling a little unreal like a dream.

Mr. Ye is coming to school in an hour?

Heart beating so fast.

Hua Ning'er clutched the position of her heart, took a deep breath, and tried to calm herself down.

But what to do, I'm so nervous, just like the feeling before the important exams in junior high and high school.

Before every exam, she would be very nervous.

When I was nervous, I seemed to want to go to the bathroom.

"Ahhh... Hua Ning'er, what should you do?"

Hua Ning'er was like a headless fly, excited and didn't know what to do.

"Ah, my hair hasn't been washed today."

Saying that, Hua Ning'er hurriedly returned to the sense of books, quickly packed up her things, and then frantically ran back to the dormitory.

There is a separate bathroom in the dormitory. She is going to take a shower and wash her hair, so she will clean up herself.

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