The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 2921: girl's voice

Jiang Beiqin said more to Lin Ranran this time, but Lin Ranran listened carefully, and her heart beat fast.

She actually misses him, and she also knows that she cares about him.

It would be nice to hear his voice.

Lin Ranran has not heard Jiang Beiqin say so much for a long time.

She wanted to hear more, but Lin Ranran didn't understand why every time she talked to Jiang Beiqin, she seemed to believe him in everything.


Jiang Beiqin was calling on the side of the road and did not notice the surrounding situation.

When Ding Roujun saw Jiang Beiqin, she ran forward happily, "Beiqin, who are you calling?"

Hearing this voice, Jiang Beiqin's expression changed, and he quickly hung up the phone.

"No one, just a former classmate. Didn't you go out to dinner?"

"Well, I saw you here as soon as I came back from dinner. Are you going to the study room soon?"

Jiang Beiqin nodded, "Well, go to the study room, your seat is still reserved."

Ding Roujun laughed. She saw Jiang Beiqin in the library when she was a freshman. The reason why she noticed Jiang Beiqin was because he was always the first to go to the library and seemed to be the last to leave.

He studied very hard, went to self-study every day, and the clothes he wore were a bit old, but clean.

Seeing this person, she became more curious, and then found that he was different from others. He was not playful, nor would he go out for drinks and dinners.

And his grades are really good.

The key is that he is tall and handsome, cold and cold, but he can't help attracting her.

Then Ding Roujun started chasing Jiangbeiqin.

It's just that Jiang Beiqin didn't say he refused or agreed, so she couldn't do anything about it.

However, some of the things she asked Jiang Beiqin to do, he would also help her do it.

For example, if she asked him to help occupy the library space, he would also help her occupy it every day.

However, the number of places to go abroad was also decided by Ding Junrou for Jiang Beiqin. There are few places in the school. Not only do you need to study well, but you also need to be related to households to get a place.

Jiang Beiqin could not get the quota originally, but Ding Roujun used her relationship to help Jiang Beiqin settle down.

Because she also wants to go abroad, in a strange place abroad in the future, it is easiest for two people from a foreign country to develop a relationship.

And she also knew that Jiang Beiqin's conditions were not very good, so she felt that she had a place to play.

"At that time I went to the library to study."

"it is good."

Just when Lin Ranran wanted to talk to Jiang Beiqin more, she suddenly heard the voice of a girl, and then hung up the phone.

Lin Ranran stood on the ground, holding the phone and starting to be in a daze.

what happened?

Lin Ranran's face was pale, even a little flustered, and there was a tingling feeling in his heart.

Why is there a girl's voice and why the phone hangs up.

Lin Ranran wanted to call and ask questions regardless.

But what can I do if I ask, if Jiang Beiqin really betrayed her, can she accept it?

No, she would rather deceive herself than accept the fact.

Also, even if Jiang Beiqin didn't admit it, she could only choose to believe him.

Lin Ranran felt very uncomfortable, but couldn't cry.

She walked in a little embarrassment, in a trance, and she didn't know where she could go.

Lin Ranran just felt very lonely and lonely.

Lin Ranran just walked aimlessly and blindly, and the sky gradually started to rain.

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