The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 2971: stimulated memory

Hua Ning'er's face was swollen, and even the corners of her mouth overflowed with blood.

Even so, Hua Ning'er remained silent.

Oubei pulled Hua Ning'er's hair slightly, "Hua Ning'er, I didn't expect you to be tough enough."

Oubei punched and kicked Hua Ning'er in a mild manner.

Hua Ning'er almost lost her strength, but she still gritted her teeth and said nothing.

No one knew the tenacity that Hua Ning'er had hidden in her bones.

Ou Beiwei was angry when he saw Hua Ning'er like this, "Hua Ning'er, you are a **** yourself, pretending to be pure, hum, I really underestimate you, I don't know what coquettish trick you used to make Mr. Ye Protecting you, you said, if I cut your face, will Mr. Ye still be happy to see you? Haha..."

Hua Ning'er's face was swollen, her whole body was a little lethargic at this time, and her whole body was in severe pain.

When she heard the latter sentence, for some reason, her whole body trembled in a conditioned reflex.

She opened her eyes with difficulty, and saw Obewei's expression, so twisted and crazy.

"@#% (you're crazy)!" Hua Ning'er opened her mouth, because her face was swollen, she couldn't make a complete tone at all.

But seeing Hua Ning'er's expression, Ou Bei laughed frantically.

Looking at Hua Ning'er's expression, she knew that she was afraid.

"Hua Ning'er, are you afraid? Unfortunately, it's useless for you to kneel down and beg me for mercy."

Ou Beiwei gestured Hua Ning'er's cheek with a dagger, with a wicked and crazy light in his eyes.

Hua Ning'er was in pain all over her body and couldn't move at all.

She knew that Obewei had gone crazy, and it was useless for her to say anything, not to mention that her face was so swollen that she couldn't make a sound at all.

Ou Beiwei grabbed Hua Ning'er's hair and started to scratch Hua Ning'er's face with a dagger.

A deep mark cut across Hua Ning'er's face, making her face blurred instantly.


Hua Ning'er's whole body trembled in pain, and her face was so painful.

She was shaking all over in pain.

"Slit your face, let you hook people again, bitch..."

Hua Ning'er closed her eyes and listened to the voice vaguely in her ears. She was going to faint from the pain.

Her head also hurt sharply.

At this moment, it seemed that something suddenly stimulated the depths of her mind.

When she was in a trance, Hua Ning'er seemed to see a scene.

There appeared to be an altar, a woman was chained to the surrounding pillars, and the sky was billowing with thunder.

One after another, thunder struck the woman's body.

The wind was blowing, the chains were constantly moving, and the red clothes on the woman were dyed blood.

When the thunder stopped, a woman in white walked towards the woman in red on the altar, holding a needle in her hand, she looked at the woman and said, "My good sister, I'm here to see you, you This face is too attractive, don't ask for it!"

The woman in red slowly opened her eyes, those are a pair of beautiful and cold eyes.

She looked at the woman in white deeply, and the corner of her mouth raised a sarcastic arc, "Sister, I never thought that you did all this."

"Who let my sister get in my way, but the one who wants to kill her is not me, it's them, it's my brother-in-law, haha, my sister is already like this, and he didn't come to see you. Does my sister hurt?"

The red-clothed woman's eyes were cold, and she said coldly, "I just wish I should protect you and not trust you so much."

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