The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 412: Is this kid really getting better?

Because this is not Gu Ningxin's real home, she is extra sensitive.

Everyone's eyes, everyone's attitude towards her, she knew very well what it was like.

Gu Ningxin is very smart, she can tell from the way everyone talks to her and their attitude towards her.

But she still tried her best to appear sensible, calling them crisply one by one and responding to their words.

Here, that is, Grandpa Luo really loves her.

In fact, to be honest, Gu Ningxin felt very uncomfortable and a little sour.

In fact, she knows that if she treats a girl who is not her own family, if she has no blood relationship and is not bound by a marriage contract, everyone sees that she is really a guest staying at home temporarily.

For some reason, she yearned for a home and warmth.

Now, although she was welcomed back and celebrated for her, she was even more uncomfortable.

Much more comfortable than before.

There weren't many people in the family before, just Grandpa Luo, and sometimes Luo Lingchuan and Luo Lingzhe.

Compared with the polite and distant attitude, Luo Lingzhe's usual way of speaking made her easier to accept.

Because she knew that Luo Lingzhe also regarded her as a member of the Luo family, but the child just liked to anger her.

Gu Ningxin stiffened, and after talking to everyone, the family began to eat.

On the other hand, the two sons of Auntie asked her curiously about the examination situation, and Gu Ningxin answered them patiently one by one.

The two of them looked at Gu Ningxin with admiration, "Sister Gu is so amazing, they both passed the exam first."

"No, my sister just got the first place in this exam by luck. My sister is still injured. You are still young, and you will be more powerful when you grow up."

"Sister, can you do the questions? Can you help me?"



Because there are two children, Gu Ningxin is not so uncomfortable when she speaks.

Everyone looked at Gu Ningxin's answer and reaction, and it was actually a little incredible. Has this child really changed?

The breath on his body seems to have been polished by the years.

The way she looked at the two younger brothers was also very soft, and it could be seen that her feelings were real.

Everyone just quietly hid their emotions.

Everyone thinks that this child can get better, otherwise there will be problems, and it will be very difficult.

The incident a year ago was so turbulent that it broke out on the news.

When it is said that Gu Ningxin intentionally murdered, what everyone is talking about is not Gu Ningxin, but the Luo family behind her.

As members of the Luo family, their status in Nanhua Kingdom was of great importance. It was easy to attract attention, and it was easy to be caught by others. Their words and deeds had to be cautious and cautious.

But Gu Ningxin's behavior was a bit out of line in the past, but at that time, the old man's benefactor was orphaned, and everyone could not express any attitude or opinion.

And a girl became an orphan, which is also pitiful, and everyone tried their best to be kind to this child.

If anything happens, everyone should protect her and try not to let anything happen to her.

Unexpectedly, she killed someone. This is a big deal. Even if the old man wanted to protect Gu Ningxin, he couldn't protect him this time.

Because of the pressure on it.

This child seems to have suffered for a year and has changed a lot.

Even his attitude towards Luo Lingchuan changed.

Of course, Luo Lingchuan's mother was still relieved, after all, she still couldn't accept Gu Ningxin from the bottom of her heart.

But the important affairs of the Luo family are still up to the old man. No one can refute the old man's words.

The Luo family are famous for their filial piety.

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