The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 495: Dead people keep secrets

Mrs. Han's eyes suddenly sharpened, "Didn't I ask you to send someone to stare at her? Just disappeared?"

"This matter is very strange, even the hospital doesn't know what's going on, but our people said that Mr. Han called them before, and it seemed that he wanted to send them to do other things, and learned that they were going to watch Because of Shen Xirou, I hung up the phone."

Only then did Mrs. Han think of Han Sihen, "Sihen?"

After a pause, Mrs. Han calmed down, "It should be him!"

As if thinking about something, a cold light flashed in Mrs. Han's eyes, "This child's behavior is becoming more and more out of order. If he is impulsive, he can even kill Shen Xirou."

"Old Madam, if Shen Xirou dies, it will also be good for us."

Mrs. Han naturally knew that Shen Xirou knew some secrets. In order to prevent her from betrayal, she would only be safe when she died, because only dead people could keep secrets, and they would not be controlled by those with a heart.

And this person naturally refers to Gu Ningshuang.

Now that Gu Ningshuang is able to withstand it, it is very likely that she will use Shen Xirou to deal with it.

Didn't Gu Ningshuang use Han Siman before?

Mrs. Han seemed to understand at once, "Perhaps you are right, killing her is better than being exposed by some secrets."

A special assistant looked at the change in Madam Han's expression and knew that Madam Han had murderous intentions towards Shen Xirou.

A special assistant also felt that it would be best to kill Shen Xirou before she revealed other secrets.

As long as it is done neatly, even if someone suspects it, there is no evidence.

Moreover, Shen Xirou said that, the Lu Qiuyan that Madam Han had killed had no evidence.

Mrs. Han's eyes flashed with a scheming light, which was frightening.

Even a special assistant shuddered for Shen Xirou.

However, Mrs. Han seems to be used to this kind of special assistant.

Only she knows best what kind of person the old lady is.

Over the years, Mrs. Han has asked her to do everything she does.

As for Young Master Han, the old lady has a strong control over this grandson, and Han Sihen will not know about some private matters.

Mrs. Han whispered a few words to a special assistant.

A special assistant looked condensed and nodded solemnly.


On the other side, a cemetery

Shen Xirou felt a pain in her whole body, and the pain made her open her eyes.

After opening her eyes, she seemed to hear the rustling wind, with a gloomy and shady feeling.

The night was deep and dark, with only a cold rustling voice.

Shen Xirou shivered fiercely, her face pale and pale in an instant.

Is she dead?

Shen Xirou remembered that she seemed to be strangled to death by Han Sihen.

The feeling of suffocation, she still remembers, remembers it very clearly, he looked at her with cold hatred, his hands tightly pinched her neck, no matter what she said, no matter how she coughed or cried, Han Sihen didn't let go. , his eyes were scarlet, just like he was going to kill her.

It turned out to be dead.

Shen Xirou was very unwilling, she couldn't die, she couldn't die, she didn't want to die.

Fear took her breath away.

Just when Shen Xirou was trembling with fear, she heard a voice from above her head, "Shen Xirou, wake up, and apologize to Lu Qiuyan!"

" didn't mean to kill you, don't look for me, don't look for me..."

Shen Xirou's fearful voice was broken, she didn't seem to hear who was talking, and only heard Lu Qiuyan.

She thought she was dead, and Lu Qiuyan died long ago, so under this, Lu Qiuyan could seek revenge on her.

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