The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 705: escaping what

Gu Ningxin listened to Luo Lingchuan's hoarse and low voice, listening to his words, her heart raised.

When she was about to walk out of the study with the medicine box, her face changed when she heard this sentence, she turned to look at Luo Lingchuan, she didn't know why Luo Lingchuan said such a sentence?

"Brother Luo, why do you say that? The Luo family doesn't owe me anything. Brother Luo, I'll go back first."

For some reason, Gu Ningxin didn't want to hear anything else, or maybe she was running away from something.

Luo Lingchuan looked at Gu Ningxin's figure leaving the study, with a gleam of pain in his eyes, and he held his hand tightly.

Thinking of what Gu Ningxin said just now, he still let go.

He knew that Gu Ningxin was smart and knew that he might say something about what the Luo family owed her.

Yes, it was the Luo family who owed Gu Ningxin.

At the beginning, Gu Ningxin's grandfather rescued his grandfather. According to the agreement of the two families, he and Gu Ningxin were indeed the ones who wanted to fulfill the marriage contract.

When Gu Ningxin came to the Luo family, the people of the Luo family should have treated her well.

But he...he was...

Thinking of this, Luo Lingchuan suddenly felt unable to face Gu Ningxin.

Thinking of what Lu Ruosha said, Luo Lingchuan's expression also changed.

After a long while, Luo Lingchuan calmed down and began to eat dumplings.

He hadn't slept all night, and he didn't eat much, so he was really hungry.

Maybe the dumplings were sent by Gu Ningxin, and Luo Lingchuan had more appetite.


Gu Ningxin gave the medicine box to the servant, and she would have the room by herself.

The strangeness in the study just now caused her to wander involuntarily when she was taking a shower in the bathroom.

And what Luo Lingchuan is going to say, she can probably guess, just like he said sorry in the morning.

Many things have passed, and she doesn't want to pursue them.

She just wanted to protect herself and avenge the Gu family.

Gu Ningxin took a shower and pondered, until the water was cold, and she came back to her senses.

She dried her hair and sat on the table in a daze. After a while, someone knocked on the door.

Gu Ningxin said, "Come in!"

It was Aunt Wu who brought the supper, "Miss Gu, Luo Shao ordered you to have supper, take the medicine, and then sleep well."

Gu Ningxin looked at the medicine that Aunt Wu had put away, and then she regained her senses. It seemed that she had forgotten to take the medicine after dinner.

"Well, thank you Aunt Wu, please help me say thank you to brother Luo."

"Miss Gu is too polite. Luo Shao actually cares about Miss Gu, but Luo Shao rarely talks since he was raised as an heir, and some thoughts are hidden in his heart and will not be spoken out."

"Aunt Wu, I know."

"It's good that Miss Gu knows. In fact, none of the subordinates have ever seen Luo Shao being careful about anyone."

Gu Ningxin looked at the supper and thought of the dumplings she gave Luo Lingchuan before, she always had a subtle feeling in her heart.

She sighed and said nothing. After Aunt Wu left the room, she picked up the spoon and started to eat.

Suddenly, Gu Ningxin remembered, and she didn't know what happened to Luo Lingchuan's hand. He injured his right hand, and he didn't know it was inconvenient to eat.

When Gu Ningxin bandaged Luo Lingchuan's hand, she could see that it should be the hand injured by glass shards. The wound was deep, and it seemed that it had not been treated for a long time.

Moreover, when she thought of her entering the study, Luo Lingchuan typed the keyboard recklessly and let his hands bleed.

She shuddered just thinking about it, a little startling.

She didn't understand why Luo Lingchuan was so cruel to his hand.

Gu Ningxin found out that she actually didn't know Luo Lingchuan.

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