The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 742: Physician

Dongchun Huaan felt the strangeness in his body and was shocked.

Just now, he still felt that he had no strength in his body, not even coughing, but at this time, he could feel that there was a warm current in his body nourishing his body, and he felt that his whole body had regained a little strength.

Ye Luo Yunhuang can also clearly see that Dongchun Huaan has a little more complexion, his face is much better, and he is no longer as pale as before.

And Dongchun Huaan no longer coughed like he did just now.

At this moment, even Ye Luo Yunhuang was excited.

Ye Luo Yunhuang has absolute trust in Gu Ningshuang, so in his opinion, Dongchun Hua'an's body must be getting better.

"How? Do you feel better?"

Dongchun Huaan was originally in shock, but after listening to Ye Luo Yunhuang's question, he suddenly recovered.

Dongchun Huaan held Ye Luo Yunhuang's arm excitedly, "Brother, I feel that my body is much better, I have more strength, and I don't cough anymore, my body seems to be nourished, it's just like there is warm current flowing through the meridians of my body. I didn’t feel this way before taking any medicine, my younger brother and sister are a genius doctor, a genius doctor…”

Dongchun Huaan's excited eyes were shining, and he kept repeating a sentence excitedly.

He thanked Gu Ningshuang from the bottom of his heart.

Ye Luo Yunhuang patted Dong Chun Hua An on the shoulder, "Your health will be fine."

"Will be fine?"

Dongchun Huaan is not afraid of death, but he does not want to die, because he still has a lot of things to do.

And he knew that once he died, the country would be in turmoil, and he didn't want to be that irresponsible president.

He loves his country and the people of his country, he wants to be a good president, he has his ambitions.

He really wants to live.

He also wants to find the person who drugged his mother, and he also wants to find his sister.

He believed that his sister was still alive, and he wanted to find her sister Hua Yin.

At this time, Dongchun Huaan couldn't help being excited, because his eyes were red when he was excited.

Ye Luo Yunhuang nodded and said: "Shuang'er said, your body will be completely better, now take medicine to restore your body, after a month, your body will be much better, then use the next medicine, Your body is completely healed, and you can be like a normal person."

Hearing these words, Dong Chunhua'an's eyes turned red.

He has seen too many doctors, found too many doctors, even famous foreign doctors have been invited by him, but no one has ever said that they can cure his body.

Even Xue Hanche, the descendant of Medicine King Valley, only stabilized his physical condition and extended his lifespan, but he could not cure his body. I didn't expect Gu Ningshuang to really, really cure him.

Dongchun Huaan wanted to say something, but his throat was a little choked, he tried to smile.

Ye Luo Yunhuang sighed and patted Dong Chun Hua An on the shoulder, "Take care of your body, don't think too much, and you can't tell anyone about your health."

Dongchun Huaan nodded, "I understand your consideration. There may be more work in the presidential palace, so I will continue to pretend to be weak, and when necessary, I will also lead snakes out of their holes."

When he said these words, Dong Chunhua had a cold aura and a cold light in his eyes.

When he treats his relatives, his heart is soft, but when he treats his enemies, he is absolutely cold enough.

Ye Luo Yunhuang was relieved when he saw him like this. He knew that Dongchun Huaan would be a good president, and if it wasn't for his health, he would not be powerless in governing the country.

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