The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 818: Allegiance

Gu Ningshuang remembered that the feeling that Mrs. Han gave her before was selfish, and many times Mrs. Han did some things that did not conform to the rules at all.

Mrs. Han does things as if she doesn't care what impact it will have on the Han family.

Maybe Mrs. Han cared about the external image of the Han family before, and that was because Mrs. Han wanted Han Sihen to become the ruler of Donghua City.

If Mrs. Han is loyal to the Ji family, and if the Ji family is a descendant of the Xia Dynasty, then it makes sense.

Because Mrs. Han was arrested, the people behind it were afraid that Mrs. Han would reveal some secrets, so they rescued Mrs. Han?

It may also be that Mrs. Han holds the financial resources of the entire Han family, so it is valuable to the Ji family.

Perhaps Mrs. Han herself occupies an important position.

The head of the Han family back then might not have thought that the Han family would eventually be hollowed out by an old lady Han.

Mrs. Han is taking the entire Han family to pledge allegiance to the Ji family behind it!

I don't know if Han Sihen is still alive, or if he will know this!

Oh, these people are all pawns in the hands of Mrs. Han!

Mrs. Han really deserves to be an old witch, if it wasn't for Ye Luo Yunhuang's analysis and guidance, she would not have thought of this level at all.

There is also the Zi family, perhaps a **** of the Ji family!

But these people don't seem to really care if they hollow out the whole family's heritage and allegiance to the master behind.

They are loyal and loyal, no, maybe they are not loyal, but they have already entered the demon barrier.

Even the head of the Zi family can disregard the life and death of his children and pay allegiance to the people behind him.

This is the most terrifying.

Thinking of this, Gu Ningshuang's heartbeat was very fast.

If you don't know it, it's really dangerous.

It seems that the dark guards who assassinated her were sent by the Ji family.

Why did the Ji family want to kill her?

When the Gu family was suppressed, was the Ji family involved behind the scenes?

Gu Ningshuang didn't know about these.

Ye Luo Yunhuang looked at Gu Ningshuang's terrifying eyes, held her in his arms, let her sit on his lap, and patted her back gently, "Shuang'er, don't worry about anything, since the Ji family has already It was exposed, and everything was fine."

"They exposed, is it also in their plan?"

"I think if it is possible, the Ji family should not be exposed so soon, then the problem lies with Ji Shao and the little boy, maybe they really have problems with their bodies, so at the risk of exposure, they will also be exposed. That little boy was sent to the hospital on purpose to get close to you, and then ask you to take medicine to save him."

Gu Ningshuang thought of the little boy and sighed: "If I don't save the child, I can't pass the test in my heart. Since I have the ability, I can't watch him die, and his physical problems are similar to the president's. The problems are almost the same, they all come from the mother’s womb, they are born with physical problems, and the medication is basically the same, if I didn’t treat the president, I might not be able to save this little boy.

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