The Strongest Young Grandmother

Chapter 863: Silly girl, here I come!

Gu Ningshuang squatted down beside Ye Luo Yunhuang, reached out to hold the fingers of his left hand, looked up at him seriously and said, "Yunhuang, let me see if your injury is good, I can't help but worry. ."

When Gu Ningshuang spoke, there was a gleam in his eyes.

In Gu Ningshuang's opinion, her Mr. Ye Luo is so powerful that it is impossible for him to be injured, so this time he is injured, it must be a serious injury.

She didn't look at it, and she felt uneasy.

Ye Luo Yunhuang looked at the eyes of Ancient Ningshuang, the softest part of his heart seemed to be poked by something.

Ye Luo Yunhuang's brilliant eyes flashed with gleams of weeping blood, and he sighed, "Shuang'er, I'm afraid to scare you!"

Gu Ningshuang said seriously: "As long as it's you, I'm not afraid!"

Gu Ningshuang hadn't seen Ye Luo Yunhuang for a few days. She wanted Ye Luo Yunhuang originally. Knowing that he was injured, she was even more worried.

If she didn't take a look at his wound and didn't know the situation, she would be even more anxious.

She wanted to know all his frivolity, she wanted to know his injury, so that she knew what she could do.

Only then did she know if she could develop a medicine to quickly heal Ye Luo Yunhuang's wound.

Ye Luo Yunhuang was still touched by Gu Ningshuang's words, especially when Gu Ningshuang looked at him with serious and persistent eyes, he couldn't resist.

Ye Luo Yunhuang could only gently take off his jacket, ready to let Gu Ningshuang take a look.

Gu Ningshuang took out the scissors, "I... I'll help you reduce your clothes, right? That way your arm won't have to move, and it won't hurt."

Although this young marshal's uniform is really nice to wear on her Mr. Ye Luo.

But to Gu Ningshuang, Ye Luo Yunhuang's body is the most important.

Ye Luo Yunhuang was stunned for a moment, he seemed to have forgotten that he could cut the clothes off with scissors.

"I'll do it myself!"

"I'll help you!"

With that said, Gu Ningshuang carefully cut Ye Luo Yunhuang's clothes with scissors.

Although her flesh hurt at night when she cut clothes, she didn't want Ye Luo Yunhuang to hurt.

When the clothes were cut open, the sand cloth inside was exposed. Gu Ningshuang found that the sand cloth had oozing blood.

A whole piece of sand cloth with a lot of blood.

Gu Ningshuang was originally bold and brave, but when she saw the blood on Ye Luo Yunhuang's arm, she was dizzy for a moment.

Not because of dizziness, nor because of anything else, but because of heartache and pain in my heart.

Without opening the sand cloth and looking inside, Gu Ningshuang knew how serious the injury was.

For a moment, Gu Ningshuang's eyes became sore and red.

She took a deep breath, and then continued to untie the sand cloth for Ye Luo Yunhuang, which was really bloody.

Gu Ningshuang took a breath and took out a bottle of medicine from the medicine box she prepared.

This is the medicine she developed in the past few days.

"It will hurt a bit!"

While speaking, Gu Ningshuang's hand holding the medicine bottle was shaking.

Ye Luo Yunhuang lightly stroked Gu Ningshuang's hair with the other hand, "Silly girl, you are more nervous than me, so let me do it!"

"I...I'm coming..."

Gu Ningshuang tried her best to keep her hands from shaking, and gently sprinkled Ye Luo Yunhuang the medicine on the wound.

Gu Ningshuang knew that this bottle of medicine was very effective, but it was also very painful, and it was completely the effect of flesh and bones.

But she found that Ye Luo Yunhuang didn't frown from the beginning to the end, he was looking at her with a light of love in his eyes.

Gu Ningshuang still wanted to divert Ye Luo Yunhuang's attention. In this case, Ye Luo Yunhuang might not feel the pain if the effect of the medicine was used.

Gu Ningshuang asked, "Yunhuang, how could you be injured?"

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