"Come in, the door is open."

Zongfang Miqin pushed open the door, and inside the door was a rather charmingly decorated space, especially the rows of bookshelves full of books brought a rather bookish atmosphere to the room.

But at this time, Zongfang Mikoto didn't have time to take care of the books and decorations on the bookshelf, but walked quickly to the desk where Nobita Anjima was.

"Professor Anjima, I heard that you found my mother's relic?"

Zongfang Miqin's tone was a little hasty.

Nobita Anjima laughed.

"Little girl, don't be so impatient. I have already called you here. You don't think there will be any accidents, do you?"

Nobita Anjima opened the drawer at hand, and took out a camera from it.

"I found this from the psychiatric hospital where Mrs. Yae was. The person I entrusted said that he almost searched the utility room before finding this thing. It is estimated that someone hid this camera."

Zongfang Mikoto grabbed the camera, her fingers caressing every inch of the camera.

Zongkata Mikoto poured spiritual power into the camera in an area that people without spiritual power could not see.

Normal weapons cannot receive the infusion of spiritual power. Only magic tools with psychic abilities, or some items with their own magical properties, can receive spiritual power and exert wonderful effects.

A few seconds later, Zongfang Mikoto put away the camera and solemnly saluted Nobita Anjima.

"Professor Anjima, this is indeed the camera my mother left behind."

Nobita Anjima said with satisfaction.


Zongfang Meiqin stood up.


Nobita Anjima breathed a sigh of relief.

"Since the things are in the master's hands, I have done my duty. Everyone, I have to treat a patient in ten minutes, so let's go first."

Nobita Anjima stood up and went down to the first floor.

As Nobita Anjima's footsteps moved away, the three of Megumi Mizugami surrounded them, and Ryosuke Mizumiya was the first to take the phone from Mikoto Zongkata's hand, and poured spiritual power into it as well.

"Really, this thing is actually a magic weapon?"

Mizumiya Ryosuke exclaimed.

Afterwards, Chizu Saori took the camera.

Only Megumi Mizukami slowly withdrew from the crowd and went downstairs. On the first floor, Mrs. Anjima, Nobita Anjima's wife, was cleaning the ground.

Megumi Mizukami leaned over and asked.

"Ma'am, can I ask you a question?"

Mrs. Anjima wondered.

"what is the problem?"

"Ma'am, have you ever seen a man named Takeo Saeki?"

Mizukami asked.

Mrs. Ankudao stopped cleaning, thought for a while and shook her head.

"I have not seen."

Megumin Mizukami looked disappointed.

Mrs. Andao said again.

"But I seem to have heard Nobita say that name."

Megumi Mizusami's eyes lit up.

Footsteps came down the stairs.

"Miss Water!"

Zongfang Mikoto's excited voice fell from the stairs.

When Mizusami Hui turned her head, Zongfang Mikoto had already arrived in front of Mizusami Hui, the little girl who was still in junior high school said excitedly.

"Ms. Mizugami Hui will take care of us during this time. We will go to the ice house after a week of recuperation."

"Oh, okay, you can come to me if you have any troubles during this time."

Megumi Mizukami glanced at Mrs. Andao, and after paying respects to the lady, she took Zongfang Mikoto and the three out of Andao Mansion, and went back to her own villa for repairs.

Five days later, at midnight.

Shimakaze Tomie walked into a nightclub.

The lights in the nightclub are dim, and the music is constantly playing. A large number of young people are constantly twisting their young and energetic bodies amidst the music.

Fu Jiang smiled silently, the woman walked to the corner and saw the person she was looking for today.

It was a man dressed in exaggerated clothes, hiding in a corner drinking and smoking with a few friends.

Fu Jiang walked through this corner, passing a look to the man by the way.

The man just raised his head and met Fu Jiang's gaze.

In the somewhat dim environment of the nightclub, the heartbeat of the man who saw Fu Jiang accelerated so much that the man got up from his seat and walked to Fu Jiang who was leaving.

"Miss, are you interested in having a drink? I treat you."

The man walked in front of Fu Jiang with a cigarette in his mouth.

Fu Jiang joked.

"Is your throat uncomfortable? You can't speak well?"

The man said nonchalantly.

"Small things, small things."

The man took the cigarette out of his mouth and puffed on Fu Jiang's face.

"Miss, you are so cute."

The man's eyes were full of Fu Jiang's face, and he couldn't take his eyes off him no matter what.

He wanted her, the man's mind was simple and direct, so strong that it could not be stopped by reason at all.

Fu Jiang smiled lightly.

"I'm very cute, so there are many people who pursue me. If you want to beat me in front of these people, how about singing a song and letting me hear your feelings?"

The man nodded vigorously.

"What song do you want me to sing?"

Fu Jiang said indifferently.

"Just "Until the End of the World". The threshold for this song is not low."

The man patted his chest.

"Look at mine!"

The man walked to the band in the center of the nightclub. After chatting with the nightclub staff below for a while, the band in the center stopped playing. The man who had just chatted with Fu Jiang came on stage and said to everyone.

"An unknown lady asked me to sing "Until the End of the World", and said that as long as the singing is over, she will be my girlfriend! Everyone!"

The man shouted excitedly.

"Please help me!"

The young people below cheered, and the prelude to "Until the End of the World" began to strengthen amidst the cheers of the crowd.

The man held his breath and closed his eyes, and when the time was right, the man opened his mouth.

"Wandering alone in the metropolis,

Like an empty beer can being thrown away..."

I don't know if it's because the destiny appeared today, or because the lyrics are very suitable for the status quo of men. The man's full emotions follow the lyrics and fill the entire nightclub.

"If you have to explore everything about each other,

If it's called love, it's better to sleep forever..."

When the feelings are provoked by the lyrics and music, the man feels that his whole body has sunk into the vortex of feelings. At this point, the man has lost himself, and can only let the feelings accumulated in the brain drown himself, and do everything that only instinct can control.

"I will not be separated from you till the end of the world,

I made such a wish for thousands of nights..."

Raising the tone, screaming, squeezing out all the emotions and potential of the whole body!

"And people seek superficial answers,

But something irreplaceable was lost.

Stars in the night sky in a city full of desires,

Can't light us up..."

The man feels that he has become a tool of voice, and at this moment in life, his life has soared to its peak.

His voice resounded through the nightclub, and his emotions collided with roars, converging everything that belongs to people.

And it all has an end.

After the man sang the song, as the song came to an end, the man who felt that he had sung at an unprecedented peak opened his eyes and looked at the audience below.

The man excitedly scanned the crowd below, but he couldn't find the woman who could be called the princess in his life.

The man stumbled, gave birth in confusion, and returned to his friend.

One of the friends patted the man's shoulder vigorously and said excitedly.

"I didn't expect you to sing so well. I didn't know it before, and you didn't know it. The woman you fell in love with left when you were singing. Tsk tsk, the woman now."

The friend shook his head, sighing.

The man smiled awkwardly, he wanted to talk back, but the emotional vent was too full just now, the man almost vomited out his internal organs, because of this, his throat hurts very much now.

The man had to speak with difficulty.

"There are still many places where I am good."

The man went to the seat and sat down, and a cigarette was placed on the ground next to him.

said the man's friend.

"Ah Zheng, your throat is hoarse, stop smoking."

The man named Ah Zheng said nonchalantly.

"It's a small thing, it's just because of a sore throat that I have to smoke, to relieve the pain."

Ah Zheng picked up the cigarette and started smoking.

An hour later, Ah Zheng suddenly clutched his neck and fell to the ground. The young man raised his neck and said in pain.

"help me…"

The people around looked wrong, some went up to ask what was wrong, and some took out their mobile phones to call the emergency number after watching for a while.

Nine o'clock the next morning, Saturday.

Nishike Sakura got up from the bed, while the woman was still thinking about what to eat in the morning, the mobile phone beside the bed rang.

Nishike Sakura took the phone and connected.

Dafeng Zheshu made a anxious voice.

"Xichi, it's not good, a tile worker at our construction site died yesterday!"

Chapter 114 Blood Routine

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