No, the two teammates won't be really angry, will they?

No, you can't just go back empty-handed.

Although I have been fishing for a day, design work is not physical work. Dafeng Zheshu and Nishike Sakura basically work in offices, so fishing is not an unforgivable sin.

As long as the sincerity of his apology is sufficient, Dafeng Zheshu and Nishike Ying will definitely forgive.

Natsume Taku got off the car halfway and went to a nearby supermarket to buy a fresh sashimi platter and a bottle of high-end perfume.

After buying these, Natsume got into the car and continued on his way back to Saitama County.

As Natsume Taku predicted, it took a full four hours, starting at 1:00 noon, and arriving in Saitama Prefecture at 5:00 pm.

When he arrived in Saitama County, Natsume Taku couldn't help sending a message to Nishike Sakura again. After waiting for five minutes this time without replying, Natsume Taku called Nishike Sakura.

Half a minute passed, and the phone was connected.

Natsume Takuman said apologetically.

"Sakura, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I drank too much yesterday, I woke up at noon today, I came back after eating, and I'm only in Saitama now."

"I see."

Nishike Sakura's voice was unprecedentedly cold, and Natsume Taku guessed that Nishike Sakura on the other side of the phone was very angry.

I really fished too much.

"Natsume, come to the company."

Nishike Sakura's voice was even colder than before.

"Hey, are you still in the company?"

Natsume Tuo was a little surprised, now it's time to get off work.

Immediately, Natsume Taku wanted to slap himself who asked the question.

Dafeng Zheshu and Nishike Ying are still working overtime in the company, and they are fishing, no wonder they are angry.

"I get it, I get it, I'll be right there."

Natsume Taku looked at the two gifts in the rear seat with the rearview mirror of the car. Well, he was very confident that his two teammates would return to normal after seeing these two gifts.

Natsume Taku rushed back to the company as quickly as possible.

The company is off work now, there are not many people inside and outside, only a few security guards are still there.

Natsume Taku parked the car in the parking lot, took the gift, adjusted his clothes, walked into the company, and then went to the private office.

The door of the private office was ajar, Natsume Taku pushed it, and the door opened inward, revealing the inside.

Contrary to Natsume Taku's expectations, there were more than two people in the door, besides Nishike Sakura and Dafeng Tsushu, there were also Maeda Hayabusa, the president of his own company, and Maeda Hayabusa's assistant, Hashimoto Asami.

Natsume was stunned.

Why is the president also in his office?

My God, the president won't find out about me fishing, right?

With this thought, Natsume Taku became a little flustered, but it was just a little bit. You must know that it is normal for interior designers to be lazy, and the president of his own family happens to be the kind of person who doesn't care much.

In addition, I am now the president's side on the president's side...

While Natsume Tuo was still thinking, Dafeng Zheshu, who was sitting at the work station, turned cold and walked out of the work station to approach Natsume Takuo.

Natsume Takuo squeezed out a few smiles, picked up the sashimi platter in his hand and said.

"Zheshu, today I..."

"Today! Nima!"

A fist continued to expand in front of Natsume Takuo, and then he felt a strong force on his cheek, and his body retreated with the force. When his feet couldn't keep his balance, Natsume Takuo fell to the ground with a puff.

The sashimi platter in Natsume Takuo's hand fell to the ground.

Falling to the ground, Natsume Taku, who was in pain for several seconds before he could react, was furious, got up halfway behind and yelled at Dafeng Zheshu angrily.

"Brat! What are you doing!?"

Dafeng Zheshu's facial features were distorted at this moment, and the veins on his face were protruding, making him look extremely ferocious.

"What am I doing!?"

Dafeng Zheshu's eyes were red.

"Why do you dare to ask me!? Natsume Taku! Do you know that you almost killed us!?"

Natsume Taku was stunned again.

Maeda Hayabusa, the president who was sitting at Nishike Sakura's station, sighed, reached out and took out a palm-sized tile from his side, threw it in front of Natsume Taku, and asked again.

"Natsume, tell me, where did this tile come from?"

Natsume Taku shook, the young man's eyes collided with the meaningless eyes of the president Maeda Hayabusa, and then slowly lowered his head to look at the tiles in front of him.

There is no mistake, this tile is a three-five tile purchased from Tsuchimikado Chihiro with genuine tiles from Kawakami Tile Company.

The president of your own company... found out?

A roar that was ten times stronger than the pleasure of depravity after exchanging genuine tiles for Sanna tiles emerged from Natsume Taku's tailbone.

Unlike fear and dread, which only produce cold air flowing back from the tailbone to the scalp, the roaring feeling that appeared this time basically started from the tailbone, smashing the spine one by one, blazing and crazy along the spine, and blasting all the way to the brain, blasting all thoughts and memories into a ball of paste.

Dafeng Zheshu standing in front of Natsume Tuo suppressed his anger, and said with ferocious anger,

"Natsume Taku! You are crazy! Do you know that the production technology of these inferior tiles is not up to standard, and there are a lot of volatile formaldehyde and benzene in them, so the tile workers are exposed to the construction environment with a concentration of formaldehyde exceeding ten times the safe level!"

"You know Qian Tangzheng, right? That guy died of suffocation due to edema of the throat, which oppressed the airway to the point where he couldn't breathe! Can you guess if his chronic pharyngitis happened, did it really recur from being too tired, or was it caused by the physical discomfort caused by inhaling too much formaldehyde!?"

Natsume Taku, who was in a daze, blinked, and then retorted almost instinctively.

"The former Tangzheng guy only worked for a week."

Nishike Sakura in the back sighed and replied.

"Experienced tile workers like to wear masks when they work, which can effectively protect the lungs. But you seem to be trying to hide the problem of inferior tiles, and specially recruited a group of tile workers who are not experienced and skilled enough to install inferior tiles."

"These technologies can only be said to be applicable to tile workers. Many people do not wear masks at work because they dislike the troublesome and uncomfortable wearing of masks."

Workers who are unwilling to abide by safety measures because they find it troublesome are many on the construction site, and it is also this group of many people who die one after another on the construction site.

Nishike Sakura stared at Natsume Taku's face.

"Qian Tangzheng is such a person. He doesn't wear a mask when he works, so those skilled workers may be fine after installing the tiles for a month. The guy Qian Tangzheng acted recklessly, and something happened within a week. There were signs of formaldehyde poisoning in his blood routine."

Asami Hashimoto, assistant to the president, adjusted her glasses and said indifferently.

"It doesn't matter whether formaldehyde affects Qian Tangzheng. The important thing is that someone from our company sent inferior tiles to the construction site for installation, and another installer died during this period. The cause of death was the recurrence of chronic pharyngitis, suffocation, Natsume..."

Senbon Asami was condescending, staring at Natsume Taku's face sternly.

"Do you know how much damage our company's reputation will suffer if the news is known to the media?"

The public is not the police, they don't need evidence, they don't need a strict logic chain to make judgments, they just need wind and rain.

For this reason, as long as the reporter dares to link the excessive formaldehyde on the first floor of the complex building in President Xichi's construction site with the death of former Tang Zheng, it will be over.

Dafeng Zheshu in front of Natsume Taku reached out and grabbed the collar of Natsume Taku whose lower body was still on the ground, and reprimanded him.

"You bastard! Do you know what you're doing? You killed someone! You murderer!"

Natsume Takumi panicked.

"I, I'm not, I don't have...wait...blood routine, blood routine..."

Natsume Taku turned his head sideways, walked around Dafeng Zheshu and looked at Nishike Sakura with an indifferent expression.

Natsume Taku remembered that in the hospital where former Yuzheng died the day before yesterday, it was Nishike Sakura who took over all the checklists and bills of former Yuzheng.

Natsume Taku remembered last night, Nishike Sakura asked herself if she had encountered difficulties recently, and if there was anything she needed help with.

I am still very annoyed to think that Sakura Nishike is obviously of the same age, why does she talk like an old woman.

Thinking about it now...

Natsume Taku asked in disbelief.

" that you?"

Nishike Sakura closed her eyes.

Natsume Taku was crying.

"Why, why?"

Why are you so eager to report yourself after knowing your secret?

Can't... give yourself another chance?

Chapter 119 kill her

"It's not up to me to decide."

Nishike Sakura whispered in a faint voice.

In fact, if only Nishike Sakura found out about this, Nishike Sakura might discuss it with Natsume Taku, and ask Natsume Taku to stop in time, but there is a high probability that Saeki Takeo knows about this matter.

So the real initiative, or Natsume Taku's ending is not decided by Nishike Sakura, but Saeki Takeo.

For this reason, yesterday, Sakura Nishike called Takeo Saeki and asked him what to do next.

Takeo Saeki's answer is "stop the loss in time".

So Nishike Sakura sold Natsume Taku, and Nishike Sakura decided that even if she didn't sell Natsume Takuo, Saeki Takeo would sell it, so why not sell it herself, and sell it well in front of her own president?

"Bastard! Haven't you realized your mistake yet?"

Dafeng Zheshu threw Natsume Taku on the wall of the private office, and angrily reprimanded him.

"Do you know what you did? Don't you feel any guilt at all!?"

"Okay, Gale..."

The chubby president Maeda Hayabusa got up from his seat.

Dafeng Zheshu, whose chest was heaving violently because of anger, looked back at his president, who nodded at the young man, and then looked at Natsume Taku.

Natsume Takuya, who was thrown against the wall, fell limply to the ground. He is very confused now. He feels that he has something to say, but he just can't speak it out. He feels that there are countless emotional waves in his head, but his face is quite calm.

To act outside is to be stupid.

Because of the strong stimulation and the unacceptable evasion of the status quo, Natsume lost his normal reaction.

Perhaps in many movies and TV dramas, many villains can talk freely and find all kinds of distorted logic and weird reasons to justify themselves even if they are overwhelmed by overwhelming evidence, but these people are not ordinary people themselves.

The real ordinary people are the kind of people who have never done bad things in their lives, are far away from crimes and laws, and hate crimes. Most of them will be the same as Natsume Taku now.

After all, the accusations of Maeda Falcon, Dafeng Zheshu, and Nishike Sakura are all true, and Natsume Takuya knows better than anyone else.

"Natsume, you disappoint me."

Maeda Falcon looked sad.

"I thought you were a promising child, given you a chance, you would firmly grasp it and make a name for yourself, but I was wrong."

Maeda Hayabusa sighed.

"Your ability has been lowered by the short board of desire, but it doesn't matter, I have already eliminated all the evidence for you."

After Maeda Falcon learned about the inferior tiles from Nishike Sakura yesterday, Maeda Falcon immediately asked someone to verify what Nishike Sakura said.

Before dawn that day, the people Maeda Hayao was looking for confirmed that what Nishike Sakura said was true, and that Natsume Taku was the only one behind the scenes, and Dafeng Zheshu was innocent.

After that, it was easy to handle. Maeda Sun found a team of workers to smash up the floor of the comprehensive building that had been paved with inferior tiles, and then transported the debris out. At the same time, activated carbon, ventilation and other methods were used to remove formaldehyde on the first floor.

Afterwards, the tens of thousands of square meters of low-quality tiles piled up in the construction site were also transported away, all the decoration workers were driven to other construction sites, and the tile workers from other construction sites were transferred.

So far, all the low-quality tiles and formaldehyde in the construction site have been removed, and even the workers have been replaced.

Even at noon today, Maeda Falcon contacted the family members of former Tangzheng, saying that after long-distance transportation of the body is more difficult, the body of former Tangzheng can be cremated for free, and now there should be only ashes left.

Crisis public relations can be regarded as a success here.

Only the final showdown with Natsume Takumi remained.

"Natsume, I think it's a pity, but you must have cancer, right?"

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