"Hui Hui, squat down!"

Megumi Mizukami was startled, and immediately according to Takeo Saeki's order, his knees softened and he squatted down.

But it was only after Takeo Saeki yelled that Megumi Minakami squatted down and saw the man in security uniform in front of him, and the kitchen knife in his hand was already in front of him.

The cold light in front of Megumi Mizusami changed from looking up to looking up.

The kitchen knife slid across the top of Megumin Mizukami's head, cutting off a few strands of hair.

The breeze passed over Megumi Mizusami's scalp, obviously it was just a gentle wind blowing on Megumin's body, but after Megumin's calves and thighs merged, it gave Megumi Mizusami the coldness and fear as if his scalp had been cut open.

Megumi Minakami crouched down, bound by fear, and froze.

The security guard, who had no spirit of pity and tenderness at all, watched Shuishanghui squat down, and then held the kitchen knife in his hand backwards, ready to stab down.

But at this time a gust of wind hit.


The security guard's face hurt, then went dark, and then there was a slap.

The security guard looked down, just in time to see a mobile phone with a shattered screen falling to the ground.

Just now, Takeo Saeki threw out his cell phone and hit the security guard in the face.

"Baga! Go to hell!"

Takeo Saeki yelled again, the security guard instinctively raised his head without any thought, and then he saw a large piece of dry soil + pebbles appearing in front of him.

When the security guard was hit in the face by his mobile phone, Takeo Saeki grabbed a handful of soil in the area where the flowers and plants were planted in the vestibule, and while cursing to attract the security guard's attention, he threw the soil + small stones over.

Although it wasn't lime or sand in his hands, a few small stones mixed in the large area of ​​soil still fell into the security guard's eyes.

Everyone understands this feeling.

The security guard covered his eyes with one hand and let out a low growl.

Takeo Saeki lowered his body and crawled towards the security guard with all fours parallel like a cat or dog.

The security guard who was deprived of vision obviously did not have enough calmness and restraint. When the pain and darkness fell, the security guard fell into a brief panic.

And in this panic, Takeo Saeki crawled in front of the security guard, beside Kei Mizukami, and in front of Kei Mizukami, Takeo Saeki, who was crawling on all fours, took out Natsume Takuo's kitchen knife.

A flash of white light flashed, Megumin Mizukami watched helplessly as the kitchen knife in Takeo Saeki's hand crossed his eyes, then left, and touched the security guard's thigh.

Because the distance was less than half a meter, Minakami saw that the kitchen knife held by Takeo Saeki touched the trousers on the security guard's thigh, and the trousers were sunken inward around a point, and when the depression reached the limit, there was a slight "poof", and the trousers were pierced.

Then there was the familiar dull sound of a muscle being pierced.

The dark red is like a rose in full bloom, quickly blooming at the pierced wound.

As if disliking the wound was not enough, Takeo Saeki lifted the Japanese kitchen knife upwards, and large pieces of muscle fibers were broken under the sharpness of the kitchen knife, and the wound expanded rapidly.

This action is a bit like the way a Sinology teacher wrote Chinese characters on snow-white rice paper when Mizugami was learning calligraphy when she was a child.

A black writing brush is drawn across, the black is smudged on top of the white, and the strong color spreads, spreads...

Half of the security's trousers were quickly dyed red.

It wasn't until this moment that the security guard's suppressed pain began to erupt. The security guard screamed hysterically, his body bent.

Takeo Saeki pulled out the kitchen knife that had cut a large wound, and the splashed blood fell on Megumin Mizukami's face, who was stunned and stunned.

Takeo Saeki pulled out the kitchen knife and immediately pulled Megumin Mizukami back.

During this period, the security guard on the opposite side couldn't see, his thigh was so painful that he couldn't move, and the whole person fell into a state of confusion that he couldn't think about. It wasn't until Takeo Saeki took Megumin Mizukami to the entrance that the security guard remembered something and hacked around with a kitchen knife.

It belongs to the **** fist with weapons.

And Hui Mizugami, who arrived at the entrance, felt something sticky and sticky on his face at this moment, which was very fishy and warm.

Megumi Mizusami touched it, then looked at it again.

When her hands were bright red and her pupils trembled, Megumi Mizugami shouted along with the security guard at the gate of the fence.

A girl who has never been beaten by her father since she was a child, was defeated by Megumi Mizukami's defenses by successive horrible encounters.

Takeo Saeki reached out his hand to cover Megumin Mizukami's mouth, then forced Megumin Mizukami to retreat and close the door.

Takeo Saeki pressed Mizukami back to the living room.

In the living room, Takeo Saeki released his hand from Kei Mizukami's mouth.

Megumi Mizukami looked blankly at Takeo Saeki after recovering a bit.

"Just now, just now..."

Megumin Mizugami's voice was shaking, and he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

Takeo Saeki walked up to the pale-faced Natsume Taku, and said calmly.

"I didn't expect that outsiders are forbidden to enter this community unless approved by the owner."

The place where Huishui lives is a high-end community. This kind of community prohibits outsiders from entering and has a very strict security system. In contrast, the security fee is also quite expensive.

"But Natsume, you came in and found Huihui's residence. This shows two points. Either you sneaked in, or you have someone to help you in the community."

Takeo Saeki looked at the entrance where screams and wailing were constantly coming from.

Obviously, the one who helped Xia Mutuo enter the community was the howling security guard outside, oh no, it should be said that it was one of the deluded people raised by Fu Jiang.

Megumin Mizukami followed Takeo Saeki's example and looked towards the entrance, and when he heard the screams outside the entrance, Megumi Mizukami shrank his neck and moved behind Takeo Saeki.


Megumin Mizukami's voice trembled violently.

"Shall we block the shoe cabinet at the door?"

Shui Shanghui was afraid that the security guard outside the door would come in again.

Takeo Saeki was overjoyed.

"Hui Hui, you think too much, we are safe now."

It's not that Takeo Saeki looks down on humans, but just as Takeo Saeki understands, if a person can move violently with a broken rib, then he is a first-class hero.

You must know that in Takeo Saeki's homeland, an old criminal policeman with decades of experience, the toughest man he has ever seen is a man who was stabbed in the lower abdomen and could chase down the street to kill the murderer who stabbed him.

Just now, Takeo Saeki almost cut the meat off the front of the security guard's thigh.

With this kind of injury, let alone chasing and killing, if you can walk ten meters, you have to wonder if the person opposite is human.


Takeo Saeki looked back at Taku Natsume on the ground again.

"Natsume, Megumi probably never told you where she lives?"

Megumi Mizukami, who was hiding behind Takeo Saeki, froze for a moment, and then said in surprise.

"Yeah, I didn't tell Natsume where I lived?"

Takeo Saeki nodded.

"Yes, it should be the security outside who betrayed Huihui's information, but this security is out of luck."

When Takeo Saeki came into the Toranoana community, he gave his information to the security guard at the gate, and even asked Megumin Mizukami to call as security. In other words, the security guard at the gate absolutely knew that Megumin Minakami had found a man to go to her house.

But...the Tiger's Cave community has four entrances and exits, and security guards are stationed at the four entrances and exits.

So if there is no accident, the gate of the community that Takeo Saeki entered was not managed by the howling security guard outside the entrance, or when Takeo Saeki entered the gate of the community, the security guard patrolled the community and did not see Takeo Saeki.

So the security outside the entrance and Takeo Saeki were staggered, and the security guard didn't know that there was Takeo Saeki in Hui's house.

It was also this ignorance that caused the double insurance assassination to fail.

Both Natsume Takuo and Security were defeated by Saeki Takeo.


Megumi Mizukami looked at Natsume Taku who fell on the ground without saying a word, with a face full of despair, and said blankly.

"Natsume Taku wants to kill me... also, there is a reason, why... the security guard also wants to kill me?"

Saiki Takeo said calmly.

"It's Shimikaze Tomie."

Takuo Natsume, who fell on the ground, suddenly raised his head and stared at Takeo Saeki's face in disbelief.

Takeo Saeki looked at Megumin Mizukami, and put his hand on Megumi Mizukami's shoulder.

Megumi Mizukami shuddered, what happened today was too exciting, even if the hand on her shoulder was that of Takeo Saeki who saved her twice, Megumi Mizukami couldn't help trembling.

Takeo Saeki said seriously.

"Megumin, I can't save Natsume Taku, but with your words... Maybe I can help you."

Megumi Mizukami pointed at her face.

"help me?"

Takeo Saeki nodded vigorously.

"Yes, save you, there is a woman named Shimakaze Tomie in Kawakami Tiles Company."

Takeo Saeki didn't know how Megumi Mizugami provoked Tomie, but thinking about Tomie's temperament, it was not surprising that he wanted to kill anyone, so he didn't think much about it.

Natsume Takuya on the ground shouted.

"Takao Saeki! You devil, you are not allowed to do anything to Ms. Tomie! Come at me if you want to!"

Takeo Saeki ignored Natsume Taku, an idiot who was bewitched by Tomie.

"Shimakaze Tomie is the demon who dominates all of this, Huihui, if you have any underworld organization, go and capture Shimakaze Tomie, then find an incinerator that incinerates the dead, and burn her to ashes."

Flames and burning can kill Fu Jiang's cells, and only by killing every cell in Fu Jiang can the resurrection of Fu Jiang be prevented.

"Remember, you must burn her until only the inactive bones are left, so that you can be safe, Huihui."

Mizukami said in surprise.


Takeo Saeki shook his head.

"There is no reason, Huihui, if you believe me, do it, if you don't believe me, there is nothing I can do."

Megumi Mizukami blinked, turned around and went to the kitchen after a while, and the phone rang soon.

"Dad...I'm Huihui, and I'll tell you something..."

Natsume Taku, who was on the ground, struggled violently, and shouted in a hoarse voice than when he called Takeo Saeki just now.

"Miss Fu Jiang is innocent, you kill me, I am guilty, I am the culprit!"

Takeo Saeki couldn't help but interrupt.

"Didn't you just gossip about your innocence just now?"

Takuo Natsume turned to Takeo Saeki.

"Senior Saeki, I was wrong, please, please don't..."

Takeo Saeki kicked Natsume Takuo in the face, kicking the young man unconscious.

The living room fell silent.

After a while, Megumi Mizukami came out of the kitchen.


Megumin Mizukami's voice was a little scary.

"I called my father, and my father said he would find someone to deal with Fu Jiang."

Takeo Saeki nodded.

"I hope this witch can be solved."

Ten minutes later, the police arrived, because they heard that there was a murder in the house. There were five policemen who arrived, all wearing pistols.

The police who arrived at Megumi Mizukami's mansion saw that the security guard whose leg was almost cut off by Takeo Saeki was seriously injured, so he was sent to the hospital first, and then came in and put Taku Natsume into the police car.

Afterwards, I asked Takeo Saeki and Megumi Minakami in the living room.

The outrageous came, and the police questioned very perfunctorily. They just asked Natsume Takumi and Mizukami Megumi's grievances, and then what Natsume Takumi did, and then left with the indoor surveillance video provided by Mizukami Megumin.

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