Based on Tsuyoshi Saeki's memory, Zhou Heng can guarantee that Kayako's parents are both office workers, and even their family, Takeo Saeki, has lived in it for a while, so there is no problem.

As for Toshio Yamaga, it is unscientific. Toshio Yamaga was born as a ghost baby, born with powerful spiritual power, violent and bloodthirsty by nature, he doesn't bully others, just kill people, and it's Keiichi Hanayama's turn to bully Toshio Saeki?

So what is the reason why Kayako can become the ultimate evil spirit after death?

After thinking for a moment, Takeo Saeki thought of Tomie again.

Judging from the situation of Shimakaze Tomie running away after Natsume Taku committed suicide, can the crisis of collapse due to his resignation be resolved?

In the past, Saeki Takeo was forced to resign, and the man behind the killing of his wife and children was the Shimakaze Tomie who had already run away?

The sound of opening the door came from the entrance, followed by Toshio Saeki's rather immature boyish voice.

"My lord father, my lord mother, I'm back."

Kayako put down the black cat lying on his lap.

"Ah, I talked with Grandpa Dashan for too long just now, cooking, cooking."

Gayako went to the kitchen to cook, and when he passed by, he changed into slippers, and Saeki Toshio, who lowered his head, came over and went to the living room.

Takeo Saeki glanced at his cheap son and asked.

"Toshio, how is the new school?"

Saiki Toshio stammered.

"It's alright…"

Takeo Saeki nodded. The curriculum of Neon Elementary School is actually quite easy. This can be seen from the fact that Nehong Elementary School ends at 1:00 p.m. at the earliest and no later than 3:30 p.m.

However, Toshio Saeki used the school bus to go back and forth. Even if school ended at 3:00 in the afternoon, he would usually be back home around 3:30, and occasionally he would be delayed longer until he could go home at 4:00.

Today is this occasional.

"Go and rest, wash your hands and prepare to eat."

Saiki Takeo said.

"Yes, my lord."

Toshio Saeki lowered his head to his chest.

Takeo Saeki withdrew his gaze from Toshio Saeki, walked to the sofa in the living room, took out his mobile phone and waited for dinner.

Takeo Saeki walked to the edge of the sofa in the living room with small steps, took off the schoolbag behind his back and put it on the sofa.

Then he turned to look at Kayako who was chopping vegetables in the kitchen.

Saeki Toshio licked his lips, and walked to the kitchen in small steps.

Although Toshio Saeki's footsteps were very light, Kayako, who was chopping vegetables, still heard the footsteps. The wife looked back and saw Toshio Saeki who was walking towards her.

Kayako asked with a smile.

"Junxiong, are you hungry? Do you want something to fill your belly?"

Saeki Toshio, who walked one meter behind Gayako, paused. Gayako found that the child Saeki Toshio was staring at his face, showing a confused and complicated expression.

This was something Kayako had never seen on Saeki Toshio's face before.

"Forget it, mom can't do it."

After Saeki Toshio said something incomprehensible, he turned around and went to the living room.

Toshio Saeki walked behind Takeo Saeki, the little guy opened his mouth slightly, closed it again, closed it and opened it again, repeated this several times, Toshio Saeki asked Takeo Saeki.

"Father, I want to have a life discussion with you!"

Takeo Saeki, who was playing with his mobile phone, looked up and turned around.

Takeo Saeki looked at his cheap son in confusion.

"Life talk?"

Saeki Toshio nodded vigorously.

Takeo Saeki was overjoyed.

"It's a pity that you are not a tsundere blonde girl. Damn, you brat, why are you a man!"

Saeki Toshio blinked, why did he feel that he couldn't understand his father's words, is the adult's language so profound and difficult to understand?

Takeo Saeki went to the kitchen, brought two bottles of happy water from the refrigerator, and threw one bottle to Toshio Saeki, while tearing off the tab himself, took a sip and said.

"What do you want to talk about, brat?"

Toshio Saeki turned his head to one side.

"Father, may I ask how to write a love letter..."


Takeo Saeki spat out a mouthful of old Coke.


Kayako poked his head out of the kitchen holding a kitchen knife and looked at Saeki Toshio in disbelief.

"Junxiong... a love letter?"

After seeing Saeki Toshio's weird face just now, Jiaye felt keenly that his son might encounter some problems again, so he kept paying attention to his son.

Unexpectedly, the problem that appeared this time was even more violent than expected.

Saeki Toshio lowered his head.

"Father, I, I have a girl I like, can you tell me how to write a love letter that can please this girl?"

Before Takeo Saeki answered, Kayako came out from the kitchen and said in surprise with one hand on his mouth.

"Junxiong... You, you came into the kitchen just now, you also wanted to ask about love letters?"

Toshio Saeki nodded silently.

Kayako asked again.

"Then why didn't you ask, mom can help you..."

Saeki Toshio still said the same thing.

"Forget it, mom can't do it..."

Zoboga Coconut: "Σ(?Д?;

Although it was very annoying, Kayako found that he couldn't refute it.

Takeo Saeki wiped the Coke from his mouth with a paper towel and asked.

"So, Toshio... do you know how old you are?"

Saeki Toshio widened his eyes and said loudly.

"I am no longer a child of seven or eight years old, I am ten years old!"

Takeo Saeki/Kako: ?-ι_-`

Takeo Saeki supported his forehead.

As if sensing that his parents' emotions were wrong, Toshio Saeki added weakly.

"Soon, soon...I'll be eleven..."

Takeo Saeki walked back to the sofa and sat down, jokingly said.

"Okay, okay, regardless of age, Junxiong, tell me frankly, you like that girl...well, how did you like it?"

Saeki Toshio blushed.

"Yes, it's time for physical education class today..."

Toshio Saeki went to the new school for a week. During this week, although someone took the initiative to make friends with Toshio Saeki, under the psychological shadow earlier, Toshio Saeki did not accept the initiative to make friends with him.

Until now, Saeki Toshio is still alone.

Until the physical education class this morning, Toshio Saeki was looking at his mobile phone alone under a small tree in the playground, but an energetic female classmate came out halfway and said that they had one less person in double badminton, and hoped that Toshio Saeki would play with them.

Saeki Toshio wanted to refuse, but he was dragged by the girl.

Toshio Saeki, who was pulled onto the stage, had no choice but to play with the girl.

Playing until the end of get out of class, Saeki Toshio was tired and sweaty all over. During the break, the energetic girl came up again and handed Saeki Toshio a bottle of drink. After that, he chatted with Saeki Toshio about sports, school, and gossip.

After chatting, he patted Toshio Saeki on the shoulder and said that we will play together in physical education class next time.

It was such a simple and intimate contact, but Toshio Saeki found that his heart had been opened. After returning to the classroom, his mind was full of this energetic girl.

"...Basic situation...that's it..."

Saeki Toshio lowered his head, and intertwined his hands in front of his lower abdomen.

Jiaye clicked his tongue and smiled.

Takeo Saeki smiled lightly.

It’s also understandable. When Toshio Saeki was bullied before, he didn’t have any friends. His hungry heart finally returned to a normal environment. In this environment, a little bit of kindness came naturally...

Saeki Toshio continued.

"And then the monitor of our class..."

Takeo Saeki / Kayako: ?°?°?

Saeki Toshio said to himself.

"I, I forgot to bring my Mandarin book to class two days ago. The class monitor at the desk next to me put my desk together and read the Mandarin book with me. After class...then wrote me a text note."

Saeki Toshio walked to his schoolbag, opened it, and took out a piece of paper full of words from it.

Saeki Toshio's face was full of peach blossoms.

"Father, I, when I think of the monitor, my heart beats faster..."

Takeo Saeki stretched out his hand and made a gesture for students to ask questions in class.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute..."

Saeki Takeo asked in disbelief.

"Junxiong, you, didn't you say that you like the girl in the physical education class?"

Saeki Toshio nodded and said shyly. .

"I like it, of course I like it."

Takeo Saeki asked again.

"Then the monitor?"

Saiki Toshio stammered.

"I also... like... so I'm going to write... love letters to all of them."

Takeo Saeki / Kayako: ?°?°?

Takeo Saeki laughed angrily.

"Both of them write love letters? Junxiong, you are so cowardly, if you don't want to tell a few girls you like, I will write them together for you."

Saeki Toshio was stunned for a moment, and after a few seconds, he probed and spoke in a low voice.

"Then, our Western language teacher... I also... like it..."

Takeo Saeki / Kayako: ?_?

Kayako couldn't help it either.

"Why? Toshio, why do you like the Western language teacher?"

Takeo Saeki murmured softly.

"Is that teacher in good shape? Or pretty?"

Toshio Saeki, a guy who is as big as a kid, has already understood the beauty of mature women before his hair grows?

Saeki Toshio turned redder.

"I, I failed in dictation English before. Before school in the afternoon, I went to the teacher's office with a few classmates who did not pass to write dictation. Originally, I had to pass before I could go home, but when the teacher saw me, he said that I was not a boarding student, and my home was not close to the school. He would not keep me and let me go home by school bus."

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