Natsume Tuo stood up at this time, condescending, looked at Zhou Heng who was facing him provocatively, and said to Maeda Falcon.

"President Maeda, I will successfully complete this big project, and I will definitely not let you..."

Natsume Taku stared at Zhou Heng.


The word disappointment was obviously addressed to Zhou Heng.

Chapter 21 Mine

"Although Natsume's experience is not rich in our company, his ability is still very outstanding."

Maeda Hayabusa patted the back of his hand lightly.

"I believe Natsume that you can complete this renovation project perfectly, but since you are still young, I have arranged two assistants for you."


Maeda Sun looked at a bespectacled beauty in her twenties.

This is a newcomer who just joined the company five years ago, and has accumulated some renovation projects in the past five years, but he is still a young boy in front of the veterans like Takeo Saeki who have been working for nearly 20 years.

Nishike stood up from his seat and nodded towards his president.

President Maeda Hayabusa looked at another young man.


A handsome young man with a sunny face and hair dyed blond stood up. This is also a newcomer who has been in the company for five years, but his talent is very good, and he is often praised after the renovation.

Maeda Falcon looked at Natsume Taku again.

"Natsume, from now on, the three of you should support each other and take this project down!"

There was no accident like yesterday, and Natsume Taku, who was wearing glasses, bent over.


This concludes the meeting.

After Maeda Sun left the conference room, the participants walked out of the conference room one after another.

Zhou Heng also got up and left the meeting room with Sato Xiaojin who was beside him. Just a few steps away, Zhou Heng thought of something and asked in confusion.

"Hey, I suddenly remembered, if the president wanted to ask me to do this project before, he should have talked to me in advance, right?"

A very simple social rule is that the leader will first talk to the person who executes the project in the office, and then hold a meeting the next day after confirming that it is correct, and tell others what tasks to do next and who to choose.

Instead of saying nothing and choosing people directly, otherwise the consequences will be like yesterday, Zhou Heng directly refused, and the meeting ended in embarrassment.

Sato Kojin joked.

"Maybe it's laziness. The president has delegated a lot of power to the company, and this time is not missing."

Zhou Heng was taken aback for a moment. As a project manager who worked hard as a bottom-level construction worker, it was difficult for him to accept this answer, but he nodded after thinking about it.


The previous generation of President Maeda worked seriously and carefully, but now the second generation ancestor of this generation is much more lazy, the design and construction are not separated, and the signing power is all handed over to the assistants.

You can't say that such a person does not understand the rules of social operation, but most of the time he is too lazy to enforce these rules.

Most people born with a golden key in their mouths are in this state. They are either stupid or lazy.

No wonder I didn't notice something was wrong yesterday, and everyone else acted as they should. It turns out that everyone knows that the president is very lazy, so isn't it normal to make some mistakes because of laziness?

There were rapid footsteps approaching from Zhou Heng's side, reaching in front of Zhou Heng.

Natsume Taku!

Natsume Takuo, who had just finished the big project in the meeting room, was standing in front of Zhou Heng, still staring at Zhou Heng condescendingly.

Sato Kojin said displeased.

"Does such a wide road have to stand in front of us?"

Natsume Taku glanced at Sato Kojin.

"I have something to say to Senior Gangxiong, preferably one-on-one."

Sato Xiaojin looked at Zhou Heng, Zhou Heng nodded.

"Give me some space."

Sato Xiaojin left knowingly and went to the stairs.

Waiting for Sato Xiaojin and the people around him to go down, Natsume Taku who stopped in front of Zhou Heng said proudly.

"Senior Gangxiong, did you wait for me to come to you yesterday?"

Zhou Heng: "..."

I don't know how to explain that I refused to accept the project yesterday just to protect myself, not to bully my juniors.

Seeing that Zhou Heng didn't speak, Natsume Takuo's handsome face was a little more smug.

"Why do you feel like I can't do anything without you? Why do you feel like I'm coming over and begging you for help when you reject this project?"

Natsume Taku's tone was full of sarcasm.

"It turns out that without you! The president still believes in my strength, doesn't he?"

Zhou Heng nodded.

"You are indeed excellent."

Natsume Taku's lack of qualifications does not mean that he is poor in ability. In fact, the design industry depends on artistic talent, not qualifications.

The art you have studied for decades, or even a lifetime, may not be as good as the few years of hard work of a genius, and these few years are just a genius laying the foundation.

"Senior, are you mocking me?"

Natsume Taku's tone was full of indifference.

"Senior Gangxiong, I have wanted to ask you for a long time. You are a scumbag, right? You are the kind of scumbag who should be thrown into the garbage dump, right? You already have a wife, why are you still in the company with Huiqing Mizusami?"

Zhou Heng: "..."

Although the insult was aimed at himself, Zhou Heng had to say that Tsuyoshi Saeki is a scumbag and that Takeo Saeki should be a scumbag in the garbage dump. Zhou Heng quite agreed with it, and even wanted to give it a thumbs up.

As if talking about excitement, Natsume Taku reached out and grabbed Zhou Heng's collar, and pressed his face against it.

"Senior! Let me warn you once, stay away from Mizugami Hui! A trash like you is not worthy of her!"

Zhou Heng reached out and grabbed Natsume Taku's wrist.

To Zhou Heng's surprise, Takeo Saeki's physical fitness is very good.

Of course, this is what it should be. If Takeo Saeki is not in good health, he will not be able to be a scumbag and maintain an ambiguous relationship with multiple women. Just because the thing can’t get up, or can’t last long, it will allow Takeo Saeki to start cultivating his sentiments instead of hooking up girls everywhere.

For this reason, Natsume Tuo, who was held by the wrist, changed his expression, and slowly let go of the hand holding Zhou Heng's collar.

Zhou Heng threw Natsume Taku's hand aside.

Natsume Taku took a few steps back, held his wrist and stared at Zhou Heng's face, gnashing his teeth.

"As long as I complete this project this time, my status in the company will be higher than yours! Senior, you will regret it!"

Zhou Heng smiled lightly.

"Young man, you speak too fast."

There are some things that cannot be said before success, such as the civil service examination, postgraduate entrance examination, and what certificate to take.

If you quarrel before the exam and everyone around you knows it, they may not say anything on weekdays, but after you fail, they will jump out one after another to mock you.

Therefore, people like Zhou Heng will not flinch when they are unsuccessful in doing things.

Natsume Taku is obviously 28, why is he talking so impatiently?

There is no city mansion for adults at all?

"Megumi Mizukami is mine!"

Natsume Takuo pointed at himself and left bitterly.

Chapter 22 Your Name

Zhou Heng went downstairs and returned to the company's work area.

As soon as he sat down at his desk, Sato Xiaojin poked his head out and whispered.

"Gangxiong, that kid Natsume came over just now and took Kei Mizugami out, and he didn't know what to do."

Zhou Hengman said "Oh" indifferently.

Sato Kojin was puzzled.

"Are you not angry?"

"I said, I won't chase anymore."

Zhou Heng responded helplessly.

Sato Xiaojin looked in disbelief.

"Stop chasing Natsume Taku, Gango, let me tell you, this guy Natsume has provoked public anger now, and it will be hard for him to be in the company in the future. If you operate, many people will help you."

When Sato Xiaojin said this, his voice was very low.

Zhou Heng glanced around, and indeed saw that some senior designers sitting on their desks looked very bad.

It is an absolute rule for Wano country to rank seniority. The president gave this big project to Natsume Takumi and not to the senior designers under the gold medal designer, which must have offended the senior designers.

Zhou Heng was observing his surroundings, and Sato Xiaojin spoke again.

"Now a lot of people are talking about why the president gave such a big project to Natsume Taku. According to the previous rules, it was impossible. It is said that the guy Natsume caught the president, and the president had to use the benefits to stop Natsume's mouth..."

Zhou Heng turned his gaze to his computer screen.

"Your imaginations are so limited."

Sato Kojin was not convinced.

"Lack? Gangxiong, why do you say?"

Zhou Heng shrugged.

"I don't know, but I'm too lazy to find out. I have to get the construction drawings out as soon as possible."

Zhou Heng opened CAD and started designing. After drawing a few pictures, an indescribable boredom emerged.

Designing drawings is a rather tedious, but not difficult job.

Generally speaking, this kind of work is not difficult, that is, the tedious work is handed over to interns, and even sweeping the floor for senior designers, handling chores, and buying meals are all done by interns.

It's a pity that the staff of the New Era Decoration Company is close to saturation. Unless it is a related household like Megumi Mizugami, other design assistants have not been recruited for several years.

There was no way for Zhou Heng to find a cheap labor force to work for him.

The fifth drawing, ah no, after the modification, the colleagues around me suddenly noticed that the volume of chatting was much louder.

Zhou Heng raised his head instinctively.

Megumi Mizusami walked in from the entrance, and many people's eyes were focused on the beauty of Megumi Mizusami, making this beauty walk back to the seat almost bathed in everyone's eyes.

Zhou Heng withdrew his gaze and planned to continue drawing, but suddenly a chat box popped up, and it was sent by Megumi Mizusami.

Megumi Mizukami: That guy Natsume told me just now, Gango, you are already married, and you are definitely not a good person if you come out and flirt with other women like this, and ask me to stay away from you in the future.

Zhou Heng didn't want to pay attention, and Megumi Mizusami sent another message.

Megumi Mizukami: But I don't think so, Gango, your wife must be treating you badly, right? That's why you came out to find warmth like this?

Hui Mizugami, who was sitting not far from Zhou Heng, chuckled. She knew very well that her question was a nirvana. Most scumbags would blame their wives when they heard this sentence.

Take responsibility for your cheating.

Zhou Heng who was sitting opposite frowned.

Zhou Heng thought that when he went home by himself, Jiaye undressed and took off his shoes, and thought that Jiaye would be so happy when he saw that he gave her a cat.

Think again about Megumi Minakami calling herself when she peed.

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