The president of Dongchi has a lot of things to do every day, and left after talking about the scene. Maeda Hayabusa is also a busy person, and left the private room with the help of his assistant.

Megumi Mizukami originally wanted to go with her president, but when she got up, she was held back by Natsume Taku who was beside her.

Waiting for the people in the private room to leave, Natsume Takuya pulled Kei Mizugami up, shook his phone, and said with a smile.

"Megumi, do you know? When we were away, Takeo Saeki and Shigeru Ohame (senior designer) had a fight."

Megumi Mizukami blinked, confused.


Natsume Taku said proudly.

"That's right, the old guy Dai Amame said that Takeo Saeki shouldn't give up that job, and Saeki Takeo said he gave up his work clothes. The president is not willing to choose old people like Dai Amame. It can be seen that in the president's heart, the talents of these old people like Dai Amame."

Natsume Taku turned around and looked at several other "newcomers" from the company.

These two "newcomer" designers will assist Natsume Taku, the main designer, as an auxiliary designer in the tooling. For this reason, Natsume Taku has not left yet, and they have not left either.

"Actually, I was wondering a long time ago."

Natsume Taku stared at his two subordinates and joked.

"What are those guys who claim to be senior designers!? Don't they just enter the company a little earlier than us, and do decoration longer?"

"Why do these old guys take **** and **** on our heads for granted? Any good things in the company are closely followed by them. Only what they eat and don't want can fall in front of us?"

The female designer, Nishike Sakura, also surnamed Nishike, nodded solemnly.

"And will leave some chores to us to do."

Before Zhou Heng drew the picture, he always lamented that the company did not find real × students, assistants, and he had no one to squeeze. In fact, in another office area, Xichi, a relatively young designer, was often squeezed by his seniors.

Drawing floor plans, drawing design drawings, drawing sectional drawings, etc., when the company's senior designers want to be lazy, they will throw it to Sakura Nishike.

But the design fee is not given to Nishike Sakura, and it is also a good name for the training of the younger generation.

Another young designer, Dafeng Zheshu got up and said.

"Natsume, I know what you mean, let's do it this time! Just think of it as a rebellion against the group of superior seniors in the company. We need to let them know that what they can do, we can do, and we can even do better!"

Dafeng Zheshu is also often prostituted by senior designers for free design drawings and layout drawings, so he has deep resentment towards senior designers.

Natsume Taku nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes, this time we have finished the tooling well, and in the future, our status in the company will not be inferior to those old guys!"

Natsume Taku turned to look at Megumin Mizukami beside him.

"I believe the president can know this. After all, the president has given me the tooling, not other designers."

Natsume knew that Megumi Mizukami helped him in this work, but for such a large project, Natsume believed that if the president didn't have confidence in himself, how could he just give it.

So Megumi Mizukami is only an assistant, and the real frontal attack ability is still on him.

Mizukami said with a sneer.

"Ah, President Maeda trusts Natsume, Nishike, and Dafeng a lot, so don't disappoint the president's trust."

Satisfied, Natsume Taku withdrew his gaze, and after giving two of his men blood, he took Mizukami Kei downstairs, went to the parking lot and got in the car.

Megumi Minakami took out his mobile phone after sitting in the passenger seat, and turned on the screen of the mobile phone. Natsume Takuya, who was starting the car, glanced at it, and happened to see the picture on the screen of the quarrel between Zhou Heng and Da Yumo.

Natsume Taku couldn't help teasing.

"Xiaohui, I told you that Takeo Saeki is a scumbag and a waste, you should stay away from him."

Natsume Taku didn't understand at all, how can a waste like Zhou Heng compare to him, why does Megumi Minakami seem to be very interested in Zhou Heng?

Megumin Mizukami quit the social app, and his mind slid through the box office of "Your Name" that he only saw this morning.

"Even if you're a scumbag."

Mizukami smiled.

"Also a very interesting scumbag."

Chapter 29 Crisis

It's time for lunch soon.

Zhou Heng, who finished the drawing and was waiting for the 3D drawing from the outsourcing studio, kicked Sato Xiaojin next door.

"Shall I bring you some lunch?"

Sato Xiaojin said while drawing a picture.

"Let's have **** roast pork, I'm curious what the devil's taste is like."

Zhou Heng was a little surprised.

"I don't see that Xiaojin, you still have a bit of an otaku tendency."

Sato Kojin responded cheerfully.

"It's just that Makima happens to be dancing on my xp."

Zhou Heng stood up with a smile.

"Okay, is the sample soup still kelp soup?"

"Yeah, sorry for the trouble, Gango-kun."

Sato Xiaojin bowed his head to Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng walked out of his office area, and soon left the company. There are many izakayas with high cost performance outside the company. Zhou Heng went to a familiar izakaya and sat down, ordered his own salmon set meal, and ordered Sato Xiaojin a set meal of **** roast pork.

After all, it was raw food. Zhou Heng didn't wait for a few minutes, and the salmon set meal was placed in front of Zhou Heng. When Zhou Heng picked up his chopsticks and was about to eat, a figure sat down beside Zhou Heng and spoke with a powerful voice.

"Gangxiong-kun, can I trouble you?"

Zhou Heng turned his head and saw a middle-aged man with a slightly fat body and half gray hair.

Zhou Heng said in surprise.

"Of course no problem, Section Chief Ruoyan."

The old man in front of him is Ruo Yanshen, the head of the logistics department in the company. Although he is not considered a department, he is also a person with a higher position than Zhou Heng.

Ruoyan smiled gently, and patted Zhou Heng's shoulder affectionately.

"Gangxiong, it's like this. I want to ask, did you reject the bill given to you by President Maeda at the meeting because Natsume threatened you?"

Zhou Heng shook his head and said in disgust.

"He deserves it too. Why do so many people think there is an inside story about this matter? Section Chief Ruoyan, I really only rejected this project because of my physical problems. You should be able to understand, money is so important!"

Money doesn't matter. What Zhou Heng said was sincere.

Ruo Yan nodded deeply.

"Indeed, when I get older, I feel that it's too stupid to work overtime just to make money. The body is the most important thing. Um, Takeo-kun, after you rejected this project, the president still left it to Natsume. Do you have any ideas?"

Zhou Heng still shook his head.

"I don't know. I still don't understand how the president gave such an important project to a novice with few years of design experience. There are so many designers in the company who are more experienced than Natsume. Isn't the president's decision to chill the hearts of these designers?"

Ruoyan said in a deep voice.

"So, is it possible that this Natsume was used to beat disobedient employees in the company?"

Zhou Heng paused, Ruo Yanshen's face softened and became more gloomy.

In Ruoyan's deep eyes, the president's behavior of abandoning other senior designers and choosing Natsume Taku is telling other people in the company that whoever he wants to be prosperous can be prosperous, and whoever he wants to be proud of can be proud.

There is nothing you can do if you are angry.

A proper show of power and muscle.

Zhou Heng shook his head for the third time.

"I still say that, I don't know, but the president is a very lazy person, I don't think the president will do such a thing."

Ruoyan denied it deeply.

"The president is lazy, but not stupid. There are some things that the president can let go of, and there are some things that the president can't see through, Gangxiong."

Ruoyan stared deeply at Zhou Heng's eyes, Zhou Heng could actually feel the murderous look in the eyes of this docile-looking middle-aged man at the moment.

Zhou Heng can see that there is more murderous intent. He manages more migrant workers on the construction site. He can often see some migrant workers fighting each other because of trivial matters. When fighting each other, they often have such gloomy and resentful eyes.

"There is going to be a big turmoil in the company, you have to take a good look at it, don't do the wrong thing, follow the wrong person."

Ruo Yanshen's tone lacked gentleness, and more of it was indifference.

Zhou Heng forced a smile.

"I will not fight against my own interests."

When he doesn't know what to say, Zhou Heng's magic weapon is to use ambiguous words to deal with it.

Ruo Yanshen was very satisfied with this answer that didn't have a precise answer. The head of the section got up and said to the chef who was cooking.

"Gangxiong's lunch is on my account."


The chef in the open kitchen responded respectfully.

Ruoyan patted Zhou Heng's shoulder meaningfully and left.

Waiting for Ruo Yanshen to leave, Zhou Heng stared at the salmon set meal in front of him, and couldn't help but smile.

"It's amazing..."

Zhou Heng put a piece of salmon into his mouth. After the salmon fat in his mouth gave off a rich aroma, Zhou Heng seemed to have returned to his previous life, when he was the project manager himself in the office talking to others about riddlers.

Just now I said that I would not fight against my own interests. When Ruo Yanshen left, he said that Zhou Heng's meals were included in his bill. Isn't this implying that Zhou Heng's food (interests) was given by him?

And Ruo Yanshen is not Zhou Heng's direct boss, so Ruo Yanshen may just be a representative of a force in the company. When he came to find Zhou Heng at this moment, he was telling Zhou Heng not to fight against them.

Since they can give Zhou Heng a bowl of food, they can also destroy Zhou Heng's job.

Somewhat uncomfortable.

Zhou Heng thought that after rejecting the big project of tooling, his side would be safer, but now looking at his company, there are also undercurrents surging.

But this is also normal. If Takeo Saeki hadn't suffered a continuous backlog of pressure caused by various accidents and eventually collapsed, he wouldn't have killed his wife and children before killing his wife's first love and his first love's pregnant wife.

Therefore, there is a high probability that various accidents that may lead to resignation will come one after another.

You still have to be careful in the future, don't step on the trap that will lead to badend.

Thinking of this, Zhou Heng suddenly thought of Sadako.

This guy with a little low self-esteem has been working in the coffee shop he introduced for several days, is it okay?

Zhou Heng didn't want Sadako to suffer violence in the coffee shop, and then couldn't bear to commit suicide. When he came home today, he saw Jiaye and Saeki Toshio watching a video of a beautiful girl climbing out of a well in the living room.

Zhou Heng quickly finished his lunch, returned to the company with **** roast meat, and left the company on the pretext of going to see the construction site.

Chapter 30 Coffee

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou Heng drove to the coffee shop where Sadako Yamamura worked.

It's past lunch break now, but when Zhou Heng pushed open the door of the coffee shop and entered, there were still quite a few people sitting in the coffee shop, among them several were blond and blue-eyed Westerners.

I don't know if it's for pretense or something else. When Zhou Heng walked over, the Westerners were all doing work or watching videos with a laptop.

Zhou Heng walked to the front desk, and the owner of the coffee shop, Long Jiang Youxi, was sitting behind the front desk to rest.

Zhou Heng knocked on the front desk, and after Longjiang Youxi looked up, Zhou Heng asked with a smile.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Longjiang, um, is Sadako there?"

Longjiang Youxi got up and said with a smile.

"Over there in the kitchen."

Longjiang Youxi pointed to a staff channel.

Zhou Heng nodded, and walked to the staff passage, which was blocked by a very charming curtain. After opening the curtain, he walked to the end and arrived at the kitchen opposite the utility room.

Longjiang Youxi's coffee shop not only provides a variety of drinks, but also provides some desserts and steaks to fill your stomach.

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