"Gee, it's so complicated..."

Sadako, who came from the country, was full of confusion. You must know that the convenience store where she worked before, Sadako also cleaned and took out the trash when she had nothing to do.

Are the rules of big cities so complicated?

"Oh, right."

Zhou Heng took another sip of coffee and asked again.

"Suddenly remembered, Sadako, have you prepared the gift money for the funeral?"

Sadako was taken aback.

"Gift money?"

Zhou Heng understood a little bit.

"Sadako, did you forget that you have to prepare a gift money for the deceased when you go to the funeral?"

Sadako's face turned pale.

In fact, Sadako's father died five days ago. Because Sadako's life was not good, coupled with low self-esteem, Sadako never went to her father's funeral. Now that she finally had a job and beautiful clothes, Sadako wanted to see her father's body.

As for gift money, Sadako hadn't thought about it before. After all, as a daughter, going to see her father's funeral normally doesn't require gift money, right?

But after all, this funeral is organized by other people's money. Isn't it too rude to go to the funeral by yourself and not pay some gift money to thank some others for their contributions?

After a few seconds, Sadako stumbled and said.

"I, I'll go and ask the store manager to advance my salary."

Zhou Heng shook his head.

"You've only been working for a few days. What does the store manager think of you if you ask Qian Longjiang so early? Let me prepare this gift for you."

Sadako's face flushed, and a few seconds later, Sadako was embarrassed.

"Gangxiong, I, I, I didn't want you to pay the gift money for me, so I told you about my father's funeral..."

When Sadako spoke later, her voice was full of tears.

Zhou Heng understood.

"For sure, today I took the initiative to come to you, Sadako, not you, Sadako, who asked me to come here."


A customer called out from behind, and Sadako looked up at the waiter waving in the distance, Zhou Heng said hurriedly.

"What are you doing standing there stupidly? The guest is calling you."

"oh oh."

Sadako trotted over to the side of the guests.

Zhou Heng picked up the coffee cup and took a sip, and then finished the cake. The afternoon tea was very comfortable. Zhou Heng, who was full, went to the front desk to pay, walked out of the coffee shop, and took his car back to the surrounding area to check his construction site.

Chapter 32 Cute

Saturday morning, eight o'clock.

Zhou Heng washed up and went downstairs. The virtuous Kayako had already placed the prepared breakfast on the table in the dining room.

Saeki Toshio, who was also resting on the weekend, was also sitting at the dining table. When Zhou Heng came down, this cute little Zhengtai squinted at Zhou Heng, as if expecting something.

In the restaurant, Zhou Heng also knew what the child was expecting.

Beside his own table, a few test papers were quietly placed.

Zhou Heng walked to his table and picked up the test paper. Toshio Saeki's elementary school had a fixed score system, that is, more than 30 points would be considered a pass, and Toshio Saeki seemed to be holding on to the 30 points.

Zhou Heng picked up three test papers, one with 32 points, one with 31 points, and one with 35 points.

Really, this is Wano Country after all, the test scores have little to do with your future work in society, otherwise Zhou Heng would have broken Toshio Saeki's leg with just this score.

Putting the test paper back on the dining table, Zhou Heng nodded under Toshio Saeki's expectant gaze.

"Three hours."

Saeki Toshio cheered, and started drinking porridge with his rice bowl in his arms, Zhou Heng added.

"Junxiong, have you seen weeds growing in my yard?"

Saeki Toshio put down the bowl and looked at his father suspiciously.

Zhou Heng also picked up the porridge, took a sip and said.

"Go and pull out the weeds in the yard at noon, and I will play with you for two hours tomorrow."

Saeki Toshio said excitedly.

"I'll definitely pull it out!"

Zhou Heng said that he was going to pull weeds at noon, but Saeki Toshio finished his breakfast with a few bites, and then took his gloves and went to the yard to pull weeds.

Waiting until Zhou Heng finished his meal and walked out of the entrance, he could still see Toshio Saeki, the kid who had been assisting Kayako in the past, pulling his buttocks up one by one.

Young people are easy to handle.

Zhou Heng walked out of his home, got on his own means of transportation and drove to Sadako's apartment.

When she arrived, Sadako in beautiful clothes was already waiting under the dilapidated apartment. After Zhou Heng parked the car, Sadako walked to the door of the passenger seat, opened the door and sat in.

The girl was still quite nervous, and the car was quite quiet. For this reason, Zhou Heng could hear Sadako's rapid breathing after sitting in, and he could also see the restlessly entangled hands on her lap.

Zhou Heng patted Sadako's hand, and then said.

"Okay, okay, you're going to see your father, not other people. Don't look at your own medical report like this."

Sadako didn't understand.

"Aren't you looking at the report card?"

Zhou Heng said with disgust.

"For a person my age, it takes much more courage to open the medical report than a young person to open his own report card."

Sadako chuckled.

"It makes sense."

But after laughing, Sadako's complexion collapsed again.

"Gangxiong... Actually, I didn't fall asleep all night last night."

Zhou Heng started the car and asked while driving.

"It's okay. If you're afraid later, just stand behind me. I'll help you if something happens."

Sadako's lips twitched a few times, but she still didn't speak.

Zhou Heng understood Sadako's thoughts.

Sadako's identity is actually disgraceful. Sadako's biological father Ikuma Heihachiro met Sadako's mother Yamamura Shitsuko while he was married, and later gave birth to Yamamura Sadako with Yamamura Shitsuko.

No matter from any point of view, Sadako's mother Yamamura Shitsuko is a mistress, and she is a mistress who destroys other people's families.

Even after Ikuma Heihachiro divorced his original spouse, married Yamamura Shitsuko, and took Yamamura Sadako to the city, Sadako's life was not very good.

The reason is that when Heihachiro Ikuma wanted to show Shizuko Yamamura's superpowers to celebrities, Shizuko Yamamura failed to show his superpowers. Heiyachiro Ikuma was convicted of academic fraud for this reason, so that under the pressure of the industry, Heihachiro Ikuma had to divorce Shizuko Yamamura.

Shizuko Yamamura took Sadako back to her hometown, and after giving birth to a baby boy who fell ill and died (Sadako liked this younger brother very much), she entered Mihara Mountain and committed suicide.

Perhaps when she was a child, Sadako didn't understand the relationship between mistress and her mother and father, but now that she is an adult, she naturally understands that mistress and her identity are not so glorious.

Now that she is going to attend her father's funeral and appear in the public eye, how can Sadako not be afraid and inferior for her identity.

I'm afraid that others will know that she is Xiaosan's daughter, and her mother has ruined other people's families.

Of course, none of this can be blamed on Sadako. Zhou Heng, as an old man who has been in the society for almost ten years, from a low-level construction worker to a project manager, and obtained a construction certificate, knows very well that Sadako's mother is really not a good person.

And Sadako's father, Ikuma Heihachiro, a professor of medicine, is definitely a scumbag.

The reason is that Heihachiro Ikuma cheated on Shizuko Yamamura while he had a family, and even gave birth to a daughter named Sadako. What does this mean?

It shows that Heihachiro Ikuma didn't even take safety measures for fun.

And then later, after Ikuma Heirachiro broke up with Yamamura Shizuko, he never asked about Sadako and Sadako's younger brother who died of illness at four months old, so that Yamamura Shizuko and Ikuma Heirachiro became more and more in a trance after their divorce, so that he committed suicide.

To sum up, Sadako's mother has done bad things, and Ikuma Heihachiro's nature is even worse, and Sadako is the only innocent one.

The innocent ones have to bear the most consequences.

Thinking of this, Zhou Heng couldn't help but asked Sadako who looked gloomy and tired from not sleeping all night.

"Sadako, have you ever hurt anyone?"

Sadako shook her head.

Only others have always bullied her, how can she bully others.

Zhou Heng asked again.

"Then do you have any conflict of interest with the people at Mr. Ikuma Heihachiro's funeral?"

Sadako still shook her head.

"I don't even know them."

Sadako separated from her father very early, and she didn't know about Ikuma Heihachiro's network.

Zhou Heng asked back.

"Then what are you afraid of?"

Zhou Heng was puzzled.

"I don't understand why a person who has never hurt others and hasn't committed any crimes would feel disgusted? Feel guilty?"

Zhou Heng turned the rearview mirror of the car to Sadako's face.

"Sadako, look up."

Sadako looked up, just in time to see her pitiful self in the rearview mirror.

Zhou Heng laughed.

"Isn't it cute to wear the clothes I bought for you?"

Sadako nodded hesitantly.

Zhou Heng praised.

"Yes, this is what you look like, Sadako. You are a cute, beautiful girl who makes people like you when you stand in front of others."

Chapter 33 Ex-wife

The funeral of Ikuma Heihachiro was held in a residential house.

When Zhou Heng arrived at the residence with Sadako in his car, there were actually quite a few people inside and outside the residence.

It must be known that Ikuma Heirachiro died a week ago, and the funeral has passed for at least three days. Zhou Heng thought that almost all the people who came to express their condolences a few days ago had come, but it turns out that Ikuma Heirahachiro is actually quite popular, and his influence may not be low.

Zhou Heng and Sadako got off the car in the parking lot outside the funeral venue. Although Sadako, a child with low self-esteem, had been educated by Zhou Heng before, she couldn't help but hold Zhou Heng's arm and hid behind Zhou Heng in front of a lot of people.

Zhou Heng led Sadako to the door of the funeral home.

A name tag similar to an elegiac couplet was written on the door, and on the name tag was a sentence - "Funeral funeral of Ikuma Heihachiro, professor of psychiatry at Oshima University in Tokyo."

After that, there are shiminawawa, flowers and some local customs in Japanese funerals.

The two funeral workers at the door bowed one after another after Zhou Heng and Sadako appeared, and made a gesture of invitation towards the door.

Zhou Heng and Sadako walked in. There was a desk behind the door, and a serious man sat behind the desk. There was a list of records in front of the man. Many people who participated in the funeral stood on the list and signed their names and contact information. They also left a gift wrapped in a white envelope.

Zhou Heng and Sadako waited in the crowd for more than ten minutes before they arrived at the signature list. Sadako seemed unwilling to write her name on it, so Zhou Heng randomly took Jotaro Kujo's name and wrote Sadako's phone number, and attached a generous gift money.

The man sitting behind the desk on the opposite side was puzzled.

"Tomorrow will last all night, and there will be a farewell ceremony the day after tomorrow. If you two are free, you can come over."

The all-night ceremony means that relatives stay up all night to keep watch in the mourning hall, and the farewell ceremony means that relatives and friends can come to see the deceased for the last time.

In other words, Ikuma Heihachiro will be sent to the cemetery for burial at the end of the day after tomorrow.

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