"...it's strange."

Megumi Mizukami: "Σ(゜ロ゜;

Zhou Heng sneered.

"Hui Hui, how old are you, why do you still believe in such nonsensical things as prophetic dreams?"

Mizukami retorted.

"But you obviously guessed everything right!"

Zhou Heng said calmly.

"That's because of the math."

Megumi Mizukami had an expression like you were bluffing me.

Zhou Heng explained.

"Huihui, have you heard of it? There is a casino in Florida of a certain empire. There is a math teacher who often gambles in this casino. In just three years, he earned 300,000 US dollars."

"Following up, the casino refused to let the math teacher come. The reporter heard the news and interviewed the person in charge of the casino. The person in charge said that their casino is relatively small and has no money to hire an actuary, so there is a problem with the odds. Normal people can't figure out the problems with these odds, but people who understand mathematics can figure it out."

"Also, in ancient times, it was said that there was a cursed land. Anyone who lived there would die within a short period of time. A certain white family didn't believe it. They bought that land with very little money and brought their whole family of more than 20 people to live in it. After living there for several years, they died and got sick. Thirty years later, the whole family became extinct."

"This incident proved that this land was cursed by the devil, and no one dared to buy it again. Until a certain year, a certain university professor heard about the cursed land and came to investigate. The professor lived there for a month, and then discovered the truth of the curse. Huihui, do you know what the truth is?"

Mizukami shook his head.

Zhou Heng shrugged.

"Because there is a small heavy metal mine in that place, if people stay there for a long time, a large amount of heavy metals will enter the human body due to the enrichment of the food chain, leading to heavy metal poisoning and death."

Megumin Mizukami: "..."

Zhou Heng said cheerfully.

"If you don't study mathematics, physics and chemistry, the whole world is magic. Huihui, as a college student, you must firmly believe in science and don't believe in supernatural things."

Zhou Heng walked past Mizusami Hui.

But this time, after taking a step, Mizushang Hui's voice came again, and the woman even grabbed Zhou Heng's hand, and said viciously after Zhou Heng turned his head.

"You're still lying to me!"

"Before I came to the company, I asked a professor from the Department of Mathematics. He told me that movie box office predictions have always been made, and many mathematical models for box office predictions have matured, but never..."

Keiko Mizugami has gone to college, and he knows that many seemingly confusing things can be explained by mathematics. For example, collective hallucinations are psychology, and visual and auditory hallucinations can be done with chemicals.

Zhou Heng's box office prediction, what if it is also in the category of mathematics?

Megumin Mizukami found a mathematics professor whom he was familiar with and asked about the box office.

The answer made Mizugami even more confused.

Megumi Mizusami let go of Zhou Heng's hand, and went in front of Zhou Heng again.

"...Gangxiong said that you can be accurate to one hundred yen or less than 10,000 people. Your box office prediction has surpassed the normal mathematical category and has reached a supernatural level!"

Zhou Heng predicted that "Deeper Than the Sea" had 89,510 audiences at the premiere weekend, and a box office revenue of 108,788,900 yen. This kind of accurate prediction cannot be achieved by mathematics, at least not by current mathematics.

"Maybe it's luck?"

Zhou Heng scratched his head jokingly.

"It's like the lottery's winning rate is so low, and someone will always win the lottery. What if my mathematical prediction is just right, and the coincidence and reality match up?"

Keiko Mizukami said in a loud voice.

"Really? I don't believe it!"

Zhou Heng asked back.

"So instead of relying on mathematics to predict, Huihui, you believe that I rely on superpowers to predict?"

Chapter Forty

Megumin Mizukami: ?°?°?

If it's not math, it's superpowers?

To be honest, Megumi Mizusami did not believe that the data given by Zhou Heng could be achieved by mathematics, not to mention that the university professor who had contacted him before assured him that if the data given by Zhou Heng was really achieved by mathematics, it was really a supernatural level of mathematical ability.

Just because Zhou Heng is an interior designer instead of a mathematician, there is no reason for Zhou Heng to give such accurate data.

But supernatural stuff...

Does Takeo Saeki have supernatural abilities?

Compared with supernatural ability, Mizusami Hui believes that Zhou Heng estimated the box office data of "Deeper Than the Sea" and "Your Name" by luck.

But Zhou Heng's luck is not very reliable. You must know that the chance of winning the lottery is only 1 in 175 million (a million-dollar lottery ticket), and it is impossible to guess the odds of two movies at the box office without one in a few trillion.

In other words, with Zhou Heng's luck in winning the box office of two movies, if he buys lottery tickets, he will definitely become the richest man in the world.

"Do you feel that you have never really understood me?"

Zhou Heng's voice suddenly broke into Mizushang Hui's thoughts. When the rationality deconstructed the meaning of Zhou Heng's words, Mizushang Hui's emotions rippled like a stone thrown into the water.

Megumin Mizusami stared at Zhou Heng in front of him, feeling pressure and confusion for the first time.

How come... like this?

Megumi Mizusami has dated many men, and now she has many concubines. In the past, Zhou Heng was just a boyfriend of Megumi Mizusami who was good at handling troubles for her, and could lick to the point of shamelessness.

There are obviously many such people, and many of them disappear from the crowd.

But why did this man suddenly change a week ago, not only became good at playing, but now...

It gave Megumi Mizusami an unspeakable pressure.

The reason for the pressure is also very simple, just like what Zhou Heng said, Megumi Mizusami never really understood Zhou Heng.

The licking dog in the past and the supernatural human being in the present, how can these two characters be mixed together?

The excessive contrast made Mizukami Megumin a little confused.

During this gap of confusion, Zhou Heng spoke again.

"Huihui, let's end it."

Mizusami was taken aback.


Zhou Heng nodded.

"You should have found out, I have blocked your contact information."

Today, Shui Shanghui didn't send a message to find Zhou Heng, but came to find Zhou Heng in person. Zhou Heng could tell that this woman should know that he had blocked her contact information.

Mizushang Hui's complexion changed, and he said angrily.

"You add it back to me!"

Zhou Heng shook his head.

"No, let's not contact each other in the future."

Shui Shanghui opened his mouth, just about to say something, but when he saw Zhou Heng's face that seemed to be a smile, his heart sank, and the words that had already reached his throat could not be said for a while.

If it was just the previous dog licking Takeo Saeki, Megumi Minakami dared to lose his temper with Takeo Saeki, and even quarreled, but now Zhou Heng, with the sharp contrast with before, made Megumin Mizukami completely unable to understand what the man in front of him looked like.

Mizusami Hui was a little jealous of Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng, who had been observing Megumi Mizusami, was very satisfied with the effect.

Megumin Mizukami was brought in by his own president, and he was also brought by a gold medal designer. No matter how you look at it, he has a deep relationship, and he doesn't care about Takeo Saeki's thoughts at all, just like he said that he will stop dating, Megumi Mizukami has been tempting himself.

Therefore, if you want to really sever ties with this woman, you have to turn your position around.

Now Zhou Heng just said a few words casually, which made Shui Shanghui start to mutter in his heart.

Megumi Mizukami was not sure who she was.

Really, just relying on a few ambiguous words to bluff Bai Fumei, I really have the demeanor of a real hero.

It's a pity that I already have a wife, so I can't have an affair, and I can't let my wife be the one who suffers.

"It's good that you can understand."

Zhou Heng, who didn't show anything on the surface, but was very proud of himself, walked past Huishui, who turned his eyes and stared at Zhou Heng as he left.

Zhou Heng quickly returned to his office area, Mizugami Hui turned around, and looked deeply at the office area Zhou Heng entered.

For the first time in his life, Megumi Mizusami felt that a man could be so unpredictable. This unfathomable does not refer to Zhou Heng's city power and high IQ, but the contrast between the previous dog licking and the current mystery is too strong.

"Huihui? Huihui..."

A voice reached Megumi Mizugami's ears, Megumi Mizugami turned around and saw Takumi Natsume who had just left yesterday walking by her side.

"Huihui, what's wrong with you? You look out of your mind?"

Natsume Tuo's face is mostly concerned.

Megumi Mizusami hurriedly withdrew her thoughts, and smiled at her boyfriend (one of them).

"It's nothing, I was thinking about something just now."

Natsume Taku laughed.

"I just met you, Huihui, do you want milk tea? Shall I buy you a cup?"

Mizukami shook his head.

"I left in the middle of the date yesterday. It's my fault. Well, let me buy Natsume-san a drink."

Megumin Mizukami blinked at Taku Natsume.

"You can't refuse, otherwise I will be embarrassed to meet you in the future."

Natsume Taku nodded.

"Well, if Huihui insists, I can do it too."

Megumi Mizukami took Natsume Taku down the stairs, and the milk tea shop was on the first floor of the company.

When going down, Megumin Mizukami couldn't help asking Natsume Taku.

"Natsume, have you been with the company for many years?"

Natsume Taku was a little proud.

"Almost ten years."

Mizukami asked again.

"Then do you know that Takeo Saeki is good at math?"

Natsume Taku laughed.

"How is it possible? This guy used to count as building materials and missed several times."

After the decoration design, water and electricity enter the market. At this time, labor, wires, and water pipes must be counted, followed by cement, bricks and tiles.

After calculating these things, the customer must be given a bill, and the customer must pay according to the bill.

Takeo Saeki missed money a few times in the past, but he didn't lose money, but he was ridiculed by his peers for a long time.

Mizukami scratched his head.

"Well, did Takeo Saeki show in the past, ah no, did he say that he can predict the future or something?"

Natsume Taku said a little displeased.

"Huihui, did that scumbag Takeo Saeki say something to you? That guy is a scumbag and a liar, you can't believe a word he says!"

Megumin Mizukami smiled mischievously.

"Ah, yes, Saeki Takeo... can't be trusted, ah, the milk tea shop is here."

Megumi Minakami bounced to the window of the milk tea shop, and asked Natsume Taku again.

"Natsume, what kind of milk tea do you want?"

Natsume Taku said with some displeasure.

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