It’s just that after walking with Takeo Saeki for a while, the two old people were exhausted and needed to take a break. Takeo Saeki asked Yan Moai to take care of the old couple, and went to find some water and wild fruits nearby.

You don’t need to run around when looking for it. After closing your eyes, Takeo Saeki can hear the faint sound of water coming from not far away. Follow the sound of water, and within a few hundred meters, Takeo Saeki found a large river with a width of ten meters.

It is slightly abnormal for a river of this width to appear between a group of mountains, but what is even more abnormal is on the opposite side of the river bank. The opposite side of the river bank is no longer a continuous mountain range, but a city full of tall buildings.

Takeo Saeki: ?_?

This city is known to Takeo Saeki. It is Takeo Saeki's hometown in the motherland, Cihe City.

After finishing the copy of Himuro Wue and Yan Moai, did you come to the copy of your own body?

What the **** is going on with all this?

Why do I change jumps in these different time periods and locations?

And before I became a despicable outsider, forget about Yan Moai's cousin, I was in my hometown, but I lived until before crossing.

A small boat suddenly drove in front of Takeo Saeki, and a tanned fellow at the bow spoke to Takeo Saeki with a strong Cihe City dialect accent.

"Come up and cross the river? Count your twenty."

Just as Takeo Saeki was about to agree, a gust of wind blew away a layer of plastic canvas at the stern of the boat, revealing a hole in the deck that was leaking.

Takeo Saeki's pupils trembled, and then persuaded.

"Your boat is broken."

The fellow looked disdainful.

"If you don't sit, don't sit. I won't take it if you say something wrong!"

The fellow drove the boat away contemptuously, but after driving tens of meters out, the boat suddenly broke from it. There must be no way to repair the damage to the hull of this degree.

Takeo Saeki after watching all this: "Σ(°△°|||

If I got on a small boat just now, wouldn't I also have to be swallowed by the river?

Takeo Saeki turned his head and left, ready to find a safe place to rest, but this time after walking a few steps, a car drove over, and when it reached Takeo Saeki, the car stopped, and a beautiful head stuck out of the window,

The beauty nodded to Saeki Takeo and asked.

"Do you know how to get to Mingzhou Road?"

Saiki Takeo said towards Cihe City on the other side of the river.

"Then you have to drive for a while. You have to go to the other side first, and then find your way."

The beauty scratched her head in confusion.

"Hey, sir, I, I'm a road idiot. On my own, I'm afraid I won't be able to reach Mingzhou Road in my life. So, how about I hire you as my guide and go to Mingzhou Road?"

The beauty looked pleased.

"How about two hundred for the employment fee?"

Takeo Saeki looked towards the back seat of the car upon hearing this.

He didn't notice it when he came here before, but now that the car has been in front of him for so long, Takeo Saeki smelled a pungent gasoline smell.

Looking back, liquid dripped from the rear of the car, judging from the smell coming from the wind, it was gasoline.

not good!

Takeo Saeki turned his head and ran away without saying a word, but within ten meters, there was a wave of air behind Takeo Saiki.

Waiting for the tumbling to stop, Takeo Saeki turned his head, just in time to see that the car in which the beautiful woman was sitting just now had exploded, its body turned upside down, surrounded by flames.

Takeo Saeki: "..."

It's only been a few minutes since I returned to my hometown, why did I suddenly have two life-and-death crises?

Takeo Saeki looked back at the city on the other side of the river. It was so dangerous in the wild. If he went back to Cihe City, he couldn't have a dump truck waiting for him to die at every intersection, right?

So the wild is safer?

Takeo Saeki walked away from the city for a while, paying attention to his surroundings as he walked, for fear that a village-wide eating snake would crawl out and bite him.

It's just that the whole village didn't encounter any eating snakes, but there was a pungent smell of burning gunpowder.

Takeo Saeki froze for a moment, then looked in front of him.

In front of Takeo Saeki was a forest covered with vegetation, nothing strange.

But because of the faint smell of gunpowder in the air, Takeo Saeki couldn't help but back away.

When Takeo Saeki was still working as a construction worker in his motherland, he talked with the chief construction engineer at the construction site at that time. The chief construction engineer and Takeo Saeki complained that there are many unrealistic fantasies about the construction site and construction technology.

For example, many people's thinking is still in ancient times. People often say that the construction of a certain construction site cannot go on, or that a certain bridge is always poorly done, and then find someone to lay piles and everything will be fine.

Brother, what is the age, and you want to do a blood sacrifice while building a building?

I don’t know where it was spread on the Internet, saying that a new bridge in a certain place was broken after daily use, and a century-old bridge in a certain place could not be blown up with explosives, so it extended that modern construction technology is not as good as ancient times.

In fact, it was investigated that the cause of the collapse of the new bridge was that the trucks were overloaded, which exceeded the maximum load of the new bridge, so the new bridge was broken.

The current technology guarantees that your bridge can bear more load if it can bear more load, and it is perfectly normal for the bridge to collapse after a few extra loads.

As for whether the century-old bridge will not be destroyed by bombing, it is not because the quality of the ancient bridge is so good. It has technology that cannot be matched by modern times. From the perspective of construction professionals, it is probably because the boss is greedy for cheap and hired a blasting engineer who is not very skilled.

Among all the construction industries, blasting engineers are absolutely high-paying industries. People can get hundreds of thousands to several million at a time for the directional blasting of a bridge or a building.

It is absolutely not an exaggeration to spend three years with one shot, so the project department, who was reluctant to spend money, found a cheaper blasting engineer. It is normal for the blasting engineer to make mistakes in calculating the amount of explosion, resulting in no successful blasting.

After all, with the current technology, let alone a century-old bridge, a mountain can be blown flat for you.

Thinking of this, Takeo Saeki turned around and frantically ran away from the smell of gunpowder.

After running for a while, there was no explosion, but the clouds in the sky began to condense, and thunder flashed continuously in the thick clouds.

Takeo Saeki, who ran for a while, felt itchy all over his body. Takeo Saeki raised his hand and his pupils dilated.

His hair stood on end.

To be precise, it's the hair, the hairs on the hands are all standing up towards the sky.


It's going to be struck by lightning!

Takeo Saeki looked around, and it seemed that the running just now had an effect. Takeo Saeki had already left the forest area at this moment, and there were no trees around tens of meters around him.

A piece of common knowledge, you can’t hide under trees for lightning protection in the wild, and you can’t run fast. If you really have to, you can’t run fast. There are trees around you, and you have to stay more than three meters away from the trunk. Squat down and keep your legs together to reduce the step voltage difference.


While Takeo Saeki was thinking, a thunderbolt exploded from behind Takeo Saeki. Takeo Saeki looked back, and a tree more than ten meters high was struck by lightning a hundred meters behind him, and the flame appeared from the tree like a tallest torch.

That's too late!

Takeo Saeki squatted down immediately, keeping his legs together.

"Boom! Long! Long!"

"Boom! Long! Long!"

Rough and dense thunder continued to hit the woods behind Takeo Saiki. Takeo Saiki heard the sound of explosions, the sound of trees falling to the ground, and the sound of flames burning.

Waves of thunder almost in the ear constantly stimulated Takeo Saeki's nerves. Takeo Saiki had never been so close to death so frequently that Takeo Saeki's heart beat faster, he was sweating profusely, and the heat was unbearable.

As if feeling the hotness of Takeo Saeki, a drop of coolness fell from the sky and landed on Takeo Saeki's forehead.

Then came the intensive coolness, and Takeo Saeki was drenched in a short while.

It's raining, heavy rain.

The rain seemed to wash away the thunder, and the thunder in the sky lost its previous arrogance, and even made no sound.

Seeing this, Takeo Saeki got up from the squatting posture. Because of lightning protection, Takeo Saeki squatted and hugged his legs for a long time. Now when he stood up, his legs were cold first, then hot, and then extremely numb.

Takeo Saeki's soles seemed to be bitten by countless ants.

Takeo Saeki was drenched in the rain, slapping his legs and exhaling.

It was raining heavily, but Takeo Saeki was not cold, and was even comfortable. This place seemed to be the same as the neon season. The temperature was as high as 39 degrees Celsius. Standing outside and walking for a while could burn people. Now there is a thunderstorm, and the feeling is cool and comfortable.

It's just that the surrounding rain is too heavy. The vast rain covered everything, and Takeo Saeki's visibility was less than 20 meters.

And the falling rain gradually rushed to Takeo Saeki's eyes, making it difficult for Takeo Saeki to see.

The middle-aged man wanted to hide from the rain under a nearby big tree. Just as the idea came up, a holographic map from a third perspective appeared in the brain of Takeo Saeki.

As if playing a game, Takeo Saeki could see himself and the surrounding environment for a moment.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at Takeo Saeki, you are taken aback.

In the woods 50 meters away, a white-fronted worm was walking in the rain. On the plain 200 meters away, two non-government armed forces were in a stalemate. The most ridiculous thing was that in front of a trail, a dump truck was quietly waiting for orders.

On the big river half a kilometer away, there are piranhas patrolling with their teeth shining, waiting for flesh and blood to fill their empty stomachs.

Takeo Saeki: ?°?°?

Although I know that I have been encountering a death trap for a while, but compared to the previous despicable outsider and Sendaro, is the death trap this time too exaggerated?

Takeo Saeki's homeland is one of the safest countries in the world, where guns are still banned, and the strength of gun bans is also top in the world. For this reason, how can there be such two heavily armed teams of hot weapons?

Cihe City has never heard of tigers and piranhas, two kinds of harmful things, and they have been eliminated long ago.

Not to mention that the dump truck was parked somewhere, just waiting for me to go over and deliver a different world travel package.

Those who arrange all this are too careless, oh no, there is no martial arts at all!

How could you design a trap like this?

Can the administrator not talk about the rules? !

If this is a game, if you force the players to death like this, you will definitely be slapped in the face by the players, and even send you a blade!

Takeo Saeki wiped the rain from his face.

The eyes of the middle-aged man began to hurt.

Anyone who has ridden a bicycle on a rainy day knows that once the eyes are washed by the rain, although it will not cause much damage, it will be dry and painful, making it difficult to open the eyes.

Just at this time, amidst the sound of the rainstorm, a muffled murmur approached from the front of Takeo Saeki, and the big raindrops outlined a burly figure.

Takeo Saeki narrowed his eyes and saw a tiger, more than one and a half meters tall and three meters long, spraying water vapor.

Manny Pacquiao, a legendary boxing champion from the Philippines, the 67-kg world champion who has won an unprecedented 8 levels of world championships (levels are divided by weight) in the boxing world. After confronting another Mexican American boxing champion Antonio Margarito (weight 168 pounds, 76.2 kg) and succeeding, he decisively gave up his plan to enter a higher-level boxing competition.

In other words, even a world-class legendary boxing champion, with full skills, would be unable to deal with an opponent who weighed more than ten kilograms more than himself and whose boxing skills were above the standard line.

The crushing of basic attributes is absolute.

The tiger in front of him may weigh 100kg more than Takeo Saeki.

With such a gap, let alone an ordinary person like Takeo Saeki who sits in an office, even the world boxing champion will become tiger dung.

The tiger started to circle around Takeo Saeki, moaning constantly.

Tiger's panel is among the best among predators, and unlike its panel that can be compared with Berserker, Tiger is an assassin by nature.

It never likes confrontation head-on, and tigers prefer to sneak up on their prey from behind if possible.

Prudence, caution, and a fatal blow are the excellent qualities of tigers to become hunters at the top of the food chain.

But it was also because of this cautiousness that gave Saeki Takeo a chance to steal his life.

After the tiger circled around Takeo Saeki for three seconds, Takeo Saeki suddenly felt a strange force bursting from his heart, and Takeo Saeki seemed to have endless physical energy in his body.

And that's not counting, Takeo Saeki suddenly felt that his body could be controlled by himself, from limbs to every muscle, he could move obediently as he wanted.

Takeo Saeki's current physical fitness and body control far surpass any world sports champion.

I have teammates! ?

Oh no! I have a plug-in!

Takeo Saeki suddenly remembered that he was in the operating room, and there were constant crises that attacked him, but he was solved inexplicably, and then entered the copy of Enma Ai, Himuro Kirie, and someone shouted that he must survive.

Although I can't be sure who my hacker is, there is no doubt that I am not alone, I have teammates!

And judging from the current scene, the teammates still occupy the top.

The administrator who wanted to kill himself was probably forced by his teammates to start this messy and unreasonable death trap.

It is true that all that can be done has been done.

For this reason, as the teammate said "survive", as long as "survive", maybe you can wait until your teammates defeat the administrator!

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