Don't pass all the responsibility on to others!

Kobayashi was a little annoyed.

I obviously came here with good intentions, why my old classmate keeps arguing, obviously my own school has already shown such sincere kindness.

"Mrs. Kayako, you misunderstood."

Kobayashi forced a smile.

"I'm bringing..."

Gayako interrupted.

"Xiao Lin, let me ask you, did you just stand by and watch Junxiong being bullied?"

Xiaolin looked deeply at Jiaye, he already had a fiancée, and his fiancée was pregnant, so he really needed the job of being a teacher of Hezhigu Primary School, otherwise Xiaolin would vehemently refute what Jiaye said now.

Why do people like Keiichi Hanayama bully Saeki Toshio instead of bullying others?

And who is Keichi Hanayama?

It's the vice principal's son!

"Gakoko, I don't think it's the time for us to talk about these topics."

Kobayashi turned around forcefully.

"Let's talk later when we have time."

Xiao Lin almost ran back to his car, sat down and drove away.

Jiaye watched his first love leave in the car dumbly, a sense of powerlessness swept over his whole body.

But that's all.

Jiaye suddenly realized that he didn't care much about Xiaolin himself.

Regarding what Xiaolin did just now, he actually only had the feeling that, ah, so he is such a person.

Jia coconut thinks about it carefully, in fact, the wife has never been in contact with Xiao Lin, even during the hottest period of love, she just looked at Xiao Lin from a distance, indulged in Xiao Lin's appearance, and did not know who Xiao Lin was.

See clearly now.

Jiaye was also subjected to cold violence and bullying when she was a child. For this reason, Xiaolin's expression and words just now made Jiaye deeply feel that Xiaolin is not much different from the classmates and teachers who bullied her in the past.

Jiaye walked back to his living room, and before he entered the porch, Jiaye saw his child Saeki Toshio come out, this little child was still holding a stick.

Kayako said in surprise.

"Junxiong? What are you doing?"

Saiki Toshio worried.

"I... I heard your mother's cry just now, I was afraid, you, you were being bullied, so, just came out."

As if to cheer up his mother, Saeki Toshio said loudly.

"Mom, I, I am very powerful, whoever bullied you, I, I will help you!"

Toshio Saeki's eyes were shining brightly, thinking of the scene when Keiichi Hanayama was beaten before, the little child's blood was agitated.

Gayoko's heart warmed up.

"No, no one bullied Mom."

Kayako walked up to Toshio Saeki and picked up his own child.

"You are much braver, Junxiong."

The former Toshio Saeki would not have done these things.

Saeki Toshio said with some embarrassment.

"Because the swinging stick is very powerful, um, mom, who were you talking to just now? Do you want to tell dad?"

Jiaye's face froze, and he said immediately.

"It's just a salesman, you don't need to tell Gangxiong, um, Junxiong, are you tired, go play ps4 for a while."

Saeki Toshio widened his eyes.

"But, me, I didn't pass the exam?"

Jia coconut rubbed his son's head.

"It's okay, just treat it as your protection fee for running out to protect your mother. You go play for two hours, and I won't tell Gangxiong."

"Wow, thank you mom, I like mom the most."

Toshio Saeki broke free from Kayako's arms impatiently, and ran to the living room.

Gayoko looked around, licked his lips, went upstairs, and entered the master bedroom on the second floor.

Arriving at Takeo Saeki's computer desk, he pulled out the drawer and took out a locked diary from it.

Jiaye stared at the cover of the diary for a long time.

Kayako is not a very talkative person, and with the fact that Takeo Saeki has been cold and violent to Kayako in the past, Kayako has no one to confide his emotions in, so he poured all his emotions into this diary.

Inside the diary is the truest heart of Kayako.

Jiaye unlocked the combination lock and opened pages of diaries. He used to read Xiaolin's records over and over again, but now, when Jiaye saw the text about Xiaolin, his previous charming thoughts were gone. It was all about Xiaolin's bullying remarks and distorted expression just now.

Ah, so he is such a person.

Kayako tore off pages of Kobayashi's diary.

When the last page was torn off, Kayako let out a breath of relief.

The torn diary pages cannot be kept either.

Jia coconut went downstairs, took the brazier and lighter, went to the yard of the house and lit the diary, when the pages of the diary were engulfed by the flames, Jia coconut felt the layers of gloom and pressure on his body continue to disappear.

When the last bit of paper was reduced to ashes, Kayako raised his head and looked at the sun that was gradually heading west.

Gangxiong, are you coming back?

A slight sense of anticipation appeared in Jiaye's heart, and it became more and more intense.

Gayako took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Saeki Takeo.

Kayako: Gangxiong, are you coming back?

Takeo Saeki: It will take a while, what's the matter? What's going on at home?

Kayako: No, I just miss you.

Want it so so much…

Kayako kissed Takeo Saeki's social account avatar.

Chapter 85 Relationship

Three days later, the weekend.

It's raining, heavy rain.

Sadako, who just turned over from the bed, lay on her side, and the sleepiness in her mind subtly dispersed.

A very strange phenomenon appeared. Sadako was obviously sleepy, but her consciousness was very clear, and she couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning.

After tossing on the bed for half an hour, Sadako with messy hair got up.

The girl blinked her confused eyes and looked at the window covered by the curtains.

Even if she didn't see the scenery outside the window, Sadako knew it was raining a lot just from the sound of the dense rain penetrating into the bedroom.

The gloom in her heart gradually spread with the sound of the rain. I don't know if it was an illusion. Sadako felt that the sound of the rain outside was constantly changing with her emotions. The sound of the rain was louder when her heart was heavy, and quieter when her heart was relaxed.

The blood test generally takes 5-7 days. If you are willing to pay, you can expedite it and get the results a few days in advance.

Of course, Sadako is not in a hurry here, so there is no urgent need, so now that seven days have passed, the results of the blood test have come out.

The ownership of this villa will be decided.

Last night, Sadako was tormented by the emotions in her heart. She didn't fall asleep until she was too tired to open her eyes. Now that she came together, the embarrassment in her heart increased.

Sadako is really afraid that she is not Ikuma Heihachiro's daughter.

Not only is her mother a mistress, but she may also have subtle relationships with other unknown men.

But this gloomy mood can't change the reality. At 8:30, Sadako's cell phone rang. Sadako reached for the phone, but halfway through, Sadako withdrew her hand again. After several seconds, Sadako continued to reach out and pick up the phone.

The reason why the phone rang was a message from Takeo Saeki.

Takeo Saeki: Sadako, I'm at the gate of the community, come on.

Sadako pursed her lips.

Sadako thought that when she took the exam, her heart was in a mess before the exam, as if tomorrow would be the end of the world, but when the day of the exam came, her heart calmed down.

But why today I want to know whether I am Heihachiro Ikuma's daughter, but my heart is getting more and more tense.

Is it just because you are afraid that your mother's image will collapse again?


Sadako suddenly didn't want this house anymore. If he didn't have to embarrass himself in front of Takeo Saeki, and if he didn't let Takeo Saeki know about his parents' dirty things, he didn't want this house.

But this idea was broken by another text message sent by Saeki Takeo.

Takeo Saeki: Sadako? Are you still sleeping?

Sadako replied a message in embarrassment.

Sadako: No, I'll come over after I wash up.

Although she was terrified in her heart, Sadako got out of bed, washed up, smoothed her hair and went down to the second floor of the villa to the first floor.

It was raining outside the villa, and it was still raining. Sadako took out an umbrella from the shoe cabinet, opened it, and walked out of the villa slowly.

The gloomy mood occupied all of Sadako's ability to think, so Sadako didn't realize that in the heavy rain outside that almost obscured the vision, the dense rain fell down, and when it was about to hit the umbrella held by Sadako, the rain would naturally give way.

The umbrella held by Sadako, including herself, did not get any rainwater, and Sadako walked to the gate of the community dry all over.

A familiar vehicle was parked in the corner outside the door. Sadako forced a smile, walked to Takeo Saeki's car, opened the passenger's door and got in.

Takeo Saeki, who was sitting in the driver's seat, asked.

"Just wake up, do you want to have breakfast?"

Sadako shook her head.

"I'm not hungry."

Now I am almost overwhelmed by worry, how can I still have the appetite to eat.

Takeo Saeki smiled and took out a briefcase and put it in Sadako's arms.

The briefcase was a bit heavy, and after putting it in Sadako's arms, Sadako lifted it up with some difficulty, and looked at Takeo Saeki suspiciously.

Takeo Saeki started the vehicle and said by the way.

"Sadako, open it and have a look."

Sadako opened the briefcase suspiciously, her eyes widened immediately, and there were stacks of Fukuzawa Yukichi inside.

Whether it is thickness or quantity, it is the only one seen in Sadako's life.

Saiki Takeo said firmly.

"Sadako, you don't have to be afraid. I've already prepared the money to buy this mansion. When the time comes, you can just live in it. No one can drive you away from this mansion."

Sadako's nose was a little sore.


Although living in the villa was very comfortable, when Sadako saw the sum of money, the guilt in her heart overwhelmed her hope for the future. Sadako didn't want Takeo Saeki to spend so much money to buy this house.

She doesn't deserve it.

Takeo Saeki interrupted.

"Don't say anything depressing. I don't want you to talk about unpleasant topics with so much money."

"Sadako, you don't want me to spend so much money without even getting a smile from you?"

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