Takeo Saeki let go of the door handle and looked back.

Nishike Sakura, wearing glasses with an affinity +3, walked over with a smile on her face.

Takeo Saeki looked at the woman puzzled, and asked before and after Sakura Nishike arrived.

"What's with you?"

Nishike Sakura nodded her chin and said after saluting.

"Senior Saeki, are you free tonight? We would like to treat you to a meal at the Heianjing Hotel."

Heianjing Hotel is one of the most famous high-end hotels nearby, with two Michelin stars.

Takeo Saeki rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Should Natsume Takuo be the one to do this?"

Nishike Sakura's heart skipped a beat.

Sure enough, compared to his young and energetic teammate, Takeo Saeki, a seasoned man, is more intelligent.

Takeo Saeki clearly saw what he wanted to do here.

The meal was all about reconciling with the drinking bureau, and Sakura Nishike had already thought about how to apologize after drinking, and how to transfer benefits with Takeo Saeki in exchange for the support of this company senior.

Even if you don't get support, you still have to get Saeki Takeo's promise not to target people like himself.

Nishike Sakura forced a smile.

"Well, it's the same for me. Anyway, I think that with the respect of Mr. Saeki, I shouldn't think that I am a girl who is not worthy of apologizing with Mr. Saeki, right?"

"In my heart, Senior Saiki is the most powerful and manly senior in the company."

Takeo Saeki shook his head.

"Don't worry, I don't have any hostile intentions towards you, and I won't cause trouble for you in the future."

Nishike Sakura bowed.

"Then can I ask Senior Saeki to give me a face and have a meal? Senior Saiki doesn't want the food I ordered today to be eaten by no one?"

Takeo Saeki shook his hand.

"I don't want my wife to know that I went to the hotel to drink with a beautiful junior from the company today."

Takeo Saeki spoke in a joking tone, not at all unfamiliar or disgusted because of the poor relationship.

Nishike Sakura stood up, the woman rolled her eyes and said again.

"Then how about this, Senior Saeki can write down this meal, and come and have a drink with me when you are free in the future? I will be here anytime."

Takeo Saeki stared at Sakura Nishike's flattering expression for a while.


"Well, do you have any orders, senior?"

Takeo Saeki lowered his voice.

"Although it's not very good for me to say this, you are different from Natsume Taku, you are a child with a future, so let me remind you..."

Takeo Saeki showed an unprecedented seriousness.

"Be careful Natsume Taku, he may destroy the project you are working on now."

Sakura Nishike: "Σ(?д?lll

"Hey, senior means..."

Nishike Sakura hurriedly asked.

Takeo Saeki didn't reply, but quickly opened his car door, got in, and drove out of the parking lot.

Sakura Nishike watched Takeo Saeki's car leave, whether it was her female intuition, or because she thought that Taku Natsume was not a very peaceful person, a faint worry began to appear in Sakura Nishike's heart.


New era decoration company, bathroom.

Natsume Tuo turned on the faucet of the bathroom sink, held the water in his hands, and then splashed it on his face. The cold stimulation made Natsume Takuo feel less angry.

Natsume Takuo, whose face was covered with water, slowly raised his head, and a pretty handsome face was reflected in the mirror above the sink.

But the eyes of this face are bloodshot, making it look hideous and frightening.

While staring at himself in the mirror, Natsume's cell phone rang.

Natsume Taku took out a paper towel and wiped his face, then took out his cell phone. The caller ID showed Tomie Shimakaze.

Natsume Taku looked around, there were too many people in the bathroom, and the content of the communication was very delicate, Natsume Taku left the bathroom, stood up at the stairs where no one was usually there, and then answered the phone.

Shimakaze Tomie's soft voice came out of the phone.

"Is it designer Natsume?"

Natsume hummed in a low voice, and then said.

"It's me, Miss Shimakaze, what's the matter?"

"It's like this. Another 10,000 square meters of tiles will come in three days. Is it still the same?"

Natsume thought for a moment, then asked.

"I've been thinking about it for a while, Ms. Shimakaze, do you have OEM for your company's tiles?"

Now many companies in the Neon country make their products in other poor countries and then send them to their own country for sale. There is a very subtle word for this kind of behavior - OEM.

That is, only the brand belongs to the company, and the others are produced by other companies.

"Natsume's designer is really careful, is it because he is afraid that the quality of Sanwu's products will not be good?"

Shimakaze Tomie's tone was somewhat teasing.

Natsume Taku's heart tightened, Tsuchimikado Chihiro, the supplier of Sanwu tiles, was actually one of the people recommended by Shimakaze Tomie.

When Taku Natsume was stimulated by Megumi Minakami, he ran to discuss with Shimakaze Tomie how to make money by stealing beams and posts. Shimakaze Tomie mentioned several nearby suppliers of Sanwu tiles. Based on his experience, Natsume Taku chose Tsuchimikado Chihiro.

Natsume Taku didn't realize it before, but now when Shimakaze Tomie asked about the quality of "three-no products", Natsume Taku began to wonder if Shimakaze Tomie had something to do with Tsuchimikado Senhibi.

After all, selling at both ends is fundamental.

Natsume Takuo said after considering his words.

"I'm afraid that the color of Sanwu tiles is different from that of your company's tiles. If you use the same OEM product, will it be more difficult to find?"

Shimakaze Tomie responded.

"The OEM for our company is a foreign company named Zhangjiagou Co., Ltd. This company also sells the same type of tiles in the same place, and the price is only 40% of our company's tiles."

Natsume frowned slightly.


Now the Sanwu tiles that Natsume Taku bought only cost 30% of the price of the original tiles, and because they were bought and sold at the same time, the tiles sold by Kawakami Company were only 60% of the price of the original tiles.

If he just sells the tiles and does not buy the tiles of Tsuchimikado Chihiro, Natsume Taku may only be able to sell them at 50% of the price, and if he uses this money to buy tiles from the foundry, there will be less than 10% profit left.

The money that was originally considered good can now fall by more than half.

Natsume Takuya felt very uncomfortable in his heart, this is obviously money that can be easily earned.

Fu Jiang on the other side happened to receive another fatal blow.

"This is the original price of the foundry. Designer Natsume, you haven't counted the freight. If you ship it from another country to your own construction site, even if I help you go through the channel and ship it with our company's sea freight, the freight will be more than 12% of the original price. That is to say, if you want to buy tiles from the foundry, the original price plus shipping is more than 50% of the price of our company's tiles, and it can even reach 60%."

Natsume Taku: "..."

If the shipping cost plus the original price of the OEM products can reach 60% of the authentic products of Kawakami Tile Company, then the price will be double that of the Sanwu products (the Sanwu products are 30% of the genuine products), and Natsume Taku would have been able to get 10%~20% profit.

Under the sudden increase of 30% of the cost, the trick of stealing the beam and changing the post has completely lost its profit, and even a few percent of the price difference has to be paid upside down.

A few dogs barking came from the other end of the phone.

Natsume Taku didn't care about the dog's barking, but asked.

"What about other foundries? Miss Shimakaze, do you know anything about it?"

A suburban factory, the factory manager's office.

Tomie Shimakaze was sitting on a chair, and Chihiro Tsuchimikado, who was kneeling on the ground, was holding Tomie Shimakaze's shoes and frantically flicking his tongue, making barking sounds from time to time.

Shimakaze Tomie occasionally raised his foot, and bumped or stepped on Tsuchimikado Chihiro's face with the dusty and muddy sole.

Shimakaze Tomie ignored these noises, and the woman immersed herself in the chat with Natsume Taku.

Shimakaze Tomie has already felt that since Natsume Taku agreed to steal the tiles, he has been captured by desire.

But there is still a long way to go to completely sink into the abyss of desire.

Fu Jiang likes this look. She likes to watch those mortals with dreams, talented young people, and ambitious social people go from taking charge of their own lives to being swallowed up by desire.

In the end, there is no redemption.

At this moment, even just listening to Natsume Taku's voice, Shimakaze Tomie could feel a strong emotion, as if after devouring delicious food, his whole body felt pleasant and comfortable.

At a distance of more than ten miles, Tomie seemed to have turned into the greed gushing from Natsume Taku's heart, and opened his mouth, chewing this promising young man in his mouth.

Flesh, viscera, brains, everything is so luscious.

Fu Jiang rubbed his legs with a flushed face, and said ambiguously.

"I do know a few suppliers who have foundry tiles. In view of my face and Natsume's purchase volume is indeed large enough, they may sell the foundry's tiles at a slight discount, but it will definitely not be lower than 50% of the genuine tiles."

"They also have to eat."

Natsume Taku fell silent, Tomie closed her eyes, and she could feel Natsume Taku being swallowed up by desire a little faster.

But this is not enough, Tomie wants to add a little seasoning to Natsume Takuo, which is a combination of negative emotions such as jealousy, greed, anger, etc., to make this dish more luscious when it is eaten.

Fu Jiang swallowed his saliva.

New Era Decoration Company.

Natsume Taku stood on the stairs silently.

Things should not be as Tomie said. Natsume Taku also had exchanges with many tile suppliers. The young man knew very well that if he was willing to give other tile suppliers some orders or even long-term agreements in the future, then other tile suppliers would be willing to sell foundry tiles at a reduced cost.

The price may be suppressed to 30% of the genuine tiles.

But what about Shimakaze Tomie?

Natsume Tuo said before that, waiting for him to take power, all the tiles under him will use the products of Kawakami Tile Company in the future.

If he is secretly cooperating with other tile suppliers now, how would Shimakaze Tomie see himself?

What's more, Shimakaze Tomie seems to be eating at both ends of Tsuchimikado Chihiro.

Shimakaze Tomie's voice came again.

"Designer Natsume, what are you thinking? Now we are on the same boat, you overturned, and I didn't end well, so you thought I would introduce you to the problematic tiles?"

Natsume Taku was shocked.

Tomie Shimakaze actually admitted that she has something to do with Chihiro Tsuchimikado! ?

That would be easy, Natsume Taku believed that he was indeed on the same boat as Tomie, and if Chihiro Tsuchimikado had nothing to do with Tomie, Natsume Taku was really worried that there was something wrong with Chihiro Tsuchimikado's three-no products.

Since it is related to Fu Jiang, it can be sure that at least there is no problem with the quality, and even if there is, it will not be a big problem.

After all, we have to die together.

Fu Jiang will not joke about her future with herself.

"Then there's no problem. Ms. Shimikaze's credit is still very reliable. Please continue to hand over the next 10,000 square meters of tiles to Mr. Tsuchimikado Chihiro."

Natsume Tuo couldn't suppress the excitement in his tone, trembling a lot.

There's a lot of money in the pocket again!

Chapter 106 Stupid

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