I don't have any burden in my heart about reporting to Yaoyashiki, but then I have to tell Butterfly Shinobu the same thing, which is extremely tormenting to Ye Wen's heart.

On the way to the butterfly house, Ye Wen had already slowed down, thinking as much as possible about how to explain, to tell the truth directly, that his sister had become a ghost, or was it sacrificed according to the original plot? and then he could inspire her to become a worm pillar?

his choice was...

"Konobi, Chana Hui her, sacrificed. Butterfly

Ren couldn't accept this fact for a while, opened an empty room next to her, and closed the door hard, no matter how Ye Wen shouted, she hid inside and refused to come out.

Unlike Chanel, when she heard the news, she still did what she was doing without reaction, and seriously followed the method taught by Butterfly Shinobi to change the dressing and clean the wounds of each patient.

In the past few days when Ye Wen was away, there were a few more little girls in the butterfly house, and they came to say hello to Ye Wen, but unfortunately there was no role in their impressions.

It's a pity that they are not familiar with Chanel, and helping to treat injuries is the most important thing.

In this way, it was not until late at night that Butterfly Ren barely calmed down, and when he opened the door, he saw Ye Wenpan sitting at the door for the first time.

"It's a relic of Chanae, sorry, I'm a little late, that's all I can bring back.

Ye Wen pointed to the neatly folded feather weaves on the ground beside him, and the emerald green butterfly hairpin with pink edges placed on the top.


Butterfly subconsciously covered her mouth, she wanted not to make a sound in the middle of the night as much as possible, affecting the rest of the wounded.

With red eyes crying, she picked up the clothes on the ground and ran out of the house, and Ye Wen followed with no worries.

The two sat together on the highest roof of the butterfly house, looking at the full moon hanging in the sky as if it was within reach, and it was a different kind of loneliness and loneliness.

Now that it was autumn, the wind blowing at night also carried a hint of coolness, wrapping the feather weaving on his body, Ye Wen decided to say something to break the tranquility at this time.

"Chanae's last thing is about you. "

She said, 'Shinobi, leave the Ghost Slayer, although you work hard, really hard, but Shinobu maybe... I hope you can be as happy as an ordinary girl, I hope you live to gray hair, it's enough...'

" Ye Wen paused, adjusted his emotions, and continued:

"Even at the last moment of her life, she never forgot you, she still worries about you and thinks about you. These

are the plots that Ye Wen thought of in the comics of his previous life, and retold the scenes word for word to tell Butterfly Ren.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it! how can my sister be so strong..."

Butterfly Shinobu held Butterfly Haori and sobbed continuously, as if she could still feel the last residual warmth of Chanae on it.

"Master... Why aren't you sad at all?You can still talk to me so indifferently....."

"In the ghost killing team, death has long been the norm, even if you are reluctant, you have to admit the fact that the strength of humans and ghosts is very different, which is why Xing Ming and I were unwilling to let you join the ghost killing team at that time.

Ye Wen didn't know how to comfort Butterfly Shinobi at this time, obviously he knew that Chanae was still alive so calm, and after being silent for a while, he continued to return to the previous question:

"So, do you want to listen to your sister?

"I don't want to, I'm not going to leave! I'm going to avenge my sister! Tell me! What kind of ghost is it, who did it. Butterfly

Ninja, who was poked in the sore spot, immediately refuted Ye Wen's proposal, and at the same time did not forget to avenge his sister while crying like rain.

"It was a ghost with blood splashed on his head, an expressionless smile, the leader of the Eternal Bliss Sect, a ghost named Tong Mo, ranked second in the Twelve Ghost Months, that is, he was second only to the Ghost King Onimai Tsuji and the Upper String One. "

But I've already told Yaoya that the other party is a strong man in the top line.,I should focus on this religion in the future.,Maybe no misery will let Tong Mo change the name of the religion or something.

"How does it compare to you

, Master?" "Huh?" "

Didn't Master say that he repelled it? Then it means that Master is stronger than it! That is to say, it is not invincible."

"Well, so if you want to take revenge, you have to work hard to become stronger, and the first step is to start by becoming a pillar. "

Even so, Ye Wenming's own strength may not be able to compete with the boss and Jiguo Yuan back then, and the people in the ghost killing team, even if they open the markings in the future, may not be stronger than themselves.

This kind of thing is naturally impossible to say to Butterfly Ninja, as for Tong Mo, this account is naturally calculated by him personally.


spring goes to autumn, and the time of the year passes quickly.

Today's Butterfly House has gradually replaced most of the functions of the original Wisteria House, alleviating the huge crisis hidden within the Ghost Slayer.

Nowadays, as long as the players with more serious injuries will be hidden to the butterfly house, and some players who have taken leave to rest will also come to the butterfly house, because there is the only one in the team who can touch the top of the butterfly house.

After a year of fermentation, the mystery of the branch is becoming more and more outrageous, and some people even rumor that as long as he has been taught by the branch, at least he is a first-class swordsman, and the pillar is not hopeless.

Ye Wen, who doesn't like to work, is also very big for this, and once suspected that Yaoya was secretly fueling the trouble, because some people began to call Ye Wen Tiezhu Lord in private, saying that the branch and the pillar are of the same status, even if the other branches are also pillars in the ghost killing team during their tenure.

It is really unreasonable not to give Ye Wen the title of a pillar, especially in the first two months, after Butterfly Ninja successfully promoted to the insect pillar, it was even more out of control.

The first thing to do when he was promoted to the pillar was to update all the facilities in the Butterfly House, which may be more complete than those in some large towns in terms of the types of instruments and medicines.

Then he put all the rest of the people under his own name, and counted them as the direct subordinates of the insect pillar, otherwise even if the lord ordered Butterfly Shinobu to replace his deceased sister as the owner of the butterfly house, it would still be somewhat unjustifiable.

Some people even suggested that they wanted to directly turn the butterfly house that the sisters had worked so hard to run into a direct force of the lord, so that he could be more closely united.

In the end, after discussing with Yaoya Sanyashiki, Butterfly Shinobu transplanted the cherry blossom tree planted by the first generation of Hanazhu into the garden of Butterfly House, perhaps to comfort her sister who was also Hanazhu.

And today, it's a semi-annual meeting of the pillars, and I heard that there will be a new pillar in office, even if Yaoya Sanyashiki wants to hide it, it's hard to hide the members of the butterfly house as a treatment center.

In particular, Ye Wen saw the unconscious Kuang Jin in a single room in intensive care yesterday, according to the hidden theory sent to him, he was extremely fatally injured in the abdomen, and he simply avoided many important organs, but he bleed too much and the transportation route was too far away, so he delayed a lot of treatment time, so that he was still in a coma.

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