The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1012: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Within the Qin Empire, there were indeed many Confucian scholars.

First of all, there is Xunzi's disciple Li Si, who is a cabinet minister, and Xunzi's junior, Xun Yu, who is also a cabinet minister of the Qin Dynasty. He helps Fusu handle state affairs and holds a high position of power.

Xun Yu's three apprentices - San Su, Su Xun, Su Che and Su Shi, all managed a county.

Several other relatives of Xunzi, the Eight Dragons of the Xun family, were also in the court of Qin.

Therefore, the connection between Confucianism and Da Qin is very close.

But Confucianism does not represent Zhang Liang. Zhang Liang still remembers that his grandfather Kaidai was killed by Fusu.

Although Zhang Liang usually doesn't show it, it doesn't mean that Zhang Liang has forgotten his hatred.

The Qin Empire suffered from internal and external troubles.

In the west, two armies were heading west, and their direction was exactly the direction of Loulan.

Although the thirty-six countries in the Western Region are not considered powerful at this time, they are still considered to be major overlords.

Especially the ancient country of Loulan.

Loulan is a famous "city-outer country" in the Western Regions. It leads to Dunhuang in the east, Yanqi and Yuli in the northwest, and Ruoqiang and Qiemo in the southwest. The southern and northern routes of the ancient "Silk Road" separated from Loulan.

During the Wei, Jin and Qianliang dynasties, it was the administrative office of the Western Region Chief, located in the northwest of Lop Nur, Xinjiang.

The ancient Loulan Kingdom was one of the thirty-six powerful states in the Western Regions. It was adjacent to Dunhuang and had close relations with the Han Dynasty around BC.

The records of Loulan in ancient times are based on the records of Han Shu Xiyu Zhuan, Faxian and Xuanzang. The Han Dynasty Chronicles of the Western Regions records: "The Shanshan Kingdom, whose real name is Loulan, has a king who governs the city of Nicheng. It goes to Yangguan for 1,600 miles and to Chang'an for 6,100 miles. There are 1,570 households and 44,100 people."

Faxian said: "The land is rugged and barren. The clothes of the lay people are the same as those in the Han Dynasty, but the carpets are brown. The king follows the Dharma. There are more than 4,000 monks who are familiar with Hinayana school."

Xuanzang Sanzang made a very simple description at the end of his journey: "From then on, we traveled northeast for more than a thousand miles to the homeland of Nabobo, which is the land of Loulan." ..

Chapter 1381 Loulan Kingdom—High Priest and Mysterious Beauty

The earliest specific record of the Loulan Kingdom in Kyushu historical records can be found in the Biography of Dawan in the Historical Records.

According to records, Loulan was a small country in the Western Regions. It was founded on the edge of the salt lake and had a city wall. However, "the troops were weak and easy to escape."

The "salt lake" here refers to Lop Nur.

When Ban Gu, a historian of the Han Dynasty, wrote the Book of Han, there were 1,570 households in the Loulan Kingdom, with a total population of 14,100 people. The capital of the country was called "Da Ni".

The Han Dynasty further introduces the ecological environment of Loulan: "The ground is sandy and there are few fields, and the fields are sent to the valley to divide the country. The country produces jade, and there are many reeds, red willows, poplars, and white grass. The people follow the livestock and follow the water and grass. . There are donkeys, horses, and many camels. They can serve as soldiers, just like the Bow and Qiang."

During the reign of Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty, Loulan changed the name of the country to Shanshan and requested the imperial court to garrison troops in Yixun. Emperor Zhao then installed a captain in Yixun City to work in the fields. Since then, Loulan has become a strategic fulcrum for the central government to control the Western Regions.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Loulan still occupied an important position on the Silk Road. The Eastern Han Dynasty government established large-scale farmland in Loulan and developed Loulan. From then on until the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Loulan had been an important transportation hub from the mainland to the Western Regions for hundreds of years. Later, Loulan was rarely seen in historical records and gradually disappeared mysteriously.

There are different opinions as to how the ancient Loulan Kingdom disappeared.

The first theory: Loulan disappeared in the war.

After the fifth century AD, the Kingdom of Loulan began to weaken. The powerful northern powers invaded. The city of Loulan was destroyed and then abandoned. Loulan was also destroyed from then on.

The second theory: Loulan declined due to drought, water shortage, and ecological deterioration. The upstream river was cut off and rerouted, and people had to leave Loulan.

Loulan once promulgated the earliest environmental protection law in the world found so far.

The third theory: Loulan’s disappearance is related to Lop Nur’s north-south migration.

The fourth theory: The disappearance of Loulan is related to the opening of the Northern Silk Road.

After the opening of the Northern Silk Road through Hamiyiwu and Turpan, the ancient Silk Road desert route through Loulan was abandoned, and Loulan also lost its former glory.

The fifth theory: Loulan was destroyed by plague. A plague spread from other places claimed the lives of nine out of ten residents in Loulan City. Those who survived fled Loulan one after another and fled to other places.

The sixth theory: Loulan was defeated by biological invasion.

A kind of mole cricket insect introduced from the Mesopotamia and Mesopotamia has no natural enemies in Loulan. It lives in the soil and can live on the white plaster soil in Loulan area. It enters residential houses in groups. People cannot eliminate them and have to abandon them. Go to the city.

The seventh theory: Due to the invasion of Central Asian nomads, the local culture was destroyed, the local residents fled to other places, and Loulan subsequently declined.

In the world of Mingyue during the Qin Dynasty, the ancient Loulan Kingdom was a very powerful country with a very noble and beautiful high priest.

She is the leader of Loulan. She has a quiet and reserved temperament as a queen. She is not afraid of danger in times of danger and leads Loulan's golden-armored warriors to resist the invasion of the Qin army.

She is very beautiful and noble. She once appeared in a special episode of Mingyue in the Qin Dynasty. As soon as she appeared, she shocked everyone.

At first, the high priest was hostile to Xiao Li and Jing Tianming, Xiang Shaoyu, and Gai Nie who came with Xiao Li based on Xiao Li's necklace - the sacred object "Tears of the Goddess" belonging to Chi You's clan. He believed that the four people They came for the Chiyou clan’s giant weapon, the "Army Demon God", and arrested four people, preparing to execute them in a sacrificial ceremony.

However, the Qin army appeared, destroyed the sacrificial ceremony, and stole the dragon soul. At the same time, they also used the high priest and the dragon soul to unlock the seal of the goddess and seize the Chi You sword and the Demon God of War.

The high priest and dragon soul guardian Pi Xiu were thrown from a height by Wei Zhuang, who was demonized by Chi You's sword, but were fortunately saved by Gai Nie. Under Gai Nie's persuasion, the high priest, who was in self-blame, made up his mind to reorganize the Loulan warriors to resist the invasion of the Qin army. In the end, the Loulan soldiers successfully drove away the Qin army, and the scene of Xiaoli saving Loulan also completely eliminated the feud between the Loulan and Chiyou clans that had lasted for thousands of years.

After completing his mission, Xiao Li transformed and disappeared, leaving only the necklace "Tears of the Goddess" in Loulan. The high priest finally realized that Xiao Li was the incarnation of "Tears of the Goddess".

Although this is a movie, in the real world, Loulan is indeed rich in beauties.

The most famous "Loulan Beauty" in Kyushu was unearthed in the 1980s. At that time, archaeologists discovered a well-preserved ancient female corpse in the Tieban River in Lop Nur. The female's skin was reddish brown and slightly elastic, and her facial contours were Very obvious, the eyes are large and deep, the bridge of the nose is high and narrow, and the chin is pointed and tilted. After image processing, a beautiful woman who lived thousands of years ago appeared vividly in front of people.

This ancient female corpse was discovered near the mysterious ancient city of Loulan.

Later, a cemetery was discovered in Sanjiaozhou, Tiebanhe River, downstream of the Kongque River. A female mummy was unearthed in the tomb, with the body, skin and nails well preserved.

She has a thin face, a pointed nose, deep-set eyes, and brown hair shawl. She was wrapped in a piece of sheepskin and a woolen blanket. The edge of the blanket was pinned with sharpened branches. She was wrapped in a piece of sheepskin. She wore a pair of fur shoes on her feet. She wore a felt hat on her head with two thorns stuck in it. Zhi Yanling is known as the "Loulan Beauty" by the world.

Carbon 14 analysis of the sheepskin residue on her body showed that it was an ancient corpse dating back 3,800 years. ..

Chapter 1382 The war breaks out and storms Loulan

The thirty-six countries in the Western Regions are found in the following places according to research: Wusun, Qiuci, Yanqi, Ruoqiang, Loulan, Qiemo, Xiaowan, Ronglu, Mi, Qule, Pishan, Xiye, Puli, and Yinai , Shache, Shule, Weitou, Wensu, Yuli, Gumo, Beilu, Wutanzi, Beilu Houguo, Shanhuan, Pulei, Puleihou Kingdom, Xiqiemi, Jieguo, Huhu, Shanguo, Cheshiqian State, Cheshihou State, Cheshiweidu State, Cheshihoucheng State, in addition to Dayuan, Anxi, Dayuezhi, Kangju, Haohan, Kanjuti, and Wuyishan There are more than ten countries in the Western Regions waiting for you.

In the third year of the Guimao reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Zhang Qian sent an envoy to the Western Regions to find the Yueshi to unite against the Xiongnu. Although the mission was unsuccessful, it established connections and exchanges between the Central Plains and the Western Regions.

This time, Li Jing and Chen Qingzhi were targeting them.

Li Jing attacked from the south, while Chen Qingzhi attacked from the back.

According to rumors, Li Jing and Chen Qingzhi made a bet before setting out, that is, after the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions were annihilated, they would see who could annihilate more countries.

If the same number of countries are destroyed, then it depends on who takes less time.

This bet was approved by the two men and all the generals under their command.

Li Jing's subordinates included the Second Master of Wu Sheng Guan, the Third Master of Huan Hou Zhang, and the leopard-headed Lin Chong; Chen Qingzhi's subordinates did not give in too much, including Pei Yuanqing, the Taibao with a silver hammer, Zhao Zilong, a white horse and a silver spear, and Luo Cheng, a cold-faced spear.

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