The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1025: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

The bright eyes are blue, the moonlight is bright, as blue as the sea, if it can captivate the glitz of a thousand generations.

A slight smile can attract millions of people.

There is always a fragrance behind you, although it is weak, it smells unusually good.

Fusu stood at the door for a while. Ying Xuehua seemed tired and raised his head. When he saw it, Ying Xuehua was so excited that he saw his father here.

"Father," Ying Xuehua threw the book away and ran directly towards Fusu.

With Fusu here, she no longer has to study this boring book.

Fusu looked at Ying Xuehua running towards him with a smile on his face. He opened his hands and took Ying Xuehua into his arms.

"I pay my respects to your majesty." Diao Chan was startled when she heard Ying Xuehua's name and stood up hurriedly.

Behind Ying Xuehua, there was indeed a person, it was Fusu.

Diao Chan came directly to pay homage.

"My beloved, please get up." Fusu walked forward with Ying Xuehua in his arms and helped Diao Chan up.

Then, Fusu set his sights on Ying Xuehua.

"Have Xuehua behaved recently?" The harem was huge and it was impossible for Fusu to take care of everyone. Therefore, Fusu was very concerned about Ying Xuehua and other children and was also full of guilt.

"Xuehua is very well-behaved," Ying Xuehua said very well-behavedly.

"Okay, because you are so well-behaved, my father can grant you a wish." Fusu said with a smile, "Do you have any wishes?"

"Yes, Xuehua does." When Ying Xuehua heard this, he immediately raised his hand.

"Oh, I wonder what your wish is?" Fusu said with a smile on his face.

"Xuehua wants to go out of the palace to have a look." Ying Xuehua has never been out of the palace to play in his life, so he is very curious about things outside the palace.

"Your Majesty, Xuehua is joking." Diaochan's expression changed when she heard Ying Xuehua's words.

Because as concubines, they are not allowed to leave the palace under normal circumstances.

"It doesn't matter, I really didn't consider this matter carefully, so I agreed to it." Fusu laughed, and then agreed directly.

Not only does he want to take Ying Xuehua out of the palace, but he also wants to take other women out of the palace to see and see the wider world! ..

Chapter 1397 Going out for fun, Northern Song Dynasty - Kou Zhun

Ying Xuehua and Diao Chan were very excited when they heard Fusu's words. They didn't expect that Fusu would actually agree.

Especially Ying Xuehua, who was shouting excitedly.

Fusu felt guilty when he saw this. He cared too little about the child.

Next, Fusu conveyed a message to the harem beauties.

Do you want to go out to play? If so, please go to Concubine Yan of the Sun Palace within three days to save your life.

Except for Concubine Yan.

Anywhere in the Third Palace is fine.

For a time, the entire Afang Palace became lively, and everyone rushed to the place where they could sign up.

For such a good opportunity, basically all the beauties in the harem have signed up.

Even if they don't want to go out, they still want their children to go out and experience things. You know, this kind of opportunity is not easy.

The next day, Fusu got the list of this trip from Concubine Yan.

There are a lot of people.

It can be said that you bring your family with you.

For the safety of everyone, Fusu must arrange enough manpower. In addition, Fusu also needs to make a detailed journey plan.

So it takes a lot of things.

Since Fusu has decided to do something, no matter how difficult it is, he must complete it.

Under the planning of specialized officials, Fusu was quickly formulated.

In addition to Xianyang City, Lishan Mountain not far away and other places are places to relax and enjoy.

Ten days later, a huge team came out of Afang Palace.

There were dozens of carriages alone.

There were countless guard soldiers on both sides.

Densely packed.

At the front is Yuwen Chengdu, riding a divine horse, holding a gilded phoenix-winged boring machine in his hand, and his eyes are bright.

His whole body was full of energy.

In the middle are Dian Wei and Xu Chu, guarding the center.

Zhang Zhongjian hid in the dark and remained calm.

Like a poisonous snake.

Behind them are Yan Liang and Wen Chou who were just summoned by Fusu.

Two people were guarding the back.

The entire team was like an iron wall.

Next to Yuwen Chengdu are four powerful and eight powerful hammers.

Follow Yu Wen around Chengdu.

As the team came out, the entire Xianyang City was immediately placed under martial law.

All the children were very excited and chattering!

Keep looking out from inside the carriage.

Look at the bustling outside, look at the crowd outside.

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