The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1031: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Restore the rule of shouting people.

Therefore, Hong Chengchou's reputation is very bad, which is why Hong Chengchou is very controversial in history.

Hong Chengchou is also one of the Ten Rough Men of Xishan. Each of these Ten Rough Men of Xishan is not a simple person.

They are: Dorgon belongs to the bear among the ten violent forces of the Western Mountains, Hong Chengchou belongs to the badger among the ten violent forces of the Western Mountains, Wu Sangui belongs to the owl among the ten violent forces of the Western Mountains, Heshen belongs to the wolf among the ten violent forces of the Western Mountains, and Hailancha belongs to the ten violent forces of the Western Mountains. Among the donkeys, Nian Gengyao is among the pigs among the Ten Troubles of the Western Mountains, Zeng Guofan is among the pythons among the Ten Troubles of the Western Mountains, Zhang Zhidong is among the monkeys among the Ten Troubles of the Western Mountains, Empress Dowager Cixi is among the foxes among the Ten Troubles of the Western Mountains, and the last one This is Yuan Shikai, a toad among the ten violent men in Xishan.

Ten people, each one is a famous big shot.

Among them, Dorgon, Empress Dowager Cixi, and Yuan Shikai need no introduction, they are so famous.

Especially the Empress Dowager Cixi, whose reputation is really undesirable.

Wu Sangui and He Shen are also household names.

Zeng Guofan and Zhang Zhidong. Anyone who has studied history knows that the only strangers are Hai Lancha and Nian Gengyao.

Hailancha is an authentic Manchu, ranked in Ziguang Pavilion, and is a very famous general.

Nian Gengyao was also a famous general, leaving behind many stories and legends.

Originally from Huaiyuan County, Fengyang Prefecture, he was later transferred to the Xianghuang Banner of the Han Army. He was born in the Kangxi and Yongzheng years of the Qing Dynasty. He was a Jinshi and served as governor of Sichuan, governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi, and general of Fuyuan. He was also awarded the title of Taibao, first-class public, and high-ranking officials. All in one.

He strategized and fought on the battlefield. He cooperated with various armies to quell the chaos in Tibet, led the Qing army to quell Luobuzangdanjin in Qinghai, and made great military exploits.

When he entered Beijing, he received special favor from Emperor Yongzheng. ,

Later, the situation suddenly changed, and he was dismissed from his position and title by Emperor Yongzheng. He was listed with 92 major crimes and ordered to commit suicide in the fourth year of Yongzheng. ..

Chapter 1405: Destroying Opium in Humen - Lin Zexu

After Fusu summoned "Hong Chengchou", he then gave birth to Hong Chengchou. If possible, he would let Hong Chengchou govern the land of Baiyue.

The land of Baiyue was very chaotic, but Hong Chengchou was good at using troops and liked the integration of ethnic groups.

Until there is no suitable candidate, Hong Chengchou is the most suitable candidate.

After Fusu summoned Hong Chengchou, he then started the second summoning authority.

This time, Fusu actually summoned Lin Zexu, the protagonist of "Humen Burning Opium".

I believe everyone is familiar with Lin Zexu, he is so famous.

Lin Zexufu was a Hou Guan of Jian Province, with the late names of Qicun Lao Lao, Qi Cun Retired Old Man, Seventy-two Peak Retired Old Man, Pingquan Jushi, Lishe Sanren, etc. He was a politician, thinker and poet in the Qing Dynasty. He was a first-rank official. He served as governor of Huguang, Shaanxi-Gansu and Yunnan-Guizhou, and was twice appointed as imperial envoy. Because of his advocacy of strictly prohibiting opium, he was known as a "national hero" in Kyushu.

In 1839, when Lin Zexu banned smoking in Guangdong, he sent people to investigate and secretly investigate, forcing foreign opium merchants to hand over their opium, and the confiscated opium was destroyed in Humen on June 3, 1839. The destruction of opium in Humen plunged Sino-British relations into a state of extreme tension and became an excuse for the First Opium War and Geely's invasion of Kyushu.

Although Lin Zexu devoted his life to resisting Western invasion, he maintained an open attitude toward Western culture, technology, and trade, advocating learning and applying the best of them.

Lin Zexu was fluent in two foreign languages, English and Portuguese, and focused on translating Western newspapers, periodicals and books. Wei Yuan, a thinker in the late Qing Dynasty, compiled the documents translated by Lin Zexu and his staff into the book "Hai Guo Tu Zhi", which inspired the Westernization Movement in the late Qing Dynasty and even Japan's Meiji Restoration.

On November 22, 1850, Lin Zexu died of illness in the old county of Puning.

Lin Zexu's fate was very bumpy and tortuous.

The invasion of a powerful enemy of Western capitalism that had never been encountered in history prompted Lin Zexu to "be the first to awaken from the feudal secluded lethargy and open his eyes to see the world with a new attitude."

After Lin Zexu went to Guangzhou to preside over the anti-smoking ban, in the practice of fighting against the invaders, he realized his lack of knowledge about the West and the people's ignorance of the world outside the dynasty. "English name, but actually unknown origin" situation, so he began to consciously and purposefully collect foreign newspapers and books for translation, in order to obtain valuable information and deepen the court and people's understanding of the "Western".

By analyzing foreign political, legal, military, economic, cultural and other aspects of the situation, he realized that only by learning from Western countries can we resist foreign aggression.

He put forward the idea of ​​"learning from the skills of the foreigners in order to control the foreigners", and he proposed that in order to change the backward state of military technology, cannons and ships should be made; he personally chaired and organized a translation team, translated foreign books and periodicals, and conveyed what foreigners said about Kyushu. Translated into Huashi Yiyan, it served as "reference information" for officials in Kyushu at that time; in order to understand foreign military, political, and economic intelligence, the Guangzhou Weekly sponsored by British businessmen was translated into Macau News; in order to understand Western geography, history, and politics, He introduced the situation of various countries in the world in a relatively systematic manner, and organized the translation of the Geographic Encyclopedia of the World by Murray Murray, compiled into the Chronicle of the Four Continents. In order to meet the needs of the struggle against enemies and foreign negotiations at that time, the author quickly compiled the international law, which is very important in Jiuzhou International. It is an epoch-making event in the history of law: it marked the beginning of the official introduction of Western international law works to Kyushu, the beginning of modern international law being applied in my country’s foreign negotiations, and the beginning of Kyushu’s modern international legal history.

Theoretically speaking, Lin Zexu was the first person to introduce international law to Kyushu, the pioneer of Kyushu’s modern diplomacy, and the founder of Kyushu’s international law.

Lin Zexu was the first great patriot and outstanding national hero in the modern history of our country. He took the lead in understanding the world and studying the West, and became the leader in spreading Western culture in modern Kyushu and promoting the spread of Western learning to the east. From the perspective of the history of international law in Kyushu, he was not only the mainstay in safeguarding the principles of international law during the Opium War, but he was also the first person to introduce international law in Kyushu and the founder of modern international law in Kyushu.

Lin Zexu is not only a great national hero in the history of our country, but also an outstanding water control expert. During his official career, he attached great importance to and worked hard to carry out water conservancy projects, building seawalls in Zhejiang and Shanghai, major rivers in the Taihu Basin, and other water conservancy projects. Manage the canal, Yellow River and Yangtze River.

Lin Zexu's water management focused on being thorough and hands-on. At the same time, he also attached great importance to disaster relief and poverty relief, and attached great importance to people's livelihood.

Lin Zexu once wrote the Beizhi Water Conservancy Book, which in addition to economics, also had water control strategies. Later Lin Zexu's student Feng Guifen adapted the Beizhi Water Conservancy Book into Ji (ji) auxiliary water conservancy discussion.

Lin Zexu worked conscientiously and prevented corrupt officials from cheating. When the Peach Flood came, both sides of the Taiwan Strait were safe and sound, and Emperor Daoguang praised him many times.

As Lin Zexu's knowledge and experience in water control grew, the poet Zhang Jiliang proposed to Lin Zexu that the Yellow River should be diverted to the north and enter the sea from Lijin, Shandong. Lin Zexu felt the same way, but both public opinion and officials were opposed to this river management strategy. In addition, Lin Zexu could not control the overall situation, so Zhang Jiliang's proposal was rejected.

Until shortly before Lin Zexu's death, he still said that Zhang Jiliang's river management strategy was correct. After Lin Zexu's death, in the fifth year of Xianfeng, the Yellow River changed its course and followed the Daqing River to Lijin and entered the sea. ..

Chapter 1406 Tai Chi Taro Mud Lin Chongzhi

There was an unusual coincidence when Lin Zexu was born. It was August 30th and the sun was scorching red. Because his wife was about to give birth and the midwife came in, Lin Binri went to town to buy some longan and other tonics to take home. It happened that Xu Si, the governor of Fujian, had returned to the Yamen from the countryside to inspect the disaster situation. The officers sounded gongs and shouted, and his entourage crowded around the bridge.

I didn't expect that the clouds would suddenly gather in the middle of the journey, the thunder would rumble, and the rain would pour down in an instant. Xu Si was a good official who paid close attention to the people's sentiments and cared about his subordinates. He immediately ordered everyone to find a place to take shelter from the rain.

But the wilderness here is vast, and there is only a dilapidated hut on the side of the mountain. Everyone hurried to take shelter under the eaves. Suddenly, there was a cry of a baby falling to the ground, and Lin Binri happened to rush back at this time. He was shocked to see a dignified official with a red crown and flower feathers standing at the door of his house. He didn't care that the ground was dripping with water and hurriedly knelt down to worship.

Xu Si once helped Lin Yanggu up with both hands and said: "The ancients said: 'All things are born, but man is the most precious.' You have given birth to a good subject for the Qing Dynasty - maybe you will be a pillar in the future, and you can't worship me. I should congratulate you." You are!"

Lin Binri was deeply moved when he saw that the governor was amiable and devoid of any official pretensions. To commemorate this fateful encounter, he excitedly named his son Zexu, with the courtesy name Yuanfu and Shaomu.

"Ze" means "to imitate". Because Lin Binri knew that the governor Xu Si once valued intellectuals and won the respect of scholars, he hoped that his son would imitate Xu Sizeng and become an upright official when he grew up, so he named his newborn son "Zexu".

Just a few days after Lin Zexu arrived in Guangzhou as an imperial envoy to ban smoking, the British, French, Russian, and American consuls stationed in Guangzhou all knew that Lin Zexu advocated banning opium, so they wanted to ridicule the Kyushu official at the welcome banquet. Lin Zexu was invited to attend a foreign banquet. When he sat down at the banquet, the European and American consuls headed by Consul Geely asked people to present a steaming dish that looked like light yellow flour. Several consuls greeted him politely. Lin Zexu said "please"!

At this time, Lin Zexu guessed that maybe the foreigners wanted to burn me and make me look embarrassed, so he took a little bit of it with a spoon and put it into his mouth to taste. Unexpectedly, it was very cold and he couldn't help but shudder. The foreigners burst into laughter when they saw this. It turned out that this dish was ice cream.

A few days later, Lin Zexu also hosted a banquet to invite these consuls. After several dishes were served, Lin Zexu asked someone to serve a flour-like dish dotted with Tai Chi patterns. The room was filled with an alluring aroma, but it was not steamy. Lin Zexu politely said to the foreigner, "Please!"

The foreigners noticed that Lin Zexu seemed to want to take revenge on the last banquet. Seeing that this dish was not steamy, they all thought it was cold food, and they were used to eating cold food, so they happily scooped it up with a spoon and put it in their mouths, which immediately made their eyes burn. He turned over and screamed. The guests present were all shocked, but Lin Zexu said with a smile: "Everyone, please eat more, this is a famous dish in my hometown of Fujian - Tai Chi taro paste!"

It turns out that the Tai Chi taro paste that has just come out of the steamer is very hot inside, and the taro paste is airtight and the surface is covered with lard, so this dish does not steam, but is actually very hot.

Fusu did not expect that this time the target would be Lin Zexu.

Fusu was very excited.

With Lin Zexu, the governor of Ryukyu doesn't have to worry.

Fusu couldn't be more happy.

Fusu looked at the Lin Zexu summoning card in his hand, crushed it, and then summoned Lin Zexu.

Following Fusu's movements, a figure slowly appeared in the summoning space. It was Lin Zexu on the summoning card.

Wearing an official uniform and a goatee, the long braid at the back disappeared and turned into long hair.

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