The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1038: Summoning the Strong Generals in the War of All Realms

Some quack doctors took advantage of the situation and did not give patients serious pulse diagnosis.

"An inch is not enough, a handshake is not enough." After a moment with the patient, he prescribes medicine, only to make money.

More people, although they have learned from famous doctors, do not want to make progress, stick to the old ways, and do not study medical prescriptions and medical skills carefully to relieve people's illnesses. Instead, they compete for power and glory and forget their own duties.

Zhang Zhongjing was very angry with these people and reprimanded them severely. He was determined to control the epidemic of plague and cure typhoid fever.

From then on, he "diligently sought ancient teachings and learned from many prescriptions", assiduously studied ancient medical books such as Suwen, Lingshu, Eighty-one Difficulties, Yin and Yang Dalun, Feilu Yaolu, etc., inherited the basic theories of classical medical books such as the Nei Jing, and extensively borrowed from other The treatment methods of doctors were combined with personal clinical diagnosis experience to study the treatment of typhoid fever and miscellaneous diseases. In the 10th year of Jian'an, he began to write a treatise on typhoid fever and miscellaneous diseases.

Zhang Zhongjing was an outlier in the mainstream society at that time. In the preface to Zhang Zhongjing's Treatise on Febrile Diseases, you can see his cynical lamentation between the lines. He wrote Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases, which was unanimously regarded as a classic by later generations. But his reputation may not be well-known at the time, so he does not have a place in official history.

When Zhang Zhongjing wrote Treatise on Febrile Diseases, he referred to previous classics such as the Decoction Classic.

The original preface of Treatise on Febrile Diseases contains the word "Zhuan Yong". However, after research, the twenty-three words "Zhuan Yong" include "Suwen, Nine Volumes, Eighty-one Difficulties, Yin and Yang Da Lun, Feilu Medicine Records and Ping Pulse Syndrome Differentiation". Wang Shuhe joined.

It is further confirmed that the main content of Treatise on Febrile Diseases comes from the Decoction Classic method.

Zhang Zhongjing also transplanted and organized the syndrome differentiation, diagnosis and treatment methods in the context of Yin and Yang theory.

Zhang Zhongjing combined the crystallization of wild thinking in the barbaric era with the most powerful ideological weapon at that time - the Yin and Yang theory. At the same time, he was clearly aware of the preciousness of prescription syndrome differentiation, this alternative thinking. Therefore, in the process of sorting out, we tried to preserve the original appearance of the Chinese prescription syndrome of the Decoction Sutra.

Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases systematically summarizes the theory of "syndrome differentiation and treatment" and has made important contributions to the development of the etiology theory and prescription theory of traditional Chinese medicine in my country. Later, the book was regarded as the "ancestor of Fangshu", and Zhang Zhongjing was also known as the "Master of Jingfang".

After writing the book, Zhang Zhongjing continued to concentrate on studying medicine until his death.

After Jin Wu Emperor Sima Yan unified the world, Zhang Zhongjing's body was transported back to his hometown for burial by his descendants, and the Medical Sage Temple and Zhongjing's Tomb were built in Nanyang.

Zhang Zhongjing is modest and prudent and advocates lifelong learning. He said in the preface: "Confucius said: Those who are born with knowledge are superior, and those who are learned are inferior. Those who have learned a lot and have extensive knowledge are inferior to those who know. I am a master of alchemy, please tell me something like this."

Zhang Zhongjing quoted Confucius' quotations to explain that he was not a genius and could only obtain knowledge through hard study.

He specifically stated that he has been passionate about medicine since he was a teenager. Please allow him to follow Confucius's words in a down-to-earth manner, because medicine has no end and must persist in learning throughout life. Live and learn until you are old.

Zhang Zhongjing also established a simple, unpretentious, diligent and down-to-earth style of study for future generations. The writing style of Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases is simple and concise, without any rhetoric, and has a great influence on later TCM works. When he encountered the slightest doubt when diagnosing diseases and studying, he would never let it go, and he must find out what was going on. ..

Chapter 1417 The Legend of Zhang Zhongjing, Cold Dispelling Jiao Er Soup

Zhang Zhongjing left many popular stories for Jiuzhou.

It is still circulated today.

Among them, dumplings were invented by Zhang Zhongjing.

Jiuzhou has been eating dumplings for thousands of years, but who knew that Zhang Zhongjing invented dumplings.

Zhang Zhongjing’s contribution will benefit people forever.

But the trick is that in the world of Mingyue during the Qin Dynasty, dumplings were invented by Fusu and the result was plagiarized.

If Zhang Zhongjing is summoned, I wonder if Fusu will be killed.

According to rumors, there is a wonderful story between Zhang Zhongjing and dumplings.

Zhang Zhongjing was an official in Changsha at that time, that is, the governor of Changsha. He is now a provincial governor. When he retired, he returned to his hometown and retired in time for that winter.

The wind is biting and snowflakes are flying. On the bank of Baihe River, Zhang Zhongjing saw many homeless people, all of them were sallow and thin, and their clothes were not covering their bodies.

My ears were rotten due to the cold.

Zhang Zhongjing felt very uncomfortable.

After returning home, because Zhang Zhongjing's reputation had already become famous all over the world, many people came to seek medical treatment. Zhang Zhongjing responded to all requests and was busy all day long. Although many people came to seek medical treatment, Zhang Zhongjing still missed those whose ears were rotten by the cold.

After research, he developed a dietary prescription that can keep out the cold, called "Quhan Jiao Er Decoction".

He asked his apprentices to build a shed in an open space in Dongguan, Nanyang, set up a big pot, and gave medicine to cure diseases for the poor. The day of the opening was the winter solstice, and the medicine he gave was "Quhan Jiao Er Decoction".

The original method of dispelling cold Jiao Er Soup is to boil mutton and some cold-dispelling medicine in a pot. After it is cooked, take it out and chop it into pieces. Wrap it with dough to look like ears. Then put it in the pot and stuff it with the original soup. The dough is cooked.

After the dough was wrapped, it looked like an ear, and because the function was to prevent the ears from freezing, Zhang Zhongjing named it "Jiao Er".

Zhang Zhongjing asked his apprentice to give each poor person a bowl of soup and two "Jiao Er". After the people ate the "Jiao Er" and drank the soup, their whole bodies became warm and their ears became hot. No one had frostbite on their ears anymore.

When Zhang Zhongjing was working in Changsha, he often treated ordinary people and was very popular among the people. After retirement, the people of Changsha send representatives to visit their hometown every year.

As the saying goes, it is difficult for a doctor to cure his own disease. Zhang Zhongjing is also a human being, not a god.

One year, Zhang Zhongjing fell ill, and he knew that the oil in the lamp of life was about to burn out.

People who came to visit him in Changsha said that there was a place with good Feng Shui in Changsha, and they wanted Zhang Zhongjing to settle there a hundred years later, but the people in Nanyang refused, and the two sides started quarreling.

Zhang Zhongjing said: "After eating Changsha water, I will never forget the love between my parents in Changsha; I was born in Nanyang, and I will never forget the kindness of my hometown. After I die, you will carry my coffin from Nanyang to Changsha. Where did the spiritual rope break? , just bury me somewhere.”

In the winter of that year, Zhang Zhongjing drove Hexi to the west.

The day he died happened to be the winter solstice.

When the funeral procession came to the place where Zhang Zhongjing left the "Quhan Jiao Er Soup" for everyone, the coffin rope suddenly broke.

In accordance with Zhang Zhongjing's instructions, everyone dug the tomb, lowered the coffin, and filled the grave on the spot. The people from the two places carried their burdens and carried them in an endless stream. They built Zhang Zhongjing's tomb very big and built a temple for him in front of the tomb, which is now the Shrine of the Holy Medicine.

Zhang Zhongjing passed away on the Winter Solstice, and he gave everyone the "Quhan Jiao Er Soup" on the Winter Solstice. In order to commemorate him, everyone will make a meal of dumplings on the Winter Solstice from now on, and they all say that the Winter Solstice After eating dumplings today, my ears will not freeze in winter.

"Quhan Jiao Er Soup" is rarely eaten by people, but over the years, the custom of eating dumplings on the winter solstice has been passed down. And the types and shapes of dumplings have also been greatly improved.

It can be said that wherever there are Kyushu people, there are dumplings, and dumplings have become a representative food for family reunions.

It is a pity that Zhang Zhongjing's name is rarely mentioned.

Zhang Zhongjing served the country and the people and was worthy of the name "Medical Saint".

Fusu looked at Zhang Zhongjing's summoning card.

His face was full of admiration and admiration.

Fusu reached out and crushed the summoning card.

Following Fusu's movements, a cyan arch bridge directly spanned the void, and after a while, a figure walked out of it.

Although he is dressed simply, he is full of fairy spirit.

He has a white beard, a hat and his hands behind his back.

There is a unique temperament all over his body.

Just like an independent immortal.

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