The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1041: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

At that time, all the generals were afraid that Yuan Shao would take the opportunity to attack Xudu. Cao Cao was confident about this and said: "Liu Bei is a great man. If we don't attack now, there will be trouble later. Although Yuan Shao has great ambitions, he is late to see things happening, so he will not move." Marching forward, Liu Bei was defeated with lightning speed, and Liu Bei fled to Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao was the most powerful force in the north at that time, and also the most powerful enemy of Cao Cao's unification of the north.

The Yuan family, starting from Yuan Shao's great-grandfather Yuan An, "occupied three public positions for four generations", and "their disciples and former officials are all over the world". It was already very powerful. Later, Yuan Shao acquired the four prefectures of Ji, Bing, You and Qing. The strength has increased greatly, and there are hundreds of thousands of troops. Yuan Shao, with his eldest son Yuan Tan, second son Yuan Xi, and nephew Gao Gan, guarded the three prefectures of Qing, You, and Bing respectively. With a solid rear and sufficient troops and supplies, they did not take Cao Cao seriously at all. He selected 100,000 elite soldiers and 10,000 war horses, determined to destroy Cao Cao in one fell swoop.

Yuan Shao's army came to attack, and Xudu was shocked.

Yuan Shao's army marched forward with battalions, dozens of miles from east to west, and built camps based on sand piles, advancing towards Guandu. Cao Cao divided his troops to defend the camp, waiting for the opportunity to move.

Yuan Jun launched a fierce attack on Cao Cao's camp. He first built high oars, raised earthen hills, and shot arrows into Cao Cao's camp from above. Then he dug tunnels in an attempt to attack Cao Cao's camp from underground. However, Cao Cao used trebuchets and trench digging to defeat Cao Cao's camp.

The two armies attacked and defended for nearly two months. After a long war, Cao Cao was in an extremely difficult situation.

Yuan Shao's counselor Xu You felt remorseful because his plan to sneak attack Xudu to Yuan Shao failed, and his family members in Hebei were caught breaking the law, so he came to Cao Cao and offered a plan for Cao Cao to sneak attack Wuchao.

Cao Cao was overjoyed and went out to meet him on bare feet. Afterwards, he personally led 5,000 elite infantry and cavalry. The troops had a number of ranks and horses were tied to their mouths. They changed into Yuan's military uniforms and attacked Wuchao from a small road at night. Cao Cao's army arrived at Wuchao and ordered fires to be set on all sides. Yuan's army was in chaos.

When Yuan Shao heard that Cao Cao was attacking Wuchao, he thought that this was a good opportunity to break Cao Cao's camp, so he sent few reinforcements and besieged Cao Cao's camp with heavy troops. Since Cao Cao had reserved a large number of troops and Cao Cao's camp had not yet been destroyed, news of Wuchao's defeat had already arrived. Generals Zhang He, Gao Lan and others led their troops to surrender to Cao Cao, and Yuan's army collapsed.

Cao Cao was at a disadvantage, but because he could correctly analyze objective conditions, was good at listening to the correct opinions of others, utilized his strengths and avoided weaknesses, and adopted correct strategies and tactics, he transformed the war in his favor and won the victory.

In the Battle of Guandu, Cao Cao defeated his greatest enemy Yuan Shao, and it was inevitable that he would unify the north. The Battle of Guandu is also a famous example in the history of Kyushu wars where a small number defeated a large number and the weak defeated the strong. ..


Chapter 1421 Two-Legged Sheep The Darkest Age

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When Cao Cao entered the official career, he tried to use stricter laws to change the situation where powerful men were rampant.

Because the trouble lies in the center, Cao cannot carry out his intentions.

Only after he took control of the political power did he have to fully implement the policy of rule of law to restrain the powerful.

He appointed local officials such as Wang Xiu, Sima Zhi, Yang Pei, Lu Qian, Man Chong, and Jia Kui to restrain the lawless and powerful.

Cao Cao also made a great contribution to the Han Dynasty. Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was fought for by the Xiliang army, and all the prefectures and pastoral guards in various states were supporting their troops to strengthen themselves and stopped paying tribute. The situation in China as a whole is that of divided powers and warlords fighting each other. The small court of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was far from capable of controlling the political situation. At this critical moment, Cao Cao took the emperor at the end of his life and moved the capital to Xuchang. He used force to defeat the northern heroes and tried to unify the nine states, which played a role in stabilizing the political situation of the Eastern Han Dynasty.


Some people say that if Cao Cao could dominate the world at the beginning, he would not consume too much national power in the future.

At that time, the people of Kyushu were so miserable.

It is called the two-legged sheep by the Wuhu people.

Do you know what a two-legged sheep is?

Just like walking on two legs.

At that time, the people of Kyushu were not regarded as human beings at all. They were treated like sheep and food rations by the Wuhu people.

Yes, they eat people.

If people today reached that era, they would definitely be frightened.

It was in such a dark period that King Wu Dao created a world for the people of Kyushu.

It gave the people of Kyushu a piece of pure land.

Some people who can stand and talk without pain in their backs also discredit the achievements of King Wu Daotian.

It is estimated that when he reaches that era, he will be more grateful to the Dancing King than anyone else.

It was a time when people were eating people.

Only killing can stop killing.


If Cao Cao could unify the world, he would not let the power of the Nine Provinces be reduced to ten.

Moreover, Cao Cao was a man based on his talents. When selecting officials during the Han Dynasty, the selected people must have feudal moral qualities such as benevolence, justice, filial piety, brotherhood, etc., as well as a noble family background.

Cao Cao does not pay attention to false reputations when appointing people. He selects officials who must "understand legal principles" and be able to implement the rule of law.

Cui Yan and Mao Jie were appointed to be in charge of the election. "All the people they appoint are honest and upright people. Although they are famous at that time, those who do not act according to their own standards will never make progress. We must lead people with frugality, so all people in the world must be honest." Self-discipline and self-motivation, even if you respect your favored ministers, you should not dare to overdo it." Social atmosphere has improved.

In order to maintain and develop power and allow more people to serve their own cause, they are not restricted by the above standards and emphasize "the meritocracy". As long as he has talent, he will pay attention to promoting people even if they lack feudal moral character and come from a lower class.

He issued three "orders to seek talents" to select and appoint some talented people. Break the concept of family status, recruit people from the middle and lower classes of the landlord class, restrain the powerful, and strengthen centralization of power.

The social and economic development of the areas under their control has been restored and developed.

Cao Cao's thought was influenced by Confucianism, and its foundation belonged to the category of Confucianism. He valued benevolence, justice, and courtesy, and tried to educate the people and administration with benevolence, justice, morality, and courtesy, that is, "governing etiquette first."

On the other hand, Cao Cao valued laws and techniques, and imposed severe punishments. This is very clear from historical records. This constitutes another important aspect of Cao Cao's thinking, which is "putting order to order first".

Therefore, Cao Cao's thought is a contradictory unity. Cao Cao, who was in troubled times, not only emphasized criminal law, but also did not forget the use of ethics. He always valued etiquette and law, using both hands, and showed his unique deception ability in using both etiquette and law.

In terms of imperial generals, Cao Cao was out of the ban, Le Jin was in the procession, and he took Zhang Liao and Xu Huang among the captives. They all served orders and performed meritorious service, and were listed as famous generals. Cao Cao was able to use the strengths of his generals based on their characteristics.

For example, Xu Chu and Dian Wei were powerful and loyal to the law, so Cao Cao asked them to serve as the vanguard of the army in battle and to lead the troops when they were dead; Zang Ba had favor and trust in the east, so Cao Cao entrusted Qing and Xu states to him, so that he could concentrate on dealing with them. Yuan Shao, there is no need to think about the East; the surrendered general Wen Pin was originally a general under Liu Biao, and he was quite popular in the Jianghan area. Cao Cao appointed him as the prefect of Jiangxia, entrusting him with border affairs and entrusting him to guard Sun Quan.

In terms of leading troops, he ran the army in an orderly manner and had strict laws. Once during the march, Cao Cao issued an order not to let the war horses trample the wheat fields. Anyone who violated the rules would be beheaded. The soldiers all dismounted and walked for fear of trampling on the wheat seedlings. But Cao Cao's horse was frightened and trampled the wheat field.

He immediately drew his sword and cut off a piece of his hair as a punishment, which showed that he was serious about enforcing the law.

Cao Cao cultivated fields in the north and built water conservancy projects, which solved the problem of lack of military rations and played a certain role in restoring agricultural production.

In the first year of Jian'an, Cao Cao adopted the suggestions of Zaozhi and others, and used the materials seized from the Yellow Turbans to recruit people to work in the fields under his promise. This year, great results were achieved, and millions of dendrobium grains were harvested. So Cao Cao ordered to set up field officials in various states and counties to set up farming.

The farmland effectively solved the food problem of the Cao Cao Group. While establishing the farmland, Cao Cao took various measures to support the peasant economy. In response to the situation of population loss and barren fields at that time, Cao Cao successively adopted measures such as recruiting refugees, migrating people, encouraging farmers to teach farming, building water conservancy projects, and checking household registration to enrich household registration and restore agricultural production. In addition, Cao Cao also issued decrees one after another to restore the normal rent-and-settlement system and prevent powerful tyrants from annexing small farmers. ..


Chapter 1422 Anecdotes about Cao Cao: Dragon in the East China Sea

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Ancient historical figures had mixed reviews of Cao Cao.

There are those who support Cao Cao, and there are those who belittle Cao Cao.

Chen Shou's "Three Kingdoms" said: "At the end of the Han Dynasty, the world was in chaos, heroes and heroes emerged, and Yuan Shao looked at the four states and was powerful and invincible. Taizu planned and plotted, whipped Yunei, and adopted the magic of Shen and Shang, which was worthy of Han and Bai. The ingenious strategies, official materials, and their own tools. They are free to calculate and do not think about the past evils. They can eventually defeat the emperor's machine and conquer the prosperous industry. However, his strategy is the best. He can be said to be an extraordinary person and a transcendent hero. "

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