The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 1059: Summoning the Strong Generals in the Battle of All Realms

Gao Jianli struggled for a moment and finally fell to the ground.

Li Bai walked to Gao Jianli's side and did not make a move.

He is a poetry immortal. He must maintain his immortality and avoid being stained with blood if he can! .. rm8

Chapter 1439 Gai Nie takes action Gai Nie vs. Li Bai

Li Bai walked up to Gao Jianli and did not take action. Instead, he turned around and looked in another direction.

"Gai Nie, how about we compete?" Li Bai looked at Gai Nie in front of him.

That is the rumored "Sword Master".

Gai Nie held the Yuan Hong Sword in his hand and walked directly out of the crowd without speaking.

"Uncle", Tianming's face was full of worry as he looked at Gai Nie walking out of the crowd.

The man in white clothes on the other side was so strong that he even defeated "Xiao Gao".

At this time, no one knew Gao Jianli's pain, because no one was more eager for extraordinary victory than him.

He needed to inspire the confidence of everyone in the Mo family, but unexpectedly, he failed.

The gap in strength cannot be accomplished by just fighting spirit.


"No problem." Gai Nie waved his hand. As for Li Taibai, he also wanted to fight with him to see whose swordsmanship was sharper.

Gai Nie has a calm temperament and is calm in dealing with things. He came from Guigu Valley and became a master of swordsmanship. He was known as the best swordsman in the world and enjoyed the title of "Sword Master" in the world. However, because of his promise to his late friend Jing Ke, he unexpectedly defected from Qin and took his old friend with him. Jing Tianming, the son of Jing Ke, fled to the end of the world.

Wearing the famous sword "Yuanhong".

Yuan Hong, ranked second among the top ten famous swords in the original "Sword Book", is a rare magic weapon.

The predecessor of this sword is "Crane Hong", which is more famous than Yuan Hong. It is a dragon-slaying sword. It comes from the Xu family, a famous sword-making family. It was made by Master Xu's mother. It was the sword used by Jing Ke when he assassinated the King of Qin.

The residual rainbow is made from fragments of stars that fell from the sky. Although the fragments look like rocks, they can ignite into flames.

This sword is indeed very powerful, but it is also too cruel. While it can hurt people, it can also be harmful to the owner of the sword.

After Jing Ke failed to assassinate Qin, the destroyed Canhong was acquired by the Qin king. The Yuanhong was built on top of the residual rainbow, and was recast by the best swordsmiths of the Qin State by mixing hardware. This eliminated its murderous intent and increased its power. It was given to Gai Nie by the King of Qin for his meritorious service in escorting him, and he became famous in the world as a fearless swordsman. A sharp weapon.

Later, a shark tooth was broken during a fight with Wei Zhuang.

Gai Nie is worthy of the title of Sword Master and is proficient in Guigu swordsmanship.

The vertical and horizontal sword is a sword technique created by the first generation Gui Guzi. According to the way of heaven and earth, it is divided into vertical sword and horizontal sword. To attack a skill horizontally with a horizontal sword in order to gain advantage is called 捭; to attack a position with a vertical sword in order to achieve actual results is called closing.

The "Hundred-Step Flying Sword" is a sure-kill sword with the highest vertical sword skills in Guigu's vertical and horizontal swordsmanship. It is known as "one blade cuts the throat, and a hundred-step flying sword".

This move would be even more powerful if it could be assisted by horizontal sword skills. Gai Nie used this move to join forces with Wei Zhuang's "Across All Directions" and successfully injured the Six Sword Slave.

Changhong Guanri is one of Gai Nie's sword skills. This move has an unexpected coincidence and tacit understanding with the Taoist [Human Sect] head Xiaoyaozi's "Blooming Clear After Snow". The two moves are powerful together.

Guigu Breathing Technique, the secret breathing and breathing method of Guigu Sect, can protect you from poisonous gas for a period of time.


Li Bai, a famous poet, was proficient in swordsmanship - "Qinglian Swordsmanship".

Green Lotus Sword Technique, green lotus blossoms, invincible to all means.

The Taibai Sword Qi belongs to Gengjin sword Qi. It is extremely sharp, intertwined in vertical and horizontal directions, and destroys everything. It is a killing sword technique.

Qinglian Sword Song, Li Taibai's most powerful trick, its power is unknown, and everything is unknown.


Li Taibai obviously knew Gai Nie's abilities and did not dare to be careless.

Gai Nie looked at Li Taibai in front of him, his whole body bursting with powerful sword intent. Everyone could see that behind Gai Nie, a long sword exactly like Yuan Hong kept rising and falling.

It was transformed by Gai Nie's will and formed into substance. It not only breathed in the energy of heaven and earth, but also released light.

On the other side, although Li Taibai was still calm and calm, no one dared to look down upon him, because behind Li Bai, a green lotus was swaying.

An ethereal feeling bloomed from his body, and Li Bai disappeared from everyone's perception.

If everyone hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would have thought that Li Bai disappeared from everyone's eyes.


Yuan Hong versus Qing Lian, Sword Master versus Poet Immortal.

Although the two people did not move at all, every move they made was filled with infinite power.

Make people step back, step back, and step back.

Leave the huge area in the middle to everyone.

Fusu looked at the two people in the area with excitement. On his waist, Tengkong and Huaying kept humming.

They seemed excited.

Fusu could clearly feel the fighting spirit and excitement coming from Tengkong and Huaying.

If he hadn't suppressed them tightly, Teng Kong and Huaying would have rebelled.


Such a good matchup is absolutely not allowed to be missed.

"Buzz", a silver light bloomed on Gai Nie's body, getting brighter and brighter. When the light dissipated, the true body of everyone's light was none other than Yuan Hongjian.

Li Bai couldn't help but wave the Taibai Sword in his hand, his clothes made a rustling sound, and his beard couldn't help but flutter.

The two people seemed to have reached an agreement, and they took action at the same time and quickly ran towards each other.

"Dang", the two people intertwined, and the two swords instantly collided in the air, emitting gorgeous starlight! ..



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